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9/26/2021 9:19:54 AM

The PVP Community Has A Problem

"I'm fairly new to D2, and never played enough crucible in D1 to even learn the maps. Reading these replies is the reason I haven't even attempted pvp or anything of the sort yet. Not looking forward to just getting bug squashed but skilled teams over and over before I can even figure out what I'm doing, let alone the map layout itself, especially with so much to do to keep me busy playing solo already. What incentive as a beginner with random party matching, do I have to attempt this absurdity? From what I can tell... there's a problem here." --XPeePersX I pulled that quote from a reply by a New Light player from a post complaining about the matchmaking nightmare that is Trials right now. When this is how we make New Lights feel, we don't deserve Trials revamps or new maps or modes or anything like that. This is -blam!- disgraceful. I feel the pain of pvp being neglected just the same as you, but this is not okay. I'll repeat, terrorizing new players is not okay.

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  • The biggest problem is cheating, still is, always was. It's more rampant than ever, despite all those stupid anti-cheat gizmos.

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    2 Replies
    • It makes me laugh when people call all pvp modes competitive… there is no matchmaking. A competitive match is where the game looks at skill levels and sorts the matches evenly. This game puts noobs against seasoned players… for one that’s just game breaking.. we need tiers in the game so people can learn and climb up to where they belong. Competitive modes are no different than any mode.. unbalanced mess. The game just caters for die hard pvp players. Bungie forces players to play it for loot which is mind boggling. I like pvp when it’s fair and you are playing against people of your own skill level.. not just to be thrown into matches where you get stomped every game.. it’s soul destroying and that’s the developers fault.

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      18 Replies
      • This really isn’t an issue. Of course a brand new player is going to struggle in pvp in a game they just started playing. And that’s going to be even worse in end game pvp. If this game was setup to where brand new players could come in and know everything right away it would be an incredibly boring game. No offense to the new light player but they just seem to be melodramatic.

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      • The problem is called: Hunters.

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      • Could you DM me that person's name please? I hate that someone feels like this And the motherly instincts are kickin in 😂 I have no issue playing with a new light in PvP and I'm happy to help them learn the maps. I'm not great at PvP by any means but I'm relaxed enough to enjoy helping someone. [b]any body who feels the same way as this person, please just add me. We can sit in private matches if you wanna learn maps and/or practice weapons or we can go straight into PvP if you just want someone to play with. No judgement, I don't get stressed and I always just play for fun. I'm a 30 year old mum so I've got the patience for anything! -DidSquiddinton[/b]

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        6 Replies
        • Toxic PvP sweats, after getting a kill on an unaware/new player - [i]aggressive bagging/emote spamming[/i] "Lmao loser trash get out of my game you garbage HAHAHAHAHA" New players - [i]stop playing PvP[/i] Bungie - [i]Doesn't invest in PvP because of low player numbers[/i] Toxic PvP sweats - "Wtf is this trash Bungie you made a garbage game fix this now" This is why y'all aren't getting new maps.

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          • Trials is end game. But the irony is that Trials is less sweaty than Control is right now. Which shows you how broken regular Crucible is and how hostile it is to new players.

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            57 Replies
            • I’ve been known to play cod pvp a little bit. Not really my thing but some mods are really fun but destiny pvp is a nightmare as a new player (accept mayhem which is top -blam!- tier). The massive skill gap killed my desire to learn but the chad git gud noob stompers plus Bungie forcing it with catalyst objectives and yes I said FORCED! Galvanized my hate for the mode. I’m not one to be told what to do even more so when someone tries to act like I just need to take it no sir not this guy. But it’s really not reasonable to force it in the state it’s in and how it caters to players who’ve been here since day one. I get that they can’t be left behind but that just makes the barrier to entry thicker and the forced matter to be more frustrating. There’s been a reasonable way to alleviate this but it remains to be seen.

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            • 13
              Lately, I have been getting frustrated by the toxicity I'm seeing in Trials. If I hop into solo queue and get matched with two randoms against a 3-stack of gilded flawless, they're going to bag and emote more often than not. I've got a thick skin and an acceptable K/D in Trials, and it even bothers me sometimes. What is a new player going to think when that happens on their first Trials card? And then they complain about the low player count before the Trials revamp...

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              19 Replies
              • It’s just garbage gameplay. If shooting things didn’t feel good in destiny, this game would’ve died a long time ago. The PvP meta has and always will be pathetically bad, with players that support it being equally as pathetic. This community is a joke compared to what it used to be back in the first 2 years of the first game. And this extends beyond pvp as well. In PvE, the community forces the most boring strategies I’ve ever seen for every piece of content that exists. Raids youre forced to use certain guns and mods if you play with randoms, which I’d assume a massive portion of players do. Higher level strikes people require you to use the best stuff or they assume it can’t be done. Dungeons, people ask for the meta as well. This game just sucks to play these days if you don’t have a full team for every activity, and in pvp the team size doesn’t matter because you have to deal with the enemy team spamming the meta anyways. I’ll repeat, [b]this community is pathetically bad these days and it will never get better[/b]. Bungie doesn’t do anything to combat community toxicity except for add either banning to the modes that get bad, or they add champions to force specific load outs since they don’t know how to do anything else. [i][b][u]Bungie needs to save the players from themselves.[/u][/b][/i]

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                • Then they don’t need to play the game.

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                    Yea trials is end game pvp, new lights should start with a more casual playlist like control till they grasp the feel for pvp, go to rumble to improve your 1v1 abilities then jump to comp before attempting trials. Trials isnt reslly meant for new lights and to suggest we should cater end game pvp towards new lights that never played pvp is absurd.

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                    5 Replies
                    • Unfortunately this is inevitable my dude. Granted im not saying it should or should not happen. I personally feel bad for the guy when i say that, don't get me wrong. Trials isn't normally a game mode where a new player will see s lot of success in. Keep in mind, im not trying to say they should get stomped on to the point of feeling powerless at all. However, if your s new player, who's not familiar with the maps, and simultaneously solo queuing, that stuff is unfortunately almost garenteed to happen. Almost everybody in trials has a loadout, mindset, and map knowledge needed to attempt to have successful games. If somebody doesn't have any or all of those, they will struggle. It is a competitive game mode, so what else would you expect? None of this is intended to insult that individual your vouching for. Im simply advocating for you and anybody like thst person to consider the following. Keep in mind idk if you do or don't do any of this, since i don't know you. 1- Get a loadout your comfortable with. 2- learn the maps. 3- find a group of buds you can get along with in pvp, even if your going to solo que again. If either of you feel you like or want to be competitive, then saround yourself with people like you, regardless if you team up or solo que. Nobody has to be a 1 man army. We only learn from mistakes, be it our own, or others. I hope this feedback helps my dude. To recap, no negativity is intended when i say any of this, however when not having a loadout your comfortable with, map knowledge, or a group of buds "regardless of solo queing", players can and will easily get stomped on in trials. Im not saying it should or should not happen, but i feel bad for the person your vouching for. Most importantly of all, i hope they learn those 3 important details. Regardless of how younor they may feel, take care, stay safe, and for the communities sake, Eyes up guardians. Become legend.

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                      2 Replies
                      • A lot of people aren't new to just destiny but online gaming as a whole. More than 90% of the people that play nowadays wouldn't have made it back in the OG xbox lobbies. This new generation of gamers is just too soft. "I haven't learned the maps". So load up a private lobby and get the general layout. Watch gameplay vids and guides to get the gist of how matches go, then it's only a matter of first hand practice. The problem is compounded by the fact that developers don't make quality content anymore because everything is just a money grab. Why make anything meaningful, balanced, and fun when you can do the bare minimum and milk these snowflakes for all they're worth?

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                        • Edited by QUIET: 9/28/2021 9:54:16 AM
                          dude just get good. it was the same for all of us and when we started mp in the early 2000s there was no re-tard protection you got your -blam!- handed until you got good. deal with it snowflake

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                          4 Replies
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                            If they are new to D1 maybe they should not do Trials (supposedly pvp endgame). Only makes sense to be able to compete if they put in same amount of work in pvp to get good as other good trials players. Talk about being fair. You should only get to complain after you reach a certain level of "skill" in pvp. Otherwise you have no right to say anything regarding that matter.

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                            8 Replies
                            • This game should have not came to PC too many hackers

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                            • If the pvp community knew how to read they'd be very upset

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                              • Edited by Demon_XXVII: 9/27/2021 9:55:37 AM
                                [quote]"The PvP Community [b]Is[/b] [b]The[/b] Problem”[/quote] There, fixed it for you 👍

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                              • Game has no pvp, that -blam!- stinky -blam!- make it for lazy tards is not pvp, its trash that how should be called

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                              • The solo que playlist is just to get your feet wet/ add people from to form fireteams and potential friendships. If you are expecting to go flawless in it yikes. Even in a solo only playlist that would be borderline impossible for most.

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                              • I get what you mean I've been helping new lights get their cards done myself Matchmaking is alot better than it was If your bad Don't play till Monday when most of the people are in flawless pools simple as Most new lights don't even play in squads either There's lots of good clans out their that offer support to new lights too so the community ain't all bad

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                              • Edited by TacticalDucky69: 9/27/2021 4:46:12 PM
                                Obviously a new player will be trash in trials and if you think they could or should make it to the light house after a month of playing you’re wrong. Do you think it’s okay for that same player to get free grandmaster nightfall runs? Hell no. Bad players don’t know what the word improvement means. Honestly do you expect to win a competitive tournament in anything with 1 month of experience, no.

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                              • There's a few problem with this argument and quote that should be listed and analyzed before you decided to defend a situation like this. Let's break this down and remove the emotion (they sometimes hide the real problem) and look at this scenario to see where the problem lies. In the game mode or the specific situation problem here? First Sentence "I'm fairly new to D2, and never played enough crucible in D1 to even learn the maps." Analysis: Already admitting to not have the knowledge of the map. The third Sentence "Not looking forward to just getting bug squashed but skilled teams over and over before I can even figure out what I'm doing, let alone the map layout itself, especially with so much to do to keep me busy playing solo already." Analysis: Has a lot they can do solo, things of which if you do those that are in general PvP you can learn the map, the flow of traffic (Where all players go most of the time) but isn't doing so, because they would rather be doing the rest of the other thing that isn't helping for the problem admitted in sentence 1. That's a player choice not the gamemodes fault. Decides to play in a gamemode they have no idea how it works. Doesn't want to get beaten non-stop by good teams, it's a good argument most players don't like that. Others use the opportunity to learn. Final Sentence: "What incentive as a beginner with random party matching, do I have to attempt this absurdity? From what I can tell... there's a problem here." Analysis: For a player that is new light a game mode where you have [b]light level advantage[/b] there is non for a new player. Right from the get-go he already decided to set foot in the deep end without learning to swim and he nearly drowned and blames the pool for being deep. And yes, there is a problem. He went in without learning to swim. A new light won't have the necessary things for the mode to begin with. (Light, gear, experience) Final Verdict: This is not a real scenario or situation. A New Light player can't access Trials without completing the Shaxx Quest which you play 2-3 games of most of the game modes this includes survival. Trials is clearly shown to be end game and when you go to play and choose a card you are accepting what you're in store for. And the Playlist node states "Light level Advantage enables." A New Light will be too low light to go into trials and when you go in all players will be a specific symbol that you will not do a lot of damage and will not succeed." So to even go into Trials the player will have encountered PvP multiple times (Shaxx Quest, General PvP, and Gambit) and have an understanding on how PvP works and how capturing a flag or a point works. I understand what you want to do but you need to understand what you are trying to defend. And sadly it's not a real thing. I myself like to play PvP endgame and I like PvE endgame and I have new light friend that I have taken into PvP and ultimately into Trials where some like it and some don't. But there is something all of them had in common as new light players. A new light player normally stays away from PvP because they don't know much about the game for some time. When they understand how their guns work and what they like to use, they slowly go into PvP to test it out. But they are not incentivized to play Trials right away, they always test out Iron Banner first, because when they first see it, it lasts a whole week and trials only 4 days. Trials shows a portrait that for new players is not attractive it is intimidating at first. This situation is not a game mode problem. It's a false portrayal of a game mode problem when it is actually showing a player problem. Lastly you put the persons ID, that can end up backfiring and may cause a problem for the player. Always put anonymous or newlight. Lastly I think we should all start seeing things from both sides. The PvP crowd hasn't had anything for them for some years and have been on the receiving end of a lot of thing. So a shift for some things for them is fair even if it's not for everyone right away. PvE has been getting a lot of thing for a long time while PvE also took a hit with Beyond Light only PvE got things in return with each season and each expansion, PvP Didn't. PvE kept getting end game, PvP didn't until it did and the integrity of PvP was sacrificed for PvE getting more and more. When Stasis first launched it was made for PvE, PvP saw the effect and the result was everyone lost. The Aspects were made for PvE and PvP same thing showed how strong they really are. Everyone lost. This is a game of 50/50 if we don't play to equal everyone does lose. Because if the PvP crowd doesn't have their side, when PvE is given something and it is then taken to PvP you can see how it will be used to an extreme level by those whose goal is to master the sandbox in PvP. It's a small view of discussion and conversations between a group of 25 PvP players and 25 PvE players I know from college. An agreement can arrive but everyone does need to keep an open mind on what goal to reach. We just need to know first what the goal is. In the previous 2 (Lastly & 50/50) the goal of the conversation was how do we get to an even ground. It was reached without argument.

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                                3 Replies
                                • Actually no. That is a quote from a new player talking about why should he even bother trying, due to what he has read. He hasn’t experienced Trials mm, you don’t even know what you’re quoting. Yeah, if I was new and saw “average” players whine constantly about getting stomped in a top tier pvp activity, I wouldn’t bother with it either. I don’t see what you have a problem with. The dude was smart, he shouldn’t even attempt trials yet. So get off your soapbox and stop lecturing.

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                                • Edited by Facelauss: 9/27/2021 1:55:55 PM
                                  Trials isn’t for new lights tbh It’s endgame not quick play

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