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originally posted in: The PVP Community Has A Problem
9/26/2021 5:38:30 PM

Lately, I have been getting frustrated by the toxicity I'm seeing in Trials. If I hop into solo queue and get matched with two randoms against a 3-stack of gilded flawless, they're going to bag and emote more often than not. I've got a thick skin and an acceptable K/D in Trials, and it even bothers me sometimes. What is a new player going to think when that happens on their first Trials card? And then they complain about the low player count before the Trials revamp...

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  • Tbagging isnt toxic stop whining

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  • Neither is your reply 😂

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  • just annoyed at all the people saying tbagging is toxic

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  • True not toxic. (unt-ish? Yes.

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  • I think the lot of us need to realize that we aren't psychologists, white knights, devout christians when it comes to the well being of [i]new players[/i]. None of us wake up and wonder how they are doing. None of those players get up and wonder how we're doing. What we [i][b]are doing[/b][/i] is overstating online behavior and framing it like it's a pandemic. It's a videogame and people do silly things in it. (Barring death threats etc) Whether it's bagging or being a sweat - that's how these games are. No one in this thread is going to be a Dr. Phil and make this a changing day in their life. Go pop some heads off and feel good about it.

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  • There’s always d-bags like this in every multiplayer game - Destiny is no different. Brand new players shouldn’t go near trials if we’re honest. Then again, where should they go. Control is pure bedlam most of the time, glory isn’t populated enough and then there’s the rotators that only come around every few weeks. Rumble is probably the best bet for a beginner, but when we’re already over 4 years into the life of the game, it’s probably unavoidable that they are going to struggle to get to grips with PvP for quite a while. I would recommend joining a clan and running private matches to practice.

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  • Yeah, good point. Kind of a side note, but it seems to me like the health of Trials relies on having lots of average and low-skill players in the playlist. I don't understand why a high-skill player would taunt players who are obviously at a much lower skill level. If you want those players to stay in the playlist (for you to beat down on), just don't be a d-bag to them. Beat them 5-0 and move on.

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  • You realize you;re playing against teenagers right?

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  • These guys are so good that they go flawless anyway even only playing other sweats. I’ve gone flawless every week since the revamp and even helped a lower skilled friend get his first ever flawless which definitely wouldn’t have been the case before. I know it’s been made possible through the participation of the average and below average player. I want to see Bungie add adept bounties where you can pick any adept weapon you like from the season. Give them something significant to work towards.

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  • For sure. That's a great idea!

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  • Then they need to nerf or remove the emotes and the ability to crouch! This toxicity of videogame characters doing silly gestures must be stopped at any cost.

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  • You want to bag and emote in a close game against evenly-matched opponents? Fine. Bagging and emoting against three solo players when you're winning 4-0 and on your 20th flawless card of the week? You're a trash human. It's the video game equivalent of taunting a 4th grader when you block their shot on a basketball court. Maybe you need that validation to make yourself feel worthwhile, though. Pretty sad.

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  • He's just saying you're acting childish to get so upset about some people doing stupid stuff in a video game.

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  • Edited by A_mo: 9/26/2021 6:07:35 PM
    I just think that people are doing way too much of putting their personal issues into the PvP. I don't emote or "bag." The only in game behavior that gets on my nerves is when someone doesn't do well in a round and then their teammate starts shooting them the next round. And the reason that gets on my nerves is when you look the people up who shoot their teammates, 99% of the time its someone who isn't very good at the game. So for me, and this is just me but everyone should be entitled to their opinion when it comes to this, the extent to which this game just has to nonstop cater to this whiny baby attitude is the problem not videogame character animations. If you can't keep your cool it shouldn't be up to the game to factor that into matchmaking. Its just a never ending cycle that no one should want to contribute to with the letting people believe anything they don't like about the game is everyone else's fault and the best approach is to come up with some nonsense about "toxicity" to get their way. This game could be 10 times more ruthless than what it is, it doesn't need any more extra layers of cable news silliness applied to the way PvP works. Just my opinion though. You can have yours too.

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  • [quote]The only in game behavior that gets on my nerves is when someone doesn't do well in a round and then their teammate starts shooting them the next round.[/quote] I'm an -blam!-. When a teammate does that to me, I always just jump off the map soon as the round starts and they're shooting me.

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  • I think we're talking about different types of behavior here, though. Three stacks of gilded flawless bagging and emoting on three lower-skill, uncoordinated solo players is just unnecessary and, IMO, toxic. There's a simple reason this behavior bothers me. I've said this in replies to other people on this same post. People who act like that are a huge reason people dip out of Trials and never return. I'm an average-skill player in Trials (something like 1.1ish K/D this season), and I want more people like me (or worse, lol) in the playlist. I don't want every single one of my matches to come against people who are ultra gilded flawless and playing with the same two buddies they go flawless with every week. It's not fun. So, in my opinion, people should chill out on the toxic behavior when they are obviously way better than the other team. It's pathetic and takes away from the player population, which in turn hurts the health of the playlist.

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  • Edited by A_mo: 9/26/2021 6:17:15 PM
    Well I'm just never going to be part of the everything is toxicity crowd, but one of the things that kind of tells on lower skilled players (of which I somewhat consider myself one since I didn't really care about trials at all until this season) is that its perfectly fine when this game purposely creates terrible teams for lower skilled players to beat. So, its fine when people are winning. And if they don't win they threaten to leave. I respect your opinion but for someone like me catering to that just doesn't make sense. I play the game a lot and all that means is that its time for the game to come up with preposterous reasons for me to lose based on someone's personal idea of toxicity. Like I said its fine to 5-0 a team of solos as long as you don't have certain seals and the reason the game lets you do that is you're lower skilled and call everything toxicity. That's not going to work out well for anyone in the long run. Its just an instant gratification approach that is not sustainable.

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  • I think you're really misinterpreting what I'm saying. I'm talking about one specific toxic behavior here. I didn't call anything else toxicity. Literally, the one example of sweaty PVP players destroying three solo players and bagging/emoting is the specific behavior I'm referring to. This is anecdotal evidence, but I've heard from multiple friends and seen in numerous forum posts that people get discouraged when they try out Trials and get bagged/emoted by super sweats after losing 5-0. It adds insult to injury and causes people to quit, which makes the playlist less healthy.

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  • If emoting is that bad then that's a pretty low bar to set for something where one of the most important skills is being able to deal with losing a lot and things not going your way. If its that big of a deal they should turn the emoting off. So then we can all sit here and think about the fact that we are mostly all adults who can't handle the animations. Some people paid money for those animations gosh dern it! What are they to do? Like I said people won't quit as long as they win. They won't care about emotes if they win either. Which is telling.

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