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7/27/2021 4:36:12 PM

Paid services are ruining the community

I just want to know why there’s nothing being done about the paid carry community. First of all it’s illegal. But more importantly it’s giving people the idea that they’re not going to be able to do high end/end game content without having to pay someone to do it with them. Destiny has always been a player helps player community but now it’s very rapidly turning into a player forces player to pay for help community. Now I don’t know if Bungie just doesn’t give a shit about people making money off of their property without paying royalties, or if they just simply stopped caring about the state of the community but something needs to change and these services need to be shut down

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  • Edited by Steel Assassin: 7/29/2021 4:12:40 PM
    I'm locking this thread because this changed from a conversation to users insulting each other. Remember to play nice. I will also take this time to reiterate what I said earlier. Paid carries and recoveries are against Bungie's CoC. If you see them being advertised on the forums, report them. If you see them in the fireteam section report them. I and other moderators can only help with anything we see on the forums. For anything you see off the forums, personally I'd recommend reporting that to Microsoft, Sony, etc., whatever platform you see it on.

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  • At this point I strongly believe that bungie is behind that, easy way to make money.

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    12 Replies
    • Edited by Steel Assassin: 7/28/2021 7:25:49 AM
      Recoveries and paid carries are against the CoC. We patrol the forums and fireteam sections daily to remove anything we see breaching CoC, especially these. There are things we're going to miss, though. We're volunteers and we're not going to be able to see everything, all the time. If you see any posts that break CoC, please report them and we'll take a look. For anything you see off the forums, personally I'd recommend reporting that to Microsoft, Sony, etc., whatever platform you see it on.

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      116 Replies
      • Recovs are a symptom of an issue, not the cause of an issue. Can't fault people for making a living by providing a service. I [i]could[/i] learn how to fix my car, but I don't have the time or patience to, so I pay someone else do it.

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        31 Replies
        • Getting your friends to carry you to the lighthouse - good Getting strangers to carry you to the lighthouse for a fee - bad

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          • Edited by torch327: 7/28/2021 4:27:39 AM
            I read all these comments and started thinking "imagine a world where we can't have anything if we don't do it ourselves instead of paying someone to do what we aren't capable of doing". There would be some scary ass houses, decks, yards, vehicles, the list goes on. The day the gaming mentality of"you can have it if you did it get it on your own" evolves to real world scenario of" You can't hire someone to build that deck, you have to build it yourself" I will probably lose my shit. It doesn't matter how someone gets what they have. Jo3y_not4l3nt paying TTV-Ball-licker to get him his whatever is no different than my neighbor paying the local contractor to tear out and build a new deck. The sad thing is those of us who only play regular stuff get regular items and those who are no lifing end game get the same items with a paint job and maybe a somewhat situationally better perk. If people want to pay for that more power to them and it doesn't effect how I play anything. [spoiler]Making lots of popcorn now. I know this is going to bring lots of salt[/spoiler]

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            8 Replies
            • They just have to legalize it, monetize them selves and make it ingame, like warframe did. I know, warframe is no comparison to destiny cuz they are lazy and unprofessional, but their monetization system is awesome.

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            • Edited by RawDoggLoads: 7/28/2021 6:30:15 PM
              Who cares about this? I mean do really care what people do with money and their account. It doesn’t harm you in any way. If someone doing a recov and their better than you. Chances you’ll still face that person on their actual accounts w better stuff suited to their needs. It’s the cheating that’s the problem. I see stacked teams with no recovs stomping people left and right. So recovs don’t matter.

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              4 Replies
              • It’s also the Mfs that take this game to seriously and hate it whenever others have a harder time playing, like bro why are you mad that some people consider gm hard???

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                • So don’t use it. That simple.

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                • Not only that, sharing your login info is against most ToS and CoC, yet people do it all the time. Heck, people give their accounts to YouTubers to review weapons etc... Nobody says anything about that even though it breaks Bungie's ToS. There has even been cases of Bungie employees giving their account info out to streamers to do stuff for them as well. If anything, Bungie hates AFK farmers more than carries and Recovs, just look how fast they patch afk farms in the game.

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                  4 Replies
                  • I think this is mainly a result of lack of in game LFG and in game moderation. I play FFXIV and you really have to go out of your way to find a LFC because the game is very heavily moderated. Destiny, its the wild west due to how its set up. No universal chat with no GMs in game, LFG missing and required to be done on the forums which are clearly not being moderated enough (no offense to the ninjas but you guys are falling behind the surge of advertisements) and Bungie isn't going after Youtube. Litteraly every D2 vid I watch on Youtube advertises a LFC service. I assume Bungie's current legal team is focusing on cheat sites, but carry services hurt just as much as cheats.

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                  • How is it a "player forces players to pay for help community"? How can we be "forced" to pay? I've never had anyone ever try force a recov on me. I joined a clan, added friends and we do everything together. And then we have an lfg chat where we carry people in raids for free. You would have to actively go out of your way to buy a recov. Theres no force. We all have free choice. And we all have the capacity to do things for ourselves.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Just out of curiosity how much are people paying for someone else to play the game for them? It sounds soooo asinine to actually exist. We talking like 50 bucks here? Or are we talking hundreds? If so, that is ducking ridiculous.

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                      • [quote]Destiny has always been a player helps player community[/quote] More like a "KWTD OR KICK" community

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                        4 Replies
                        • It’s not illegal, but is definitely against Terms of Service. And to anyone saying that it doesn’t do any harm it actually does a lot of damage. 1.). Those players are removed from the player pool. That just makes trials/comp worse for everyone. 2.). It incentivizes cheating. Write a program and profit. Use 3rd party applications. Profit. Hack etc. profit. 3.). It discourages others from playing modes that turn into full time jobs for some. Literally, jobs. I would say that 25% if matches are now carries or recovs in my experience. I have screenshots of a team we played on win 5 last night. One guy with a 1.7 k/d and 90% headshot accuracy. His two teammates were a .3 and a .5. It was clearly a recov. The kids had 3.0 trials k/ds this week despite never holding above a .5 in any season ever. Bungie has let this go since D1. They are worse than Activision imo.

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                          13 Replies
                          • Recovs and carries are still a big issue because Bungie refuses to implement proper match making for trials. People are paying for these services because most people that play trials are either cheaters or basement dwellers that have over 2000 hours of pvp played. Until Bungie addresses people that have never went flawless are getting matched up with people that have 50+ flawlesses consistently then it will continue to plague the game mode.

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                            2 Replies
                            • Paid service = you so bad at destiny you shouldn’t play you need git gud

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                            • If you too seem to be reading the same comments day after day week after week dlc after dlc then you may not be alone you my friend have simply entered the twilight zone and this is your signal to get out

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                            • Wake up. Bungie loves them to the point of allowing them to advertise on destiny website they fund. It’s hard to balance protecting the wrongly accused versus protecting cheaters and those who abuse the game to make a fast buck. However bungie has long since over compensated and it’s clear they are not neutral or ignorantly complacent. I wonder will the community ever understand. Bungie tries so hard to let you know they don’t like you but people refuse to accept it.

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                            • Illegal? What laws does it break?

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                            • I don't like carries because i fundamentally dont' get the fun in not earning something. At least for trials. I can comprehend it if all you want is a the reward at the end but well i'm not sure it's ruining the communithy. I think toxicity, sexism towards female players, racism, homophobia, and general male/ young kid toxicity is worse. Luckily that's not everybody. Additionally, I think big issues are stale content, rehashing d1 content people have played a billion times in lieu of new content, that three years on when people need a brand new game with all new armor, planets, patrol spaces, raids and pvp maps people aren't getting it. On the pvp side i think sunsetting, the lack of pinnacles to shoot for, no new maps, stasis, detriments of crossplay, pc cheating, the monotony of still playing the same sort of maps, the removal of maps without replacement, the lack of new pvp modes, the generally unrewarding nature of trials for the majority of players, (same probably for iron banner), lopsided iron banner games, problems in matchmaking in 6v6 modes, the continued perplexing decision to never bring back rift. Now I was never the biggest rift fan by any means. But it did offer a change of pace. but i'd love to know why they hate rift so much that they never brought it back but had scorch cannons. Bonus question i'd love to ask about sparrow racing league. Which was honestly the seasonal event i played most by a country mile because you could get exotics and level with drops. Plus i got good at it. I'll add bringing back old weapons they sunset to make people regrind for them again seems just mean. Also if you're keeping all the weapons ya need vault space which i doubt people are getting.

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                              4 Replies
                              • Paying me to play for you is not illegal.

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                                17 Replies
                                • Find a new game to play

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                                • Undoubtably an issue, but I think "ruins the game" is a flagrant exaggeration and also this is an impossible problem to fix. Going on other peoples accounts to play games has been a thing in every game literally ever, no matter what you do there will most likely be a workaround. The extent at which you do it doesn't matter, you can be getting on a friend's account to buy an eververse item for them or to do a limited time activity for them while they're away, or you could be getting paid hundreds to log on and do 3 raids and 3 flawless cards for a random person. Account sharing is account sharing is account sharing, the logistics of Bungie trying to have any sort of jurisdiction in it is a nightmare. The best they can do is prevent people from advertising it as a service on their forum.

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                                • How prevalent is this issue? Can you link some studies or percentages to better quantify this issue?

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