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7/27/2021 10:48:00 PM
It’s not illegal, but is definitely against Terms of Service. And to anyone saying that it doesn’t do any harm it actually does a lot of damage. 1.). Those players are removed from the player pool. That just makes trials/comp worse for everyone. 2.). It incentivizes cheating. Write a program and profit. Use 3rd party applications. Profit. Hack etc. profit. 3.). It discourages others from playing modes that turn into full time jobs for some. Literally, jobs. I would say that 25% if matches are now carries or recovs in my experience. I have screenshots of a team we played on win 5 last night. One guy with a 1.7 k/d and 90% headshot accuracy. His two teammates were a .3 and a .5. It was clearly a recov. The kids had 3.0 trials k/ds this week despite never holding above a .5 in any season ever. Bungie has let this go since D1. They are worse than Activision imo.

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  • I disagree with the second one on incentivize cheating. More often than not, that person that person cheating may have already been cheating in the first. I don’t believe when people do recovs on accounts they immediately want to cheat. If you know how to do something and and you done it before you don’t need to cheat. For example LUCKYY carries people but he doesn’t have the need to try to cheat because he has carry people to the lighthouse before. Most people that are cheating on carries/recovs have probably been cheating for a while. I mostly agree with the other stuff but I tell people I don’t mind people being carried or recovs. As long as you are not cheating and/or hacking.

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  • Ya most just don’t care about any long term damage. They’ll destroy the game while getting paid and when it’s dead they’ll just move on to the next

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  • This hits the nail on the head.

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  • It can be extremely illegal, for example on Xbox you are trusting someone with your billing address and access to your credit card if it is linked. Ya they can't get cash out but you are trusting a complete stranger from where ever to not spend money. As well not change the email where you would loose access to your account

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    most people work through a site and if the customers account is compromised in any way that person is going to be sued HEAVILY. not sure if they live up to their word so take what I say with a grain of salt.

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  • It’s not illegal if you gave permission. It’s called “permissive use”.

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  • Edited by dirty_pirate_80: 7/28/2021 12:23:54 AM
    Stop making sense lol. Half of these idiots can’t Comprehend what they read.

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  • Edited by Gravity: 7/27/2021 11:22:09 PM
    You are giving permission for one thing, perfect example is if I say hold my wallet that does not mean run off with it or buy beer with my money. That goes into fraud If they change the email and password that goes into theft So explain how that isn't illegal ill hold my breath

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  • Cheating and recovs are two totally different things. If no hacking is going on than its not an issue. And even if bungie somehow magically stopped tecov that wouldnt do anything for cheaters. If anything more people would just buy the cheats themselves and get it done.

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  • I take it that you don’t understand what I said. They can be two different things, but oftentimes recovs incentivize cheating. Do you understand that? And why that is? Paying for a service leads to cheating. Not all recovs are cheating, but when money is brought into the equation, it certainly becomes a problem. Additionally, giving away your account information for someone else to log in under, is also a way to create fraud situations.

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  • [quote]I take it that you don’t understand what I said. They can be two different things, but oftentimes recovs incentivize cheating. Do you understand that? And why that is? Paying for a service leads to cheating. Not all recovs are cheating, but when money is brought into the equation, it certainly becomes a problem. Additionally, giving away your account information for someone else to log in under, is also a way to create fraud situations.[/quote] Playing a game can lead to cheating. Doing anything can lead to an illegal activity. Someone walking a dog could lead to them breaking in to a car. Going to a bar can lead to someone drinking and driving. But most the time it doesnt. You dont demonize a legal action just because it can lead to an illegal one.

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  • I agree but the drinking and driving comparison doesn’t fit because it is outrageously common unlike what you are proposing

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  • Oh… ok…

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