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4/18/2021 12:47:23 AM

Replacing Quickdraw w/ Surplus won't be enough

Shotgun apes will ape and withhold using abilities if they have the chance to have better handling. Surplus is basically Quickdraw if you have full abilities. That being said, shotguns in general need some tuning. Felwinters will still be op due to shot package and opening shot. Ran about 4 IB matches back to back yesterday full of shotgun apes. These guys don't engage, they slide around like idiots firing shots until one lands. If they feel like they're gonna lose, they bail. This is not fun. I became patient with one idiot, 3 slideshot misses, he ran out of ammo so I took my shot a killed him. Again, this is not fun. He was sore after the fact and made it a point to prioritize killing me over anyone else after figuring him out, basically stealing him teams kills, then teabagging after every one. I want some real engagement. Some real gun play that encourages good accuracy and involvement to land a kill. If you're sliding around, firing shots until one actually connects, you should not be proud. This guy looked like a fool. Again, I dodged 3 of his shots before he ran out of ammo. Dude was not going to use a primary and these types of people bail immediately when they realize their shotty won't work because they don't know how to aim. Also, give us dedicated servers, Bungie. Tired of losing a match due to teleporting players.

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    The truth is that bad players are just cry babies. No matter what the meta is bad players will complain about it until a new meta will arise. Then the cycle begins again. Felwinters isn't why you are dying. Your dying cause your positioning sucks. You have bad game sense and your inaccurate. Every time I die it's my fault. I just figure it out and try and do better. Not complain about a shotgun.

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    3 Replies
    • Replace QuickDraw with Iron Gaze. [b][i](Chuckles evilly)[/i][/b]

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    • chaperone...

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      • Edited by xbroggiex: 4/18/2021 7:45:05 PM
        Simple solution to sliding with shotguns is to lock the view of the player to the direction they are sliding and only allow up to 90 degrees of turning from where they are sliding to with a slower turn sensitivity. It would prevent players from sliding and being able to do a complete 180 while sliding to shoot a target behind them. It would also give players opportunities to out manoeuvre the sliding enemy. Then if it can be done only to PvP I'd have it so consecutive shotgun blasts would gain more spread if you didn't give the shotgun a second to go back to normal. It would balance out the fact there is no consequences to spamming shotgun shots. Felwinters probably does need some touching in the range department so it isn't widely better than any other shotty.

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        3 Replies
        • Quickdraw gives felwinters 100 handling. With it removed they should feel more sluggish. Surplus is not enough to compensate.

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          5 Replies
          • High impacts should get a wider spread. Their range is just too much. This will negate being mapped by them in pvp while keeping consistency at a short range and still be strong in pve. Same for fusions rifles.

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          • Felwinter has the same kill distance as other shotguns... it barely changes anything

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            2 Replies
            • So....instead of a dynamic fast paced gameplay, with easy shotgun apes to kill... You would rather teamshoting, and having a lobby full of hardscoping snipers precenting you from doing anything else besides teamshoting and sniping... Interesting.

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            • Remove PvP. There I literally fixed pretty much all the glaring issues with destiny 2. You’re welcome.

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              • Says the guy who uses kid cannons with the casual friendly hunter class.

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                • Agree. Remove shooting during sliding would be a first step. Ridiculous anyway.

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                  1 Reply
                  • Apes always going to ape. And I like apes, they gift me so many kills and help my efficiency look better than it should. The good shotgun players will still be good.

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                  • If shotgun aping works against you it is your fault and the game shouldnt be balanced around you

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                    10 Replies
                    • Edited by FL00FING AB0UT: 4/19/2021 7:38:48 PM
                      Already got my Felwinter clone roll on Seraph CQC. Quickdraw, Vorpal, Range MW, Rifled Barrel, Accurised. Feels exactly as consistent as Felwinter’s despite being a weaker frame, but with the added bonus that you move faster.

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                    • It’s a bandaid fix, but it’s better than nothing.

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                      1 Reply
                      • Have you tried gitting moar gudderer?

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                      • You mean these shotguns? [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url]

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                        1 Reply
                        • You’re correct. You can bet your life savings players are still going to cry about aggressive frames after the QD nerf. I’m mean the nerf hasn’t even happened yet and here we are.... Psstt, fusions are a shotgunners worst nightmare. For the first time ever in PvP I started using bastion last night to just see what all the talk is about and it’s laughable how predictable apes are. And how easy bastion is to use. Oh and one other thing... I’ve never been emoted on or bagged so many times in one night. It was absolutely hilarious to see how mad ppl got over this weapon. Everyone hates shotty apes on the forums. But in actual gameplay? Bastion cleary tilts them more. Absolutely hilarious!!!

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                          3 Replies
                          • Edited by an Ape with a d2 addiction: 4/19/2021 10:41:59 AM
                            Surplus is +50 handling at 3 abilities, +20 at 2 and +10 at 1. Quickdraw's +100 handling currently before nerf. In the rare optimal 3 ability scenario QD's still twice as good, and more realistically most of the time QD's 5 times as good compared to surplus. They're nowhere near each other and the coming QD -> surplus conversion is an extreme nerf to the handling. Felwinters has the same consistent OHK range as a max range opening shot astral / any aggressive frame capping out around 8,5 meters. It's not an outlier. Beelining shotgun apes are among the most predictable players possible. If they're predictable and you're losing to them, you're doing something more wrong than they are. The game already has dedicated servers.The p2p parts of this network hybrid will not go away either. Bungo's stated that.

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                          • They should've removed opening shot.

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                          • This is EXACTLY why i stopped playing PvP. Bungie, you definitely need to read this 👆🏽

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                          • Apes don't put their shotgun away for Quickdraw nerf to even effect them. Quickdraw helps bring your shotgun out quicker to deal with an ape. That and a nerf to bastion, this Is a buff to apes.

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                          • Not weighing in to whether special weapons are balanced but y’all are kidding yourselves by saying shotguns take no skill, I started committing to using a shotgun a year and half ago and would get maybe 2 kills per game and now I get like 10 plus. So there is a lot of skill involved it just takes time to get good and know how to counter them as well

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                          • Edited by Artisan: 4/18/2021 2:43:50 AM
                            It's become talentless apers paradise. Astra-crutchers and Felcrutchers with their hand-scouts. Pitiful. Literally every crutch in the game. Adept weapon crutches - Genius, that one, Genius Bungie. Stasis spamming crutch. All those combined and then multiplied by the masses. Voilà, the state of the Crucible.

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                            6 Replies
                            • Edited by SluGGo: 4/18/2021 8:24:18 PM
                              You’re correct. You can bet your life savings players are still going to cry about aggressive frames after the QD nerf. I’m mean the nerf hasn’t even happened yet and here we are.... Psstt, fusions are a shotgunners worst nightmare. For the first time ever in PvP I started using bastion last night to just see what all the talk is about and it’s laughable how predictable apes are. And how easy bastion is to use. Oh and one other thing... I’ve never been emoted on or bagged so many times in one night. It was absolutely hilarious to see how mad ppl got over this weapon. Everyone hates shotty apes on the forums. But in actual gameplay? Bastion cleary tilts them more. Even the other bastion users we’re getting tilted....Absolutely hilarious!!!

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                            • For 7 years I was someone that refused to ape and would only use sniper, aggressively of course hard scoping is for cowards. But now idgaf, bungie refuse to make any other load out as effective as handcannon + shotgun for more than 1 season every 4 years so yes I'm going to ape the hell out of you and I won't stop because it's literally the most effective way to play. Should it be? No. Absolutely not but this is what bungie want

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