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originally posted in: Season of the Drifter
3/6/2019 3:31:33 AM
I really was hoping for the best and wanted to give this a chance... The reckoning is OK but the the armor is HORRIBLE, and there is no reason to even play for it. NO nice looking stuff, instead we get grandma quilts again. If there was at least a short cloak or sexy boots for my female awoken hunter it wound at least be a reason to play it... Right now - Zero incentive Gambit prime is the WORST THING EVER to be added to Destiny — all it is going to do is to promote more asshole behavior vs. enjoyable cooperative play. Getting pissed off in 10 minutes to the point of saying the hell with it doesn’t help anyone.. And I seriously doubt it if I am alone on this opinion... Doubling down on sweaty is not the way to go... !!! A Destiny DLC should ALWAYS include some PVE content: At least 1 or 2 new strikes, 5-10 new stories, a few new locations / areas to explore, and a raid of some sort... WITHOUT this it should be considered an immediate FAILURE, because you failed at least half of the player community. Nerfing guns when we almost never get ammo for them anyway is basically giving the middle finger to the community... and then you pick the most irritating character and shove him in your face as well... WHO / what #%%# is making these decisions??? Maybe ask a difference balance of players before you just go off and literally WASTE an entire dev cycle... Just sad 😞

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  • [quote]Gambit prime is the WORST THING EVER to be added to Destiny — all it is going to do is to promote more asshole behavior vs. enjoyable cooperative play. Getting pissed off in 10 minutes to the point of saying the hell with it doesn’t help anyone.. And I seriously doubt it if I am alone on this opinion... Doubling down on sweaty is not the way to go... !!![/quote] Spot on.

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  • Nope. Gambit prime is designed to be played as a fireteam. Gambit 1.0 was already supposed to be something you actually try to co-operate to win but people didn't want to do that either and continue to ruin it for everyone else because they play their own way while others are actually trying to play the game. Gambit prime is exactly as Bungie said, gambit but sweatier. Don't like it, don't play it. I don't play PvP when I don't want to, why ruin the game for others because you don't want to try?

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  • Edited by CookieNiki: 3/8/2019 9:47:03 PM
    Why the -blam!- are you coming at me with that stupid "don't like it, don't play it" attitude? Who the -blam!- said I ruin gambit for others? I just agreed with another poster opinion and you just decided to come around trying to bash me? Get lost! Move back to whatever place you came from!

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  • Edited by cycofreak3: 3/9/2019 4:37:25 AM
    Never started bashing you. I simply stated that if you don't like gambit you shouldn't play, it sounds alot like you don't like it. I never said you ruin it, I used the fact that I don't play PvP when I don't want to as an example, you're taking this as a personal attack when it's not. You complained about gambit, I said don't play as in my experience people who don't like gambit but play anyway tend to ruin the game. I never said you ruin it, only that if you play even though you don't want to, you'll probably ruin the game for others who are trying to win because again, in my experience most who don't want to play don't bother or sabotage the game. Sorry that you thought it was an attack, it wasn't intended as one but I can see how the words I chose make it seem that way. I was also just coming off the loss of a win streak to a single random player who decided to play the game however they wanted, ignoring everything.

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  • Thanks! Destiny was founded on different worlds, exploration, strikes, raids, and the core center of Destiny are activities where players worked together to accomplish a goal. The elitism on PVP side has always negatively affected and distracted away from the PVE. I can do some PVP when forced but it is NOT why most all of us enjoyed Destiny for years... going off the Battle Royale PVP deep end is the wrong answer for Destiny. if they would just focus on good ‘positive’ save the world from aliens content it would be so much better... players need to feel good about playing the game together not trying to screw each other over and feeling good about being an ass. And all we seem to be getting these days is depraved, negative, win by being a jerk activities with a Politically Correct wrapper. Hope Bungie is smart enough to stay true to the story line and not chase Epic’s tail...

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  • Maybe it's sweaty developers truly catering to sweaty players... "You know they say like attracts like..." [Kargan Strike]

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  • Edited by Novamicra: 3/7/2019 4:04:03 AM
    I agree with what you said and I add the fact that the new fight of the boss is scrypted you must do the envoys to hit the boss not like in the classic where all appeared it is the bazaar that Shoot everywhere, but it was fun. when the empty card and white only PVE is really a disappointment, people who have JOTUN or 1000 voices have almost won the game already I prefer to stay on the classic gambit it remains and very far the best and I could give a layer of talking about AFK that far from being fired from the game are queued for the next game

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  • Have a like for the "grandma quilts" comment!!

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  • :) Thanks We are be forced to play with the Politically Correct (PC Grandma) 👵 characters and unable to pan down below the lower back because it’s bad to actually be human and want to look at / play with a decent looking character... every other game these days finally got a clue and released characters that actually looked good... Bungie seems hell bent on crusty insects / animal knockoffs wrapped up in yes, grandmas quilts so the 3 people that might get offended because they saw a butt might freak out... it is really out of control ... pretty soon we will be playing with asexual amorphous blobs with that all look alike ... and of course using all the same nerfed weapons... On Tomb Raider we can’t even even have her wear shorts anymore and that is what helped create a gaming icon... so stupid, someone just needs to grow a pair and push through the -blam!- PC BS being shoveled at us constantly these days.. it’s a game let us have a little fun and enjoyment... Back to Destiny, wow, we got an dog emote - it makes the 5 year olds happy that would cry mommy if they saw a nice looking human/awoken shaped body... I guess they don’t think women can be sexy/decent looking while being strong and respected at the same time. They should bring the queen back to whip us into shape, tell us to stop killing each other and make us all work together for a higher / positive / better purpose... But no, it seems they want us grinding in PVP oblivion until nauseated ...

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  • Not gonna lie I prefer the long cloaks. Cloaks like VoG are making a comeback. No more shitty cut cloaks or half done cloaks.

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  • Ok, full kick-ass cloak or no cloak... maybe even a cute blue baseball cap for my awoken female hunter... : ) Something that is more fun to mix things up a little bit.. just tired of the same old crusty garbage... Current set is just boring and uninspired... When is the last time you saw something (not exotic) that you were willing to grind 10 hours to get because of the way it looked??? Can’t say there has been anything yet in D2 for me.

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  • These sets are supposed to glow and give an aura so perhaps when they do it will look cooler

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  • Maybe, but that isn’t going to cut it.. Most players except us few die hard loyalists have no incentive to play the game anymore. Just so tired of literally Grandma Quilt cloaks on hunters and table cloth drapes on warlocks and robot diaper butts on titans... it is beyond old at this point... WHERE is the new creativity and fun??? This stuff is repeated, regurgitated and boring as hell... Glowhoo and the D1 Y3 raid challenge ornaments were good, played until I got them all.. can’t see any of this stuff looking better than that stuff did years ago... Maybe they should just gut the design team to get some new members and replace the PC police with members that will actually push the edge a little bit vs. existing dead center in the PC box... We ‘all’ want something new to play for.. not some x in a book. While this does check off the completionist part of us, it doesn’t check the satisfaction and enjoyment parts... it’s become mundane ... Now with the nerfs on top of the low ammo drop rates, it’s like they want to see how far they can push us off the edge on in a rat hole until we say F the game.. Its like we will never get the character to look the way we want. It’s not like we are asking for a half naked character in a thong on the beach 🏖 having a drink while shooting a vex crawling out of the sand...

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  • Luke Smith is the ‘worst thing ever’ to be added to Destiny! 😆

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  • He really shouldnt be the lead of this project. He is burning this IP to the fking ground

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  • He barely should be running the crayon station & handing out free colouring books at Comic-Con

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  • He is great at designing raids but he is just bad at making these top shelf choices

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  • I'm not sure he is great at designing anything Not one of the D2 raids is memorable, and. VoG (which he gets praise for) was probably already there (from Joe Staten material) Luke is a hack journalist and has no place in a gaming studio (imagine having him tell a professional degree educated coder/artist/engineer, how to do things😆)

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  • Don't worry, they stealth nerfed poweful engrams to make up for the lack of PVE content....

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  • Lol i been getting 5 to 7 up haha

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  • Tess has a bunch of stuff for your wallet. ;)

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  • Lol. She most certainly does. I'm sure Fenchurch found more shit for her to sell for an arm or leg. Lol

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  • [quote]I really was hoping for the best and wanted to give this a chance... The reckoning is OK but the the armor is HORRIBLE, and there is no reason to even play for it. NO nice looking stuff, instead we get grandma quilts again. If there was at least a short cloak or sexy boots for my female awoken hunter it wound at least be a reason to play it... Right now - Zero incentive Gambit prime is the WORST THING EVER to be added to Destiny — all it is going to do is to promote more asshole behavior vs. enjoyable cooperative play. Getting pissed off in 10 minutes to the point of saying the hell with it doesn’t help anyone.. And I seriously doubt it if I am alone on this opinion... Doubling down on sweaty is not the way to go... !!! A Destiny DLC should ALWAYS include some PVE content: At least 1 or 2 new strikes, 5-10 new stories, a few new locations / areas to explore, and a raid of some sort... WITHOUT this it should be considered an immediate FAILURE, because you failed at least half of the player community. Nerfing guns when we almost never get ammo for them anyway is basically giving the middle finger to the community... and then you pick the most irritating character and shove him in your face as well... WHO / what #%%# is making these decisions??? Maybe ask a difference balance of players before you just go off and literally WASTE an entire dev cycle... Just sad 😞[/quote] Gambit Prime and Reckoning are boring and repetitive but it’s early days though. I and am sure others will play these modes but not for enjoyment, not because they are good but purely for the armour - which ironically, only benefits Gambit Prime. I haven’t found either modes to be challenging, exciting - which is disappointing as it cements ma initial opinion on these when I first watched the Vidoc.

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  • If it's boring and repetitive in [i]early[/i] days, that is not a great sign.

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  • [quote]If it's boring and repetitive in [i]early[/i] days, that is not a great sign.[/quote] That’s only me though, others will find it great.

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