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2/28/2019 5:08:48 PM

Season of the Drifter

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  • Why does PVP have to be involved in every GD quest?

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    • Stop forcing pvp!!!!! There is a large part of this community that does not want to participate in your unbalanced garbage.

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      58 Replies
      • > Still no removal of cores even though everyone wants it. > Still no update from the pvp team. > Still no trials. > No new game modes to speak of. > Still no new crucible maps. > Only 2 new exotic weapons. > 1 piece of exotic armor per class. > No new strikes. > No raid. > Only one of two of the new activities even have a unique loot pool. This shit "DLC" is lazy and inexcusable. The shills defending this are the reason Bungie deliver us garbage like this and get away with it. Ill be hopping off this season and playing other shit. Sadly, the awesome lore isnt enough to pad out this thin batch of garbage content and its a shame I wont experience it because Bungie locked it behind some of the worst content theyve ever created.

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        • Why did you guys stop having devs play on the live streams? Those were hilarious

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            How can you find time to post on here with all the bread memes on twitter 24/7

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          • Season of the drift away from this game 😂

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            • the reckoning is so badly designed. location 1/6 on bridge of folly gives you like 50seconds for capture, the rest of them give you35 seconds. why?! stopping to res someone, being knocked back by 1 of the many champions, getting stuck behind a trash mob, even not making it to the next zone fast enough, all of these things make you fail because the time limit is so unforgiving! joining an already in progress game STARTS YOU ON THE DRIFTER'S SHIP! the rest of the fire team can be fighting the boss and you have to walk through the ENTIRE LEVEL to reach them. who the hell thought this was a good idea? then there's the drops. you gave us motes for armour, why not give us motes for guns? there's a 4th slot on the bank, it'd be perfect for it. different motes = different guns. the way you farm for guns at the moment is so infuriatingly bad that it runs the risk of killing the game mode. i've done over successful runs of tier 3 and i've only ever seen 1 gnawing hunger for my entire team. how do honestly expect people to try and farm these weapons when they're so flipping rare? nothing is worse than working your arse off for a tier 3 win only to get a blue item as a reward! lost sectors are better ffs! also, give us a way to manually start the next run instead of starting automatically. so many games are ruined because not everyone is ready or theres only 2 people in the game to begin with.

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            • Bungie: can I have the names of your team that decided weak weapons build strong Guardians during a war to save the last remaining city. I have an Award just for their “genius”...

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            • Some of us just want some new patrol zones on these old ass planets we been roaming for a year. Or updated areas like the plague lands did on earth. Some new strikes. I dont care about raids but I'm sure people do. They need to stop later focusing on one area. And widen that gaze. Season of the difter would have been fine with a few new strikes. And patrol zones. Up date all the venders old stock off world and in the tower like D1 used to do every dlc. And bam every bodys got nee stuff to grind for, new areas to explore. Anuff to hold them over. Same with season of blk armor. Forges and werid puzzles??? That's it 4 exotics??? Come on. If each of those forges cam with a new patrol area. And we got a more complaint story from ada. Like in game cut sceanes. With other vangurd and what not. And a few more exotic armor peaces and a bigger catalog of black armory weapons that exp could have been so much better.

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            • I don’t want to here any update excuse on cores unless you are removing them. Sorry, it just makes the game less fun and thats the reason i play destiny is because it is fun. The core issue has really taken the fun out of the game and made it feel more like a chore to play.

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            • Edited by everwilling: 3/19/2019 11:35:58 PM
              I’m really enjoying Season of the Drifter, I like all the different game modes. Rewards have been solid through out . Matching making can be a little hit and miss at times.

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            • I am absolutely loving this season, the story, the updates, can't wait for more. Also can people for one second please let others enjoy this instead of just hating on everything that isn't 100% perfect. [i]Get over yourselves.[/i] ♥️

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              3 Replies
              • Fix. Ammo. Drops. In. Gambit. Prime. I'm tired of playing game sand losing because I have ammo finder perks everywhere and it all goes to the enemy team. Enemy has one thousand voices and they use it 10+ times before anyone summons primevil, how the -blam!- do they have so much while I get 0 ammo drops, neither green nor purple.

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                • Edited by HotdogJones: 3/19/2019 4:33:12 AM
                  It's impossible to win gambit prime solo. I've never been so shocked at a majority of a community. I've experienced so many... extremely horrible guardians in gambit prime. What the hell has happened to the caliber of players lol? So with that being said, you should definitely not listen to anyone on these forums...90% of people have no idea wtf is going on in this game... It's embarrassing

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                  7 Replies
                  • hello bungie i found my fail and desinstal this programm this is my brake program for ping lose and speed lose look this this is my speed test today

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                  • People just need to up and leave this trash heap and let Bungie put this abomination out of its misery.

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                  • Edited by cycofreak3: 3/20/2019 6:40:31 AM
                    Yo so what's with the clan bounty for PvP this week only working if you're a full fireteam? So far it's forced my group and I into comp and lockdown, 2 terrible places to be that are very poorly designed. Is this another "bug" you didn't see? Cause I'm tired of this shit and so is everyone else. Maybe if you'd tested anything for more than an hour you'd see these things.

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                  • Edited by blade329: 3/13/2019 5:22:13 PM
                    Enhancement cores are a poor way to slow the player down. Nobody likes this system. Some will tolerate it, but that's it. It would have been a much better idea to create currency systems for things that players actually want. The Destiny 1 Strike keys were a good example of this. Currencies and points for rewards are much more positive than grinding to infuse. You should find more positive ways to get players to want to grind the game.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Thanks for giving the try-hards and sweaty streamers the Recluse to bring into Quick Play and -blam!- people who will never be able to get the fvcking gun. Very nice of you!

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                    • Edited by BioShocker65: 3/14/2019 10:43:36 PM
                      [quote][/quote] Tracking rockets Do not track ! Just played a match of gambit prime and I want to turn the console off !!! Invaded twice with Zenobia d and watched about 3-4 rockets whiff by the enemy players even with locking tone on each invasion. The enemy players were the safest people on the screen. It's shit like this that makes people just give up !

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                      24 Replies
                      • Vanguard allegiance rewards are pathetic, I stopped the quest line when I found what we got for finishing them. I’m not even going to start my drifter allegiance knowing what I’m getting at the end. Yet another hyped boredom fest. PASS THAT TO THE DEV TEAM Who comes up with these ideas SERIOUSLY. Obviously not a Dev who plays the game.

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                        19 Replies
                        • Paying for guns we should have never lost in the first place . Thorn , Last word ! what a classy move Bungie hope your fanboys can keep taking the hits to the nuts some day their going to dummy up and think I have that gun don’t I ? Oh wait no Bungie didn’t let me bring it to Destiny 2 so they could sell it back to me 😡!!! What next ? Bottled Air . Magic Beans . Horrible treatment of your players . The new guns yea of course you pay for but the Throwback ones should be free to all , annual pass or not !

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                          8 Replies
                          • Taking two iconic weapons from D1, bring them to D2 but lock them behind a paywall. Scumbag move. The way I look at it right now is those guns are 10$ each. So with Penumbra which D1 gun you bringing back to lock behind a pay wall. I will bet anyone on here it will be the Ballerhorn! How else would they get more people to buy the Anal Pass which has mediocre reviews at best, bring back the Jellyhorn for Penumbra, you heard it here first! I’m callin it!

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                            2 Replies
                            • Boring repeats. Old Gambit ruined. Waste of money. Don’t bother with D3.

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                            • Season of the Already Broken Drifter

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                              • Nova Warp is so incredibly terrible right now

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