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originally posted in: Season of the Drifter
2/28/2019 8:12:53 PM
Crucible, especially comp, is REALLY hurting right now, Cozmo, and I hope to god you guys can see that. New pinnacle weapons [b][u]will not be enough[/u][/b] to draw players into a playlist that is practically on life support right now. If the devs care about the future of PvP in this game, they will pay attention to it now, not six months from now. Comp is a meme and quickplay matchmaking is abysmal. Why, in quickplay, am I, an average player, matched against guys with Not Forgotten, guys who drop (literally) 50-plus defeat games with (literally) 5.0-plus KA/Ds, while the BEST player on my team ends the match with a 0.76? Where is the loot in comp? Trials had a complete set of unique loot to chase — tons of weaons, armor, shaders, emblems. Comp has nothing. Why not put in comp an increased chance for exotic drops? Enhanced armor perks? Pinnacle armor, as well as weapons? Comp-specific bounties? There are so many ways the playlist could be improved, and with Trials not returning, your PvP players are now even more desperate for a compelling endgame PvP experience. Overall, after Black Armory, and now SotD, I am left with a sinking feeling that the devs really do not care about the PvP community. As a PvP player, I am feeling almost totally unheard and ignored by the developers of this game. All I can say is that it's really, really disappointing.

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