Anyone ever wonder why crucible and everything in general got so -blam!-ed up?... just look in the forums. There’s your answer. The community is the most toxic of any game I’ve ever played including MW2 lobbies. All that is done is complaining and bitching about things that Bungie changed to suit the people who were complaining and bitching last. Examples? OKAY!
Let’s take it back to D1. Crucible. People constantly complain about the rate at which they die, shotguns are an issue, snipers too. They minimize special ammo in certain game types. Okay. Community still freaking out? They remove it from the start of the game in certain game types, but put it on the walls... works decently, but shotguns still being complained about.
Fast forward: D2 release: Slower ttk, shotguns snipers and fusions in heavy.
Community: WhAt ThE -blam!- hApPeNeD tO cRuCiBlE?! WhErE aRe My ShOtGuNs AnD sNiPeRs?!?! WhY iS tHe TTK So SlOw?!
Enter forsaken: faster ttks again, shotguns and snipers and fusions in kinetic and energy slots again. Community has a -blam!-ing mental breakdown.
Some people complain about no incentive for comp? Pinnacle weapons.
Players unable to achieve pinnacle weapons freak. “WhErE Is My PaRtIcIpAtIoN TrOpHy?! NeEd My SaFe SpAcE!!”
Same things happening in pve. Couldn’t have s prestige raid in CoO because players who didn’t own the content couldn’t play the content (cus that would just be crazy)
Want to know the must -blam!-ed up part of destiny? It’s us. We -blam!-ed up the game we loved by not letting the developer do their thing. We complained about the way everything was and then complained when they gave us what we wanted. Yes Bungie has made mistakes in destiny: and made good decisions too. Should have left shotguns in the heavy slot (if that means snipers and fusions too, so be it), higher TTK is probably good, content that is included with a dlc doesn’t need to be free, just because you can’t get a gun due to lack of skill doesn’t mean it’s a problem with the gun itself(I will never have not forgotten I don’t think, and yet I know it is not an issue), if you’re playing a team based game mode (comp) expect to face teams (I do get the frustration, I did fabled completely solo, and they could try to prioritize solo que against solo que. like I said there’s things they can do better).
Here’s the last thing I’ll say: negative feedback while still feedback is in and of itself toxic. Instead let Bungie know what they are doing right, and what could be improved without acting like your world is ending and destiny is causing it.
About the pinnacle weapons, the issue is obviously the fact that they exist. I'm serious, it's fine to want to chase something if you're a top players but when matchmaking in QP allows for those same players who have those pinnacle weapons to play against those who don't? That's unfair and shouldn't be happening, it breaks the game, it becomes something people despise. Every choice Bungie make is their choice. Doesn't matter why they make the choice, it's their choice. They COULD minimise the issues several ways we've all pointed out and requested for YEARS but they won't. Instead they let people point the finger at each other rather than at where the issues begin, bungie. People want to chase pinnacle weapons, they get the weapons and then they no longer have something to chase so they go to QP where they know they will stomp people courtesy of bungie. They won't stick to comp because it's super sweaty at the top, naturally. Why should anyone suffer in QP for the sake of someone who wanted something to chase?