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Edited by Actually A Frog: 12/11/2014 1:55:43 AM
Here is what I think should be the story of the next add-on. I'm not going to sue anyone if they use this. Rasputin IS Oryx. In the process of trying to fight off The Darkness, the human souls he used to do it succeeded in driving it back for a time, but in the process were corrupted by it and turned into The Hive. Rasputin, however, is still controlling them, and created Crota to lead them. The reason there are more hive on the moon than earth is that Rasputin saw that he could only defend one planet. Naturally, he chose earth, so he tried to use souls from other planets so he wouldn't have to use any there, because even he couldn't predict what would happen with the Hive. However, the Darkness had already conquered so much that the humans on all the other planets weren't enough, so he had to use most of earth's, too. The numbers of humans anywhere but earth and the moon were so negligible that the Hive soldiers they resulted in were quickly splonked by Fallen, Vex, and Cabal. Stuff happened involving people doing things (which, come to think of it, is also an explanation for the entire history of the universe, but that's beside the point), and eventually he ended up with the technology that the Hive use currently and gave it to them. The Hive use the whole "undead" motif because the Darkness killed them and corrupted their corpses but Rasputin somehow brought them back. Rasputin thinks that during the Collapse, the Traveler enslaved the remnants of humanity somehow (as revenge for using so much of it's energy and/or Rasputin hacking into it to repel The Darkness with human souls?), herded them into the City, and turned them into Guardians so that it could protect itself. So, he wants to break into the City and chop the Traveler into little tiny bullion cubes to free humanity from it. The thing underneath the Cosmodrome that he's trying to protect (which he must REALLY wish he could move to the moon) is the weapon that eats human souls and Light that he used during the Collapse. This would explain why the World's Grave had such an advanced database at it's core that Ghost says that it breaks the "Bekenstein Limit", which is probably a limit for how much data can be stored maximum per unit of the database's mass. I know if you read this far you're probably thinking that it would take someone impossibly derpy not to think of that, but seeing as how people say Destiny has no story, I'm assuming a few people that believe that are smart enough to read this far, but probably not. Now onto what I think should be in the next expansion if Bungie decides to incorporate my theory into their storyline (because the chance that they came up with exactly this is infinitesimally slim)... The Vex on Venus capture some exchange student or something from the Fallen House of Devils while fighting the House of Winter and interrogate him/her/it/mango. They find out that the Fallen know that there is some sort of weapon of Large-Scale Destruction (LSD) under the Cosmodrome, so they start building some sort of gigantic industrial-grade teleporter (or warp gate) on Venus to get to earth. Everyone starts panicking to the point of hilarity. Shortly after Ghost is informed and agrees to get back to the city as soon as he and the player finish whatever stuff they're doing. The previously mentioned "stuff they're doing" involves them running around on earth for a bit looking for tech and ends in Ghost being able to contact Rasputin. They tell each other what's going on, and then Ghost patches him through to the leaders of the City for negotiations. Rasputin refuses to believe that the Traveler has not mind-controlled humanity, but does agree to a temporary truce should the Vex make it to earth in order to dispose of the robots more efficiently. Then comes the best part. The player and co. go to Venus to attempt to stop the Vex device. They succeed, but it turns out the Vex had a plan B. The Vex all pile into spaceships, and the fireteam must engage them in ship-to-ship combat in space. This would introduce a whole new element to jumpships, which is needed because why should the first run-down piece of junk called a ship be just as good as a legendary ship? The fireteam cannot hold out, so they must retreat back to earth where all the Hive and about three NPC Guardians. Rasputin is mildly irked that the City could only spare such a small force, but after a short conversation the truce still holds. Then comes a gigantic battle between the Vex and the combined forces of you and the Hive. When the fireteam loses the first chokepoint, they must retreat to the door of Rasputin's bunker, which is the second chokepoint. The remaining chokepoints are all inside the bunker, each one with fresh Hive reinforcements. I have no idea how the chokepoint system would work, but let's just say that part of the mission must be restarted if all checkpoints are lost. After the main horde of Vex has been fended off, the fireteam has to retreat to the last chokepoint anyway for the boss battle with some big Vex thing. The benefit from having a lot of chokepoints held at the end is that all the remaining Hive reinforcements come to help you fight it. You succeed, blahblahblah celebration, and if completed at the hardest difficulty Rasputin gives you some sort of OP tool as a reward that you can use instead of your super that causes massive amounts of damage to the nearest six enemies, no matter how far away the nearest six enemies are. ---Actually A Frog P.S. If you read this theory, please reply. I am honestly not sure if anyone has read it or what they think of it.

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  • I think it would be alot of work and I'm sure some of it might need to be changed because I'm sure bungie already has alot of that stuff planned out but if there was something like this I think it would be really interesting. Cool idea man

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  • The hive were fighting the warmind during the fall.

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  • Also he cant be him because the hive were trying to attack him so they must be agents

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  • They must want to kill him

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  • I thought I already said that the bunker hive were clearly security gaurds, as the only defense Rasputin would have otherwise would be the completely clean and shiny front door with no signs of battle. Also, where did you get the info that said the Hive were attacking before/during the Collapse? I thought only the Vex had started to attack before the Darkness came.

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  • Play the story it said they gave up the moon during the collapse because of crota before they got to earth so that would mean that Rasputin would still be fine before the darkness got to him

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  • That happened AFTER the collapse.

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  • This is wrong Rasputin cant be orex becasue crota was attacking us before complete collapse he was around before Rasputin went quiet

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  • I really want one have more involvement with rasputin, going into his bunker was the coolest setting yet imo. And I can see how you could get to the hive being corrupted humans but I find it a big stretch that rasputin would be controlling them. Also incorporate how the Fallen could be a small group that the traveler visited before and then left and now they're trying to get back the travelers power

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  • Thanks for commenting. I had begun to feel as if no one would ever notice this theory again, and that stressed me out because it's my first and I was on a bit of a hiatus thinking about a possible link between the Cabal and the Vex. I really like your idea, and if I ever get around to doing more theories you will likely be credited for articles involving this. I mainly got the corrupted humans idea from when I first saw the Thrall. I thought they were some sort of zombie or other former human. Also, I wrote this before The Dark Below and when I played the Rasputin bunker mission I saw that Rasputin had to have let the Hive in and decided to rely on them for defense because there are no wall-mounted turrets or other defense systems, nor are there any scorch marks anywhere to indicate that there once were, the door the player goes through was clearly the only way inside, and if the Hive haven't just decided to use their teleportation techniques (or devices) that are clearly evident in Tombships and certain wizards like Omnigul to just plain teleport through The City's walls, there must be something blocking their teleports, and it would make no sense whatsoever if Rasputin couldn't replicate or imitate that in some way. Also, here's a hint as to my next theory: all we know about The Darkness is that it wrecked stuff and killed people and that Rasputin drove it away. Who says the Fallen, Hive, Vex, and Cabal have any ties to or even knowledge of it whatsoever? They might've been chasing it down to try and kill it, for all we know.

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  • Fire destiny story team hire you. Honestly dude no matter how I feel about destiny I could read or listen to your ideas and enjoy them. You should put them in a blog and keep the ideas going. I'd read it really I would. It's a great story

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  • Wow. That is really flattering. I'll try it, probably by making articles like the one we are currently commenting on, as the person who made it seems to be a player, too. I'll be sure to mention you, too. Thanks!

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  • I'd imagine he's like the AI thing in borderlands.

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  • So glad someone else finally noticed Borderlands, but in my level suggestion he is more like an observer than anything, and the player is the one who contacts him before they know anything about each other, not vice versa. Also, I take back the thing I said about NPC guardians; I'm afraid they might be about as useful as the marines in Halo: make you feel guilty for killing them, but would do less harm if they were enemies.

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  • Man.... You just REALLY need to read the Grimoire on the Hive. Just do that and you'll realize just how far off you really are with this. The Hive are the only race in the game that seem to willingly follow the Darkness. The Vex seem to be outside of everything except for their "God" in the Black Garden. The Fallen seem to have been forced into serving the Darkness, and the Cabal seem to be running from it after realizing that they couldn't defeat it. I honestly thing that by the end of the Destiny series we(Humans, Exo, and Non-Reef Awoken) will have some allies with the Fallen and the Cabal much like how we made treaties and became allies with some of the previous Covenant Forces in Halo. Not with the Vex or the Hive though.

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  • This was actually meant to be more of a speculative fanfic than a theory, and according to every website I visited, wherever you got that info is fanfic too. Also, my OTHER theory involves all the enemy species doing what you say the Cabal are doing, but I haven't posted that one.

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