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7/19/2013 8:04:34 AM
I don't think that someone has to achieve their physical perfection to be happy with their life, so I disagree with you on that. However, I understand the different viewpoint on life. I have always been a happy and optimistic person, but ever since I started my workout on June 1st of this year, I've been even happier. The thing is, I don't go to the gym. I do sit ups, push ups, pull ups, and practice different martial arts. I've been studying a lot of those arts and hopefully I can glean these skills to my schoolwork, I'm not great at studying academically. But that may change. For those who are working out: Good job and keep going. For those of you who used to work out and stopped: Get back on it! Why did you stop in the first place? For those of you who haven't started yet: DO IT!

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