Compare it to other end game activities.. [/quote]
Compare it to [b]other[/b] end game activities.. [/quote]
You just answered the question yourself. End game content gives you end game rewards. It takes months to reach max level with iron banner gear, so it's fine as it is.
Excuse me, English is not my native language, obviously. Just because it gives their rewards doesn't mean it should for the amount of skill/ time/ coordination/ you name it. IB just doesn't compare to trials or the raid in difficulty and you know that.
Trials packages don't require wins at all. You can just as easily get 320 gear from them. And if time is one of the criteria, 4 hours in iron banner getting to rank 5 for one character is just as good as an hour in the raid.
How can it take months there is only a week of ib
...you play iron banner the next time it's here?..