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8/6/2015 10:49:00 AM
Belle. You created this situation by making a women only clan. Exclusive groups based solely on gender. This can never be tolerated. I don't care if you are a woman. Just play with everybody. Block jerks. Have fun. Be yourself. There are many nice people who play this game from both genders.

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  • I have a sister.... ...and the thought of anyone ever treating her that way....

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  • [quote]The stupidity is strong in this one. No, her creation of the clan simply called ATTENTION to what is a VERY REAL problem in gaming...and every OTHER part of life where women seek to move and be treated as equals in situations dominated by men. Especially immature and insecure men. I'm a 47 year-old male gamer who plays this game, and two of my three character in Destiny happen to be female. Although I've known my entire life that sexism is alive and well (and have heard things said about women behind closed doors that would make your hair stand on end in horror) my experience playing this game has been an eye-opener as well. As a man, I am EMBARRASSED by how other MALES (They aren't men) behave when they believe they are dealing with a woman. 1. Many of them simply have NO IDEA how----or lack the self-control to----interact with women in ways that are not sexualized. 2. Many have no respect for BOUNDARIES. They just force their sexualized attentions onto any female that catches their interest...and then rage and become abusive when that attention isn't returned or welcomed. In short. Whenever I'm playing as one of my female characters, I am ROUTINELY chased from either the Tower or somewhere int he game world at least once a week by some forme of sexualized harassment, or unwanted attention. To the point where I have to go to ORBIT to make it stop. As a guy---behind the female toon----I can easily just laugh it off. But I can easily see how this would be very scary and very infuriating to a woman. ...and sadly, one of the best ways women have of combating this kind of ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR on the part of males, is to seek safety (in numbers) in the presence of other women. So no, Belle didn't "create this situation'. What "created this situation" is the fact that here is something really WRONG and really BROKEN in the heads of some males. A situation that we men have the luxury of ignoring and laughing off. They don't have that luxury....because as the Bounty sadly showed....that when some of these guys don't get the response they can go to someplace sick and scary in a hurry.[/quote] Geezus ur self serving. When someone creates a 'clan' with limitations built with restrictions. You open a door. Dads and Dames both. I've been waiting for the all black and or all white clans. Of course she ,nor does any woman deserve it. And because you have a few woman avatars you feel their pain? Ba! Block and report sht heads. I play with 2 fantastic woman every week. A few stupid remarks here and there. But we are SMART enough to separate from them. I will give zero pitty for Dames and zero for all the others that have been getting their mothers banged by everyone since Black ops.

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  • There is a principle called FREE ASSOCIATION. We all have a right to choose who will be----or not be----our friends. So who someone ELSE CHOOSES as their friends is none of my business...whether I agree with it or not. If you---or anyone else---has a problem with that....then YOU have a problem. A BOUNDARY problem. A problem in realizing where you area of legitimate concern begins and ENDS. Sexualized harrassment is a form of sexualized BULLYING...and different people have different abilities to stand up to such bullying. Some women have the ability to stand up to it on their own....other women do not. As I kid, I had the ability (and the necessity) to stand up to bullying on my own, but I also understood those who needed the support of OTHERS to do so. Because they need to feed off the strength of others, to get in touch with their own. At the end of the day, your "zero pity" only reflecs poorly on yoursellf. Your lack of empathy for other...and your own self-absorption. Like one of the Blind Men groping at the Elephant, you are under mistaken notion that Reality is defined by who it looks from YOUR TINY little corner of it. Instead of being one tiny piece of a much larger whole. ...and no, I'm not "self-serving". I'm simply one of the few grown ups in this room. One who realizes that the problems that women face are MUCH larger than a few "stupid remarks". ...a point I realized 25 years ago when a women in my apartment complex knocked on my door BEGGING to be let in. Her ex-boyfriend was stalking her, and she was so scared of what he would do to her, that locking herself up in an apartment with a TOTAL STRANGER (me) was less frightening. So no, I don't know womens' pain because of this experience of this game. I know it, because I see some of the UGLIEST most FRIGHTENING manifestations of it in my work on a daily basis. What was suprising to me---as a result of this game---was how EARLY in life it starts...and how pervasive it can truly be. Even in areas of life you'd think would be free of it.

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  • [quote]There is a principle called FREE ASSOCIATION. We all have a right to choose who will be----or not be----our friends. So who someone ELSE CHOOSES as their friends is none of my business...whether I agree with it or not. If you---or anyone else---has a problem with that....then YOU have a problem. A BOUNDARY problem. A problem in realizing where you area of legitimate concern begins and ENDS. Sexualized harrassment is a form of sexualized BULLYING...and different people have different abilities to stand up to such bullying. Some women have the ability to stand up to it on their own....other women do not. As I kid, I had the ability (and the necessity) to stand up to bullying on my own, but I also understood those who needed the support of OTHERS to do so. Because they need to feed off the strength of others, to get in touch with their own. At the end of the day, your "zero pity" only reflecs poorly on yoursellf. Your lack of empathy for other...and your own self-absorption. Like one of the Blind Men groping at the Elephant, you are under mistaken notion that Reality is defined by who it looks from YOUR TINY little corner of it. Instead of being one tiny piece of a much larger whole. ...and no, I'm not "self-serving". I'm simply one of the few grown ups in this room. One who realizes that the problems that women face are MUCH larger than a few "stupid remarks". ...a point I realized 25 years ago when a women in my apartment complex knocked on my door BEGGING to be let in. Her ex-boyfriend was stalking her, and she was so scared of what he would do to her, that locking herself up in an apartment with a TOTAL STRANGER (me) was less frightening. So no, I don't know womens' pain because of this experience of this game. I know it, because I see some of the UGLIEST most FRIGHTENING manifestations of it in my work on a daily basis. What was suprising to me---as a result of this game---was how EARLY in life it starts...and how pervasive it can truly be. Even in areas of life you'd think would be free of it.[/quote] Ur an attention farmer. Same as this post. Of course there is harassing in all sorts of forms. And as stated prior she nor anyone is deserving. And if ur looking to be rid of it you should completely expand as this post should on the overall expectations. So since my friend has a male avatar and was chased around the tower he pointed out after reading ur post .. Is that sexual harassment? How very great of u. Honestly to help that woman whom was in need.but F u for using it as a talking point to prove u know what woman go through and how that applies to this topic. Harassment as a whole should have no place not only in this community but else where. Trash talk.. Has a fine line of course. And I say I have zero pitty.. I should have and will expand. I have zero pitty for the 100s of post saying how bad we should all feel. I have been reading most of these post and in each one there is always tons of lady gamers saying that they for the most part have had a great experience. So don't try and make me or anyone else feel bad for not jumping on the negative truck because it's not working. So I'll end with. Harassment in a whole is bad for all types. And should not be allowed. And if there was a white only clan out there that said there was harassment I'd ur going to get negative attention from a lot of people ( and ur all a bunch of inappropriate shts). Separation vs segregation ? Same or different? Good luck and have fun.

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  • Edited by GrundleBeans: 8/6/2015 8:41:50 PM
    I don't think you understand like half of what this person said... Your argument is all over the place and assumes they said the opposite of what they said at times. At points you even share the same argument and from reading your previous comments, it doesn't look like you recognize it. I'd suggest doing a review of both sides again.

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  • Projections. Appeals to ridicule. Red Herring Arguments. My you are making sure to hit ALL the logical fallacies in your efforts to suppress dissenting arguments aren't you?? What I am here to do is one simple thing. TO GIVE A REALITY CHECK TO PEOPLE LIKE YOURSELF. Because ALL of your arguments PALE before MY life experience of having to take care of a woman who was doused in gasoline....and then set on fire. Women being shot. Beaten...or simply living in a constant state of fear. A reality check to people like yourself who are either too young or too arrogant and self-absorbed to realiza that THESE are the real stakes we are playing for here. Not a few rude comments....or the actions of a few attention seeking cowards. This kind of behavior is NOT OKAY, because ONE person in every 25 you will ever a sociopath. A person who has a psychiatric disturbance such that they have no conscience....and have the ability to exploit and in many cases physically harm others without remorse or regret. One out of every three of your violent such a person. One out of every three of your serial sexual offenders is such a person. So I really couldn't give a rat's ass about what political point you think you are making here. Because this game can quickly escalate to one that has REAL life-and-death stakes.....and women often never know who is simply the JERK...and who is the MONSTER....until it is tool late. ...and something permanent and life-altering has taken place. So shut up and listen. Sometimes its not about you. ..and this is one of those times.

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  • Truth

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  • [quote]Belle. You created this situation by making a women only clan. Exclusive groups based solely on gender. This can never be tolerated. I don't care if you are a woman. Just play with everybody. Block jerks. Have fun. Be yourself. There are many nice people who play this game from both genders.[/quote]

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  • They do play with everybody

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  • Yeah? And I haven't heard one nice thing said about them, so what's your point ?

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  • Meh people hear what they wanna hear

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  • So the discrimination and salacious attacks on some of the ex members was me reading what I wanted to see? So the testimonials of non-clan members complaining about how they were treated when playing with the dames was me reading what I wanted to see? So watching them play horribly on the Bungie bounty was me seeing what I wanted to see? What about the post game stats of each players and their opponents was me just seeing what I wanted to see? Seems like your doing exactly what your criticizing in face of actual evidence. You can make excuses but the fact of the matter was they played horribly.

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  • Relax champ. It's popular to hate on em, so keep following the bandwagon. No worries. I've had good experiences playing with them. I've seen people on both sides of things, good and bad experiences with them. If you only read the ones about bad experiences that's what you're gonna think. But like many instances, there are good and bad sides to them. There are kinda a lot of them, so painting with a broad brush doesn't really make a lot of sense does it? What does it matter if the ones that participated in the bounty were good or bad? What does that have to do with being a good person? Lol you're such a doofus

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  • Edited by Gønzö: 8/6/2015 7:34:03 PM
    I base my opinion on the facts presented before me and I've seen more bad things than good for the group. I'm not bandwagoning. See bandwagoning would be to have no concrete conception of them, seeing a large group is hating them... Then I hate them because of the groups actions. There are plenty band wagoners on both sides. It's just as popular to defend them too, just sayin.

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  • No its popular to hate on them for a multitude of reasons. It's popular to defend women and the concept of feminism. Haven't seen many people defending the dames as good people. Why? Cause they don't need it.

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  • Edited by Gønzö: 8/6/2015 7:45:27 PM
    It's popular to defend human rights. Third wave Feminism is dumb. People do defend the dames. Not too many defend the dames as good because they aren't good people! ;p

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  • Well I'm not gonna waste my time. You'll think what you wanna think. Also human rights will be a thing when all humans have the same rights

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  • Apparently you've never been in a whites only klan. They're real fun!

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  • Ah, the good ol' days [spoiler]jkjkjkjkjkjk[/spoiler]

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  • [quote] You created this situation by making a women only clan.[/quote] Dude, I'm sure you had good intentions, but this is literally one of the dumbest things you can say.

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  • No I agree with him, it's people getting harassed, then all these people group up and get even more harassed

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  • Yeah, it's almost as if they want to get away from the harassment or something.

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  • Imagine it this way: one of them is a can and the mean person or people is trying to shoot that can, they can easily miss if the can is not in plain sight, but when they group up and there's a stack of cans, they are easier to shoot, so they are trying to get away from the harassment, but they're not doing it right, they're just setting themselves up

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  • Edited by GrundleBeans: 8/6/2015 7:01:29 PM
    That is [b]the worst[/b] analogy I've ever heard here. You literally just objectified women. Basically, you equate men to "guns" that want to shoot defenseless women "cans" that should just take what's coming at them and hope all the bullets miss because in some backwards world of yours attacking one woman is harder than attacking many.. You're suggesting female gamers shouldn't support or protect each other from harm because of a shitty understanding that women aren't small inanimate objects. Maybe instead of making shitty excuses for harassing males, you should look at preventing the harassment so nobody feels like they have to play separately from anyone to feel safe.

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  • Ooo someone's Jimmy's just got rustled!

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