Yes, but notice how all the old gun styles have been done away with since launch?
The old perks that once were prevalent (Field Scout, Rangefinder etc etc) are now either almost entirely missing or rare as hell and/or they are being nerfed.
The old guns feel so good, because they are so strong. They have been introducing more and more perks that are niche perks or are not as obvious like those of old. Which tells me that they are moving in a new direction and if they are moving in a new direction it means that they have decided to change things.
When you look at those facts along with the amount of time and effort they are putting into the weapons of TTK...
- New factions guns
- New Manufacturer specific characteristics and perks
- New class weapons
...All of that shows me that they are gearing up for a change in the way weapons work in this game. So long as that leads to MORE weapon variety and not everyone using the same 5 -blam!-ing weapons then that is only a good thing.
From the looks of the new guns id say they were putting less time in, zero character in them just dull and generic