i would say experiment, experiment a LOT, make notes if it helps (actually, make notes anyway)
...i ended up with setting 3-4, using Med-High Kontrolfreeks, playing on 48'' screen
I play on a 24" monitor useing a low kontrol freek on the sprint and high on the aim
you might wanna use slightly higher sensitivity than i do then - see, i used to play on 7-8 back when i played on 32'' screen, but immediately after i changed to 48'' i realized that wasn't gonna work, tuned down to 3-4, makes a world of difference ;) given you're on 24'' you might be OK with something around 7, nonetheless, i would recommend playing some 5-10 'sample' games on 5 (middle setting), then increase to 7, play at least half the amount of the previously played sample games, then do the same with sensitivity decreased to 3 ...take notes, or even better, record your games to watch them later while doing so this should give you a pretty good idea about what sensitivity works best for you fine-tune '+/- 1' at any time to see if you get better results