I usually play crucible and use snipers in my special slot.
I use kontrol freeks, a long one on my aiming stick.
Also I play on a 24" monitor
Max cuz it was closest to my blops 2 sensitivity
Clit mode, super sensitive
[quote]I usually play crucible and use snipers in my special slot. I use kontrol freeks, a long one on my aiming stick. Also I play on a 24" monitor[/quote] I use 5-8, switch it up every now and then.
I wish max went above 10 because i turn so slllloooooowwwwwww
I play on 2 as ive got used to low sensitivity all up to your play style and preference
The massive butthurt one
I play on max.
Back at release I used a 2 but I was always getting killed by blink shotgun. I found that I can keep my accuracy and have good reaction times with a 5. It is all preference though really.
I play on 4.
I use 6.
Most top players use sensitivities around default since you can actually control your aim and hit a person with a decent strafe. I think 1-2 of the top crucible guys on Xbone play above 7 but that's it. Most of the people saying 10 on here probably aren't that great at crucible. No matter what they say, you CANNOT have absolute control over your aim at those levels like you can at a sensible sensitivity. Against good players a high sensitivity will leave you twitching your aim all over the place trying to deal with a strafe. There are always exceptions, but if anyone saying 10 sens carries over a 2.0 k/d in crucible I'd be surprised.
If I'm sniping it's 4 and if I'm running shotgun 8.
i haven't seen a high level player that snipes that plays on a high sensitivity yet. the players that i respect the most play on 2 or 3. i know that is contrary to what most people are saying on here, but most of them run around with shotguns the whole time, so i wouldn't listen to much that they have to say. idk what your primary is, but if you use tlw you also want to be on a very low sensitivity. i personally play on 2
Play on a 10 You will never look back
I'm used to PC play so I stick with an 8-10, if you can get a feel for how far to move the stick and the speed to move it you can do pretty well with a high sensitivity. if i could get one of those nifty $150 converters I would be able to run with a high hip fire sensitivity and have a more accurate lower one while in ads and would be way better with landing headshots. battlefield has spoiled me rotten with all of its adjustments.
Depends on what I'm doing or play style I want to try out. It's better to mix things up. Although I do wish you could adjust sensitivity for weapon types as well as their aims.
I tend to jerk my shots a lot but get most head shots at 10 might go try 8.
It depends on what kind of player you are. People from the CoD camp tend to have higher sensitivity, but people who came from the halo days tend to have slightly lower sensitivity. I tend to play on 5, it just feels right, not too sluggish, not too loose.
10, I was mercking w NLB and v nasty last night on my hunter. 10 is best just take the time to get used to it
8 perfect.
6 is mine
A technique I learned a while back that improved my k/d and got those sniper headshot kills is starting the match at the highest sensitivity 10. After about half way through the first match I drop it down to about 5 or 6 and the difference is significant. I guess your eyes get used to how fast everything was moving before that once you bring down the speed it makes things so much easier. It's almost like that movie Wanted lol. Try it out, this technique actually works with any FPS. Do that only for your first match and once you adjust yourself you'll be fine.
It's preference, really. I like 7.