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originally posted in: Creatively open this box.
5/12/2015 6:27:54 AM
First. A jar of extra crunchy peanut butter is lathered on the box. Then a bunch of dogs who are allergic to the peanut butter come and try to eat it. They die. The fermenting dog carcasses attract vultures, who carry the dogs to a secluded mountain in Asia. (unknowingly taking the box) as the vultures feed there young, a yeti comes for its monthly sacrifice. They give him the box. He goes back to his humble abode in the mountain side. He tries to open the box with all his might, but cannot. Frustrated, he trays to sick his penis in it. This does not work either. In a hurricane of rage, he throws it off a mountain side, landing in a rice shipment truck. One day later, the box Is found on a plane heading for the us. There are 27 people on this plane. The plane crashes into the Atlantic due to a stray lightning bolt, sent by the god zues. The box lands in the Atlantic, only to be attacked by a shark with a bow tie. You may be wondering," how did the shark acquire this bow tie?" the answer, yes. The shark only puts a hole in the box, causing it to sink to the bottom of the ocean. It rests for years until a volcano erupts on the ocean floor, being pushed onto mainland, causing billions of dollars in damages. The box gets buried, and lost for another year or so. A house gets developed on top of it, angering the now unrested box spirit. The furious spirit drives the hosts off the land, only for you to move in to the low prices house. The box is bot mad with you, in fact, its almost pleased. You come home from work to find writing on the walls saying " follow the arrows" you follow them into your backyard, and dig. You find the box. You open it, succesfully. The box now opened, emits a heavenly blinding beam of light. As the light secedes, you look in, to find... [spoiler]owner of thread insert answer.[/spoiler] [spoiler]not my best work, had to do this kinda Rushed.[/spoiler]

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