originally posted in:Murdererz Row
Anyone looking to run the Crota Raid tonight message me when your on and we can get something together. I have 3 characters I need to run it on so I can make multiple runs. We will make a few normal attempts at each checkpoint but will cheese if we need to in order to keep things moving. If your interested post a reply and I'll add you if your online. I'll also be looking for people with experience, good gear, and good ability to form a hard raid group that can easily clear the entire raid on normal. Please let me know if your interested so I can start putting together a small list of possible teammates.
Side Note:
I've posted a few videos that could help some people understand how the Crota Fight works. I have 2 swordbearer POV video as well if you are experienced with the raid and want to learn the sword I encourage you to check them out. The link to the youtube channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfEUTelg2B-wmPLuzUWfr2Q
Interested in always running raid if I'm on send an invite. CST