originally posted in:Destiny Friends
What game are you currently playing and you plan on playing in order to keep you busy before destiny is released?
I don't know what you guys have been playing but I've been playing Doom
I've been playing a lot more Reach. And Borderlands 2.
Dark Souls, you filthy casuals.
Halo 4
For more discussions about topics like this and a non-console bashing environment, you should join my group. It's called "Destiny Friends"
Dark Souls.
Currently playing: League of Legends DotA 2 Fire Emblem: Awakening Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Soul Sacrifice Why yes, I do have a lot of free time
Mix between Halo and CoD, maybe with some Borderlands thrown in for good measure.
Hotline Miami, BLOP2, Halo 4. But I am getting board of those so if any one could recommend me a game that would be great.
Minecraft and Skyrim
Guilty Gear
Still jumping from Skyrim to Fallout.
replaying infamous 2 probably play the new pokemon X and Y ( that's right , they ran out of colors and minerals to name them with so they gave up and used letters instead...lol) , the LoZ: wind waker will be released this December in glorious cel shaded HD on WiiU with supposedly added features . other than that whatever comes inbetween December and whenever they decide to release destiny next year.
I'm playing everything to keep my mind off the fact that it's not 2014 yet.... (the Witcher 2, Halo 4, COD Black Ops 2, Skyrim, Borderlands 2... this list will grow)
Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Metal Gear Peace Walker
People play sport games?
Starcraft II [quote]Username: ODSTJacob Code: 366[/quote]
Happy to play with anyone on 360
Halo and Borderlands
Downloading some games from the Steam summer sale right now.