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originally posted in:FWC Core
7/5/2013 4:42:31 AM

Ten year cycle?

A member of our FWC forum has asked me a question that has sparked some imaginative but real thoughts about our new love Destiny. For those who do not know the question let me share, [quote]Bungie says ten year cycle. what could possibly hold peoples attention to last ten years in a shooter.[/quote] asked by [b]Ademis [/b]. Now of course we do not really know how they will plan on doing this but while looking around the forums I have come across a few ideas that the people have come up with. The top three are as I list them below [b]A new game every 2-3 years DLC Weekly to monthly updates[/b] Now let me talk a little bit about these three solutions and then I will talk about my own. First we can see that a new game every 2-3 years would be ideal or what most people would think of first when it comes to keeping a game alive for 10 years, especially nowadays where the life span for even the best online games are around 6 months to a year. I can see them doing something like this and after reading an article by Xbox Magazine, where they talk to a few developers which mentioned a few details about Destiny and about the engine it runs on. Senior graphics architect Hao Chan told Xbox magazine, [quote]Over the last four years we have built a truly state of the art engine.[/quote] after reading that I can see how some people may take that as they will make more games with this engine (so sequels to Destiny) or stay in Destiny and just add new DLC to the game to keep it interesting. The developers mentioned that we will be travailing all over the universe and as we know the universe is a very large place even for a video game. Now, I will not spend a whole lot of time talking about DLC because for us gamers we have grown accustom to the idea of DLC and what we can expect. With Destiny though it is harder for us to pin down a certain description of DLC, because with a world so big what could they possible add? A few thoughts that I have jotted down for DLC ideas are the following; New guns, new regions, new planets, new races and new classes. Though most of those can be factored in if they added new planets and/or new regions. The last one on the list that I came across was the idea of a weekly/monthly/yearly bonus content or updates. Now with this it can be considered as DLC so I do not think it is important to talk deeply about this but a few ideas that I had are what most would think of. Bungie loves their small updates and keeping the community involved in their games and I feel like they will go all out with this game with small updates. Such updates could be used to start massive community play dates and as we saw in the E3 gameplay the public events will play a big part of the online features for Destiny. With the public events and weekly/monthly updates they could throw us into large public events with huge bosses or even tell us which region they have added a new boss, so this way we will always be hunting and trying to complete as much as we can. Here comes my favorite part, this is where I tell you all about what I think they will do and honestly I think they will do not (A) not (B) and not (C) but (D) all of the above. While growing with the Bungie team and seeing what they do with their community we can only bet that they will be updating, adding DLC as much as they can. The only think that I can say that I am still unsure about is whether or not they will be making more games with this engine. For anyone to say that they know they will is a stretch of the truth because we still don't know as much as we could about Destiny. This could all be wrong or all be right we will not know until they release of the game. So to wrap all of this up I think the Bungie staff will have no problem keeping the Destiny community interested in their game for the ten years to come. I have told you how I think they will keep this franchisee alive, how do you think they will keep all of us interested for another 10 years? -[i]CodeNameAdam 7/5/2013[/i]

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