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FWC Core

"Preparing for the wars to come"

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originally posted in:FWC Core
Edited by DurrmaiSenpai: 7/7/2013 7:56:10 AM

Starside Echos and the power of your names.

Hi guys. I'm going to put a request before you . It's nothing mandatory. As you know we don't operate like that unless it's something major that could benefit the entire FWC, the community, and Bungie. And even then it's more a sales pitch and letting you make your own decision to meh or f yeah. Here's the pitch. One of our members Mickey Joe belongs to a group of PSN players starting up a clan at the beginning of Destiny called Starside Echos. I joined because the names cool and one of our FWC guys believed in our effort, so why shouldn't I believe in theirs. So I lent my name to their roster to show support and when I eventually get a PS4 I'll be making a Starside Echo character along side the multiple FWC accounts to help them out. In the meantime Echos like the FWC core showed ambition to be at the start of it all in Destiny. So let me introduce or remind you of some of the power you wield as a group and what your names lent could accomplish for each other. I'd like those of you who understand where I'm going with this to join Starside Echos and show them support and to show one of our FWC brothers he's got real friends here with the FWC. This is something we could do for each and one of you down the road. It's sorta the point of the FWC core. I've invited the Echos to place a FWC chapter here. This works like Blackwater the mercenary group. If the FWC is successful in kick starting the other factions into gear early then these types of clans and groupings will appear throughout all the Factions as the game evens out. Might as well get the ground work started with one our members group and work out the kinks and see if it's something that could be viable. I'd like to give this group the chance and the backing of from us as a whole. I'd post a link, but I'm still on a tablet and I'm challenged for some reason lol. So see Mickey and see if the StarSide Echos are a fit for you. Even if their not lend them your name and the FWC logo in your avatar and bolster their member count so they can work with it to attract their target market out in the forums. That's the power of your name attached to these groups. It's just one of the many abilities that the FWC can use to show it's endorsements of its members by supporting each and everyone of you in your own personal goals on the forums. Just remember Mickey it works both ways. I believe that's Bill Clinton knocking on your door lol. Peace brother don't worry about it. Okay so down the road if you got some time give them a new member which is you and lurk like a pro:) who knows you might like me and you get a even bigger PSN friends list.

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