DoD The Unknown Ps3
"Together We Stand"
originally posted in:DoD The Unknown Ps3
So after every clanwars the winner gets naming rights, a fun little tradition that loosemoose started I thought I would keep a log of past names here to remember.
I will edit this post and update it but I might need some people to message or comment as I can't remember them all
Clan Name. Chosen by
DoD Moose lodge loosemoose
DoD Jnapaman. Hyattmarc
DoD Funky Bunch Jnapaman
DoD House of Gambrinus Gambrinus 2nd
DoD The Three Stooges Imajortm
DoD BRB Wife Aggro Jbl2667
DoD Minions of Chrome Chrome_platted
DoD Matadors Of Mayhem Billybradyv2
DoD Fruity Basturds Jnapaman
DoD Lord Saladmans Rejects Gambrinus 2nd
DoD Chromeageddon. Chrome_platted
DoD Chromozomes Chrome_platted
DoD Jack Meisters Stubee00
DoD The J Bees Stubee00
DoD TheKnightsWhoSayNi. Mustangdave68
DoD Napas Narwhals. Indiana_red Ali
DoD Johnsons Juggernauts. Itz_johmonson
DoD Boos T Baggers. AWDboost101
If anyone I've missed can comment and I will edit, I know I've missed some good ones off!!!!