Hey not a member but mature gamer (36) with a mic looking for same thing. Not a pro but ok never done VOG or Crota raids. On ps3 hunter lvl 31. central time zone usually on after 8pm during week and anytime over weekend. Need help with first exotic bounty. Gamer tag is barnraider all lowercase. Add me and we can meet up whenever online.
Most of the time I am on around 10 PM Eastern but there usually is a day or two a week I get on around 8 - 8:30. Send me a friends request cdn_bacon13.
I also struggle with the time zone issue. I play 8-10 (eastern), and find that a lot of the solid raid teams don't start until 10. Shoot over a friend request (psn id:lazarus900) and an invite whenever you see me online. I'd be more than happy to play.
Add me...psn Blatnik. I'm on in different times but always willing to help if not tied up