Gents, apologize for the last minute scratch. Wifey just let me know that Mothers Day celebrations are starting tonight so no raiding for me. Hope you all get some good drops tonight!
Im not going to make it tonight. Just got informed i have to work at 5am tomorrow.
I have a HM crota checkpoint if anyone is interested.
I'm in. Will try to keep the drinking to a minimum until at least 10. Give or take an hour.
Let us know if you are not going to make it. Somebody make sure to send digdoug97 an invite.
Edited by JBriggs71: 5/3/2015 8:02:46 PMYesterdays MVP has to go to digdoug97. Thank you for bringing your talent, exotics, and fatebringer to our humble little group. The way in which you covered the cave opening was nothing short of genius. Unfortunatley you cut your time short with us, because we were clearly not able to play at your level. However, the short time you were with us has given us memories that will last a life time.
I know it is late, but let us know if your going to make it or not.
Planning on it, got a new 32 lock to try out. Good with either raid or both...
Oh yeah.
10:30pm eastern.