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originally posted in:My Dog is a Desticle
Edited by Qwerty: 8/6/2016 5:49:02 PM


//WIP//Quiz Test "Which character are you" --Needs opening --Finish Key --Test // Answer these questions and I will tell you who, in the Destiny universe, champions your ideologies. Quiz [spoiler]1. Traveler. Good, Bad or Neutral? Intentionally? 2. How important is planning in the grand scheme of things? -Very -Not Very 3. You are facing an uncertain future in the Destiny universe, what gets you through? -Faith in Self -Faith in Others -Simple Tenacity 4. What works best? -Unity regardless of skill -Skilled individuals regardless of cooperation 5. Fight or Flight? -Fight -Flight -Why not both? 6. What team dynamic do you view yourself holding? -Leader -Right Hand/Boba Fett -Follower -Wild Card (I just cut the brakes!) 7. What do you want to do most? -Fight -Explore -Learn -None -All if possible 8. The Darkness is... -Power -Fascinating -Survival -Going to DIE!!! 9. You live your life as a slave, with everything taken from you. Left to starve and then set to fight for your superiors' entertainment. Now its time for a change in leadership. How do you overthrow? -Gather your fellow lessers and fight -Solo it, you don't need scrubs holding you back -Steal money over time, buy a yatch, move away and forget your original goals -Find the leaders' leader and then burn it all 10. Does Young Metro trust you? 11. Save your (future?) husband/wife or 7 strangers 12. More important to be Right or to Cooperate? 13. What is the meaning of life? 42, Family, No meaning, Other 14. Why do you fight? -I live for the struggle -I have a responsibility, this is my part to play -This is my home, it will survive 15. What is more important from a project? -What you contribute -What you gain -What the end result is 16. What are you more proud of? -My Seven Bookshelves -My Lamborghini 17. Who do you fight for? -The City -Myself -No One -Other 18. Self Sacrifice? -Good -Bad -Stupid 19. Dregs? -Weak -Bullied -Strong 20. Gjallarhorn pronunciation? -Ghallahorn -Yallarhorn -GuhYallarhorn 21. Most OP class? -Warlocks -Titans -Hunters 22. Fighting Style? -Fists -Sword -Abilities -Hand Cannon -Shotgun -Sniper -Other 23. Describe yourself in three words 24. Write a single, random word 25. Pick one: -Green (Balance and Growth) -Dragons (Fantastical) -Smell (Senses) -Bad (Morality) 26. Without looking back, what question concept was repeated? 27. Did you look back? 28. Did you get it right? 29. Did you enjoy this Quiz?[/spoiler] //For testers. Leave feedback as well. I'll probably slow on the replies, this was just a test. Gimme a little and I'll make a high quality, better version

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    • 1. Traveler. Good, Bad or Neutral? Intentionally? Neutral 2. How important is planning in the grand scheme of things? -Very -Not Very Very 3. You are facing an uncertain future in the Destiny universe, what gets you through? -Faith in Self -Faith in Others -Simple Tenacity Faith in Self 4. What works best? -Unity regardless of skill -Skilled individuals regardless of cooperation Unity regardless of skill 5. Fight or Flight? -Fight -Flight -Why not both? Why not both? 6. What team dynamic do you view yourself holding? -Leader -Right Hand/Boba Fett -Follower -Wild Card (I just cut the brakes!) Wild Card 7. What do you want to do most? -Fight -Explore -Learn -None -All if possible Explore 8. The Darkness is... -Power -Fascinating -Survival -Going to DIE!!! Power 9. You live your life as a slave, with everything taken from you. Left to starve and then set to fight for your superiors' entertainment. Now its time for a change in leadership. How do you overthrow? -Gather your fellow lessers and fight -Solo it, you don't need scrubs holding you back -Steal money over time, buy a yatch, move away and forget your original goals -Find the leaders' leader and then burn it all Gather your fellow lessers and fight 10. Does Young Metro trust you? Yes 11. Save your (future?) husband/wife or 7 strangers Future wife 12. More important to be Right or to Cooperate? Right 13. What is the meaning of life? 42, Family, No meaning, Other Survive long enough to reproduce and spread your genes 14. Why do you fight? -I live for the struggle -I have a responsibility, this is my part to play -This is my home, it will survive This is my home, it will survive 15. What is more important from a project? -What you contribute -What you gain -What the end result is What the end result is 16. What are you more proud of? -My Seven Bookshelves -My Lamborghini My Seven Bookshelves 17. Who do you fight for? -The City -Myself -No One -Other Myself 18. Self Sacrifice? -Good -Bad -Stupid Depends, if it's to save something dumb like a pizza box then it's stupid. If it's righteous, it's good. 19. Dregs? -Weak -Bullied -Strong Bullied 20. Gjallarhorn pronunciation? -Ghallahorn -Yallarhorn -GuhYallarhorn Ghallahorn 21. Most OP class? -Warlocks -Titans -Hunters Hunters, Titans, Warlocks (most op to least) 22. Fighting Style? -Fists -Sword -Abilities -Hand Cannon -Shotgun -Sniper -Other Abilities 23. Describe yourself in three words Silent Cooperative WARLOCKMASTERRACE 24. Write a single, random word Meme 25. Pick one: -Green (Balance and Growth) -Dragons (Fantastical) -Smell (Senses) -Bad (Morality) Dragons 26. Without looking back, what question concept was repeated? A question of Morals? 27. Did you look back? No 28. Did you get it right? I don't know 29. Did you enjoy this Quiz? Ehh

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    • 1. Traveler. Good, Bad or Neutral? Intentionally? [b]I would have to say Bad. I read somewhere that the Traveler has visited other races throughout the universe and just left them. The Fallen were one such race and that is the reason that they attack us is because they want the Traveller. They once had a golden age before the Traveller left them. I believe the Traveller visited us and gave us a golden age and tried to leave before shit got out of control just like every other race and ended up dieing.[/b] 2. How important is planning in the grand scheme of things? -Very -Not Very [b]Very important. It's important to prepare for anything, even the unexpected.[/b] 3. You are facing an uncertain future in the Destiny universe, what gets you through? -Faith in Self -Faith in Others -Simple Tenacity [b]I would say faith in others, but let's be real here, I can't even trust my teammatl9es in crucible to get a kill. I would have to go with Faith in Self.[/b] 4. What works best? -Unity regardless of skill -Skilled individuals regardless of cooperation [b]Unity regardless of skill. I've seen some garbage ass players in Trials of Osiris win because they all stay together and my team wants to split up and see who can lone wolf it.[/b] 5. Fight or Flight? -Fight -Flight -Why not both? [b]Fight, unless you'll get your ass kicked, then flight if you can. If you can't, you're fuc[b][/b]ked[/b] 6. What team dynamic do you view yourself holding? -Leader -Right Hand/Boba Fett -Follower -Wild Card (I just cut the brakes!) [b]I just throw myself wherever I'm needed. If everyone's falling apart, I'll lead. If there's a good leader and nowhere for me, I'll be right hand. If I need to be placed somewhere, follower. I'm a wild card.[/b] 7. What do you want to do most? -Fight -Explore -Learn -None -All if possible [b]Learn. Knawledge is power.[/b] 8. The Darkness is... -Power -Fascinating -Survival -Going to DIE!!! [b]Going to die. Humanity has seen some pretty big shitstorms. This is no different, plus we have undead, immortal warriors who love asking for nerfs.[/b] 9. You live your life as a slave, with everything taken from you. Left to starve and then set to fight for your superiors' entertainment. Now its time for a change in leadership. How do you overthrow? -Gather your fellow lessers and fight -Solo it, you don't need scrubs holding you back -Steal money over time, buy a yatch, move away and forget your original goals -Find the leaders' leader and then burn it all [b]Any sane person would gather their fellow lessens and fight.[/b] 10. Does Young Metro trust you? [b]I'm sure he does[/b] 11. Save your (future?) husband/wife or 7 strangers [b]7 strangers. I'll have to live with blood on my hands for the rest of my life, might as well save more lives.[/b] 12. More important to be Right or to Cooperate? [b]Right. I can't stand cooperating with people. I sound like an asshole, but people just irritate me in general.[/b] 13. What is the meaning of life? 42, Family, No meaning, Other [b]The meaning of life is how you choose to live it. If you want to throw your life away, then by all means go for it. No one's stopping you. If you want to live the best damn life, then do it. It's how you interpret it.[/b] 14. Why do you fight? -I live for the struggle -I have a responsibility, this is my part to play -This is my home, it will survive [b]I have a responsibility, this is my part to play. I don't have anything to say about this, mostly because I find it kind of a random question.[/b] 15. What is more important from a project? -What you contribute -What you gain -What the end result is [b]What I gain. I did a school project with the most lazy classmates possible. They didn't want to do anything. I, however, wanted straight A's for the year, unlike the potatoes at my table who didn't care about their grade. I worked tirelessly for days on this project. I started by doing all the group work on my own, and then fixing all of my teammates work to make sure we would get the best grade possible before working on my work. I guess I have a little kindness in me. In the end, my work wasn't complete because I spent so much time doing everyone else's work. I still got a 91, but if I had to sum up why I did all the work, it was so I, not my group, I could get the highest grade possible. (There's that self-centered prick!)[/b] 16. What are you more proud of? -My Seven Bookshelves -My Lamborghini [b]As said before, knawledge is power. You get knawledge so you can get power. I'm proud of my Lamborghini, but couldn't of done it without knawledge. A better question would be "Would you rather have a Lamborghini or be knawledgeable?"[/b] 17. Who do you fight for? -The City -Myself -No One -Other [b]Seeing as how the Traveller is bad, I fight for The City to rid of what the Traveller brought to us along with the golden age, evil and death.[/b] 18. Self Sacrifice? -Good -Bad -Stupid [b]Good. I'll sacrafice myself to save a random stranger any day.[/b] 19. Dregs? -Weak -Bullied -Strong [b]Bullied. Dregs are like the grunts of the destiny universe. Give a grunt a fuel rod cannon and put a few skulls on and suddenly they are a force to be reckoned with.[/b] 20. Gjallarhorn pronunciation? -Ghallahorn -Yallarhorn -GuhYallarhorn [b]Ghallahorn. Sometimes, I call it Gajallarhorn. (You have to say J, not leave it silent)[/b] 21. Most OP class? -Warlocks -Titans -Hunters [b]Titans. Best support class and they have striker which is ridiculously good. I haven't leveled hammer of sol a lot so I don't have an opinion for it.[/b] 22. Fighting Style? -Fists -Sword -Abilities -Hand Cannon -Shotgun -Sniper -Other [b]Sniper for me. I was once good at sniping, but then I just lost my touch. I don't camp in a headglitch with a sniper, but instead play more aggressively with one. Stillpiercer has a lot of handling so that's why I use it.[/b] 23. Describe yourself in three words [b]Smart, nice (to my friends and family), and self-centered. (Imagine that last one is one word.)[/b] 24. Write a single, random word [b]Frumpy[/b] 25. Pick one: -Green (Balance and Growth) -Dragons (Fantastical) -Smell (Senses) -Bad (Morality) [b]Green[/b] 26. Without looking back, what question concept was repeated? [b]I don't recall any question concept being repeated. If I had to pick one, it would be saving people. (Self Sacrafice and saving either your future spouse or 7 strangers)[/b] 27. Did you look back? [b]I didn't but judging from the next question, I'm going to have to[/b] 28. Did you get it right? [b]I'm assuming not. It might be fighting after looking back (Why do you fight and fight or flight)[/b] 29. Did you enjoy this Quiz? [b]I enjoyed it because I am in a car on my way to Alabama. 10/10 would answer again.[/b]

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    • 1. Traveler. Good, Bad or Neutral? Intentionally? So far as we know the traveler is a good guy for bringing the golden age, but is bad at the same time for stinging the darkness to us causing the collapse. I personally think the traveller advanced us so we would defend it from the darkness, but why was it running? What did it do to cause such evil to hunt it down and destroy it? To many questions we don't know the answer to. 2. How important is planning in the grand scheme of things? -Very -Not Very Very. It seems the Awoken have planned, and played their part for now. The Nine are pulling the strings here in some way and it seems like anything could happen at any time. We can't let another Crota and Oryx situation happen, and at least we know a message was sent to the Cabal empire, so we can prepare for a major Cabal assault in the future. 3. You are facing an uncertain future in the Destiny universe, what gets you through? -Faith in Self -Faith in Others -Simple Tenacity I'd say a mix of all. To keep going I need to be live in myself. To push forward with a fireteam I need Faith in Others. Then it all needs to an held together somehow, it won't just stick. 4. What works best? -Unity regardless of skill -Skilled individuals regardless of cooperation It depends really but I'd like to say Unity regardless of skill. As much of an elitist I am sometimes we were all noobs at one point in the Vault of Glass. Some of us were better than others obviously but to get through the challenges and everything we had to work as one. Its the foundation that leads to being highly skileld, and whenever we face a new threat whatever structure was built on the foundation is cleard and we start all over again. 5. Fight or Flight? -Fight -Flight -Why not both? Fight. No questions asked. If you need to plan do it on the battlefield. 6. What team dynamic do you view yourself holding? -Leader -Right Hand/Boba Fett -Follower -Wild Card (I just cut the brakes!) I usually find myself as a follower but if the team ain't doing very well my assertive side will take over and I'm gonna start giving orders, so maybe more of a leader. 7. What do you want to do most? -Fight -Explore -Learn -None -All if possible Fight and explore mainly. I always like to go new places, but I like to see what challenges await as I explore as well. 8. The Darkness is... -Power -Fascinating -Survival -Going to DIE!!! It gonna die. 9. You live your life as a slave, with everything taken from you. Left to starve and then set to fight for your superiors' entertainment. Now its time for a change in leadership. How do you overthrow? -Gather your fellow lessers and fight -Solo it, you don't need scrubs holding you back -Steal money over time, buy a yatch, move away and forget your original goals -Find the leaders' leader and then burn it all Gather people. As I said earlier unity regardless of skill. 10. Does Young Metro trust you? Sure... [spoiler]Who?[/spoiler] 11. Save your (future?) husband/wife or 7 strangers That's a tough choice... I want to say wife but then seven people would die. Screw it, save the wife. 12. More important to be Right or to Cooperate? Those are two very different subjects, but being right is probably better than cooperation. Being right will lead you to your goal. Cooperation would help but it could send you off in the completely wrong direction if you don't know what your doing. 13. What is the meaning of life? 42, Family, No meaning, Other I'll go with family here. 14. Why do you fight? -I live for the struggle -I have a responsibility, this is my part to play -This is my home, it will survive I have responibility, and my home will survive. 15. What is more important from a project? -What you contribute -What you gain -What the end result is Your contribution. The more contributed, the better the result, the more you gain, that simple. 16. What are you more proud of? -My Seven Bookshelves -My Lamborghini My garage. 17. Who do you fight for? -The City -Myself -No One -Other Everyone, not just the city. Those who are alive, died fighting and those who have died. 18. Self Sacrifice? -Good -Bad -Stupid Depends, it can be for good and bad, but I'll go with good here. 19. Dregs? -Weak -Bullied -Strong Weak, to be honest. 20. Gjallarhorn pronunciation? -Ghallahorn -Yallarhorn -GuhYallarhorn Gjallarhorn. 21. Most OP class? -Warlocks -Titans -Hunters Warlocks [spoiler]I main a Titan[/spoiler] 22. Fighting Style? -Fists -Sword -Abilities -Hand Cannon -Shotgun -Sniper -Other Abilities 23. Describe yourself in three words Determimed, friendly, helpful 24. Write a single, random word Juice 25. Pick one: -Green (Balance and Growth) -Dragons (Fantastical) -Smell (Senses) -Bad (Morality) Green 26. Without looking back, what question concept was repeated? Cooperation/Unity 27. Did you look back? Nope 28. Did you get it right? I hope so 29. Did you enjoy this Quiz? I guess

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      • Edited by e4064495: 8/6/2016 5:23:00 PM
        [spoiler][b]Answers are in bold[/b] 1. Traveler. Good, Bad or [b]Neutral[/b]? Intentionally? [b]I dont know. Its a giant floating ball that doesnt do much. It seems to be rather selfish though.[/b] 2. How important is planning in the grand scheme of things? [b]Very[/b] -Not Very 3. You are facing an uncertain future in the Destiny universe, what gets you through? -Faith in Self -Faith in Others -[b]Simple Tenacity[/b] 4. What works best? -[b]Unity regardless of skill[/b] -Skilled individuals regardless of cooperation 5. Fight or Flight? -Fight -Flight -[b]Why not both?[/b] 6. What team dynamic do you view yourself holding? -Leader -Right Hand/Boba Fett -Follower -[b]Wild Card (I just cut the brakes!)[/b] 7. What do you want to do most? -Fight -Explore -Learn -None -[b]All if possible[/b] 8. The Darkness is... -Power -Fascinating -Survival -[b]Going to DIE!!![/b] 9. You live your life as a slave, with everything taken from you. Left to starve and then set to fight for your superiors' entertainment. Now its time for a change in leadership. How do you overthrow? -Gather your fellow lessers and fight -Solo it, you don't need scrubs holding you back -Steal money over time, buy a yatch, move away and forget your original goals -[b]Find the leaders' leader and then burn it all[/b] 10. Does Young Metro trust you? [b]i dont know[/b] 11. Save your (future?) [b]husband/wife[/b] or 7 strangers 12. More important to be [b]Right[/b] or to Cooperate? 13. What is the meaning of life? [b]42[/b], Family, No meaning, Other 14. Why do you fight? -I live for the struggle -[b]I have a responsibility, this is my part to play[/b] -This is my home, it will survive 15. What is more important from a project? -What you contribute -[b]What you gain[/b] -What the end result is 16. What are you more proud of? -[b]My Seven Bookshelves[/b] -My Lamborghini 17. Who do you fight for? -[b]The City[/b] -Myself -No One -Other 18. Self Sacrifice? -[b]Good (when necessary)[/b] -Bad -Stupid 19. Dregs? -Weak -[b]Bullied[/b] -Strong 20. Gjallarhorn pronunciation? -Ghallahorn -Yallarhorn -[b]GuhYallarhorn[/b] 21. Most OP class? -Warlocks -Titans -Hunter [b]none they all do well in certain situations and not so well in others[/b] 22. Fighting Style? -Fists -[b]Sword[/b] -Abilities -[b]Hand Cannon[/b] -Shotgun -Sniper -[b]Other: fusion rifles![/b] [b]i change it up a lot[/b] 23. Describe yourself in three words [b]logical most times[/b] 24. Write a single, random word [b]space[/b] 25. Pick one: -Green (Balance and Growth) -Dragons (Fantastical) -Smell (Senses) -[b]Bad (Morality)[/b] 26. Without looking back, what question concept was repeated? [b]i dont know[/b] 27. Did you look back? [b]no otherwise id have an answer[/b] 28. Did you get it right? [b]obviously not[/b] 29. Did you enjoy this Quiz? [b]meh. Was alright i guess[/b][/spoiler]

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      • Reply to me so I can answer later

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        2 Replies
        • 1. Traveler. Good, Bad or Neutral? Intentionally? Neutral. He goes where he pleases and gives miracles to the planets and solar systems he is at. Yet he knows the Darkness will be there soon. 2. How important is planning in the grand scheme of things? -Very 3. You are facing an uncertain future in the Destiny universe, what gets you through? -Faith in Self 4. What works best? -Skilled individuals regardless of cooperation 5. Fight or Flight? -Why not both? 6. What team dynamic do you view yourself holding? -Right Hand/Boba Fett 7. What do you want to do most? -All if possible 8. The Darkness is... -Fascinating 9. You live your life as a slave, with everything taken from you. Left to starve and then set to fight for your superiors' entertainment. Now its time for a change in leadership. How do you overthrow? -Steal money over time, buy a yatch, move away and forget your original plan 10. Does Young Metro trust you? Yes? 11. Save your (future?) husband/wife or 7 strangers Wife 12. More important to be Right or to Cooperate? Right 13. What is the meaning of life? Guns. And lots of them 14. Why do you fight? -This is my home, it will survive 15. What is more important from a project? -What you gain 16. What are you more proud of? -My Lamborghini 17. Who do you fight for? -Myself 18. Self Sacrifice? -Stupid 19. Dregs? -Weak 20. Gjallarhorn pronunciation? -Yallarhorn 21. Most OP class? -Warlocks 22. Fighting Style? - Handcannon 23. Describe yourself in three words Badass Mother -blam!-er 24. Write a single, random word Neener 25. Pick one -Dragons (Fantastical) 26. Without looking back, what question concept was repeated? Don't know don't care 27. Did you look back? No 28. Did you get it right? Duh 29. Did you enjoy this Quiz? Yes

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          2 Replies
          • 1. Traveler. Good. 2. How important is planning in the grand scheme of things? -Not Very 3. You are facing an uncertain future in the Destiny universe, what gets you through? -Faith in Self 4. What works best? -Unity regardless of skill 5. Fight or Flight? -Fight 6. What team dynamic do you view yourself holding? -Leader 7. What do you want to do most? -All if possible 8. The Darkness is... -Survival 9. You live your life as a slave, with everything taken from you. Left to starve and then set to fight for your superiors' entertainment. Now its time for a change in leadership. How do you overthrow? -Gather your fellow lessers and fight 11. Save your -wife 12. More important -to be Right 13. What is the meaning of life? [b]42[/b] 14. Why do you fight? -I have a responsibility, this is my part to play 15. What is more important from a project? -What you gain 16. What are you more proud of? -My Seven+ inches 17. Who do you fight for? -No One 18. Self Sacrifice? -Stupid 19. Dregs? -Bullied 20. Gjallarhorn pronunciation? -Yallarhorn 21. Most OP class? -Warlocks 22. Fighting Style? -Swords 23. Describe yourself in three words -Hungry, hungry & hungry 24. Write a single, random word -Stupendous 25. Pick one: -Green (Balance and Growth) 26. Probably 42. 27. Did you look back? No. 28. Did you get it right? There is no wrong answer. 29. Did you enjoy this Quiz? I like a little more foreplay, but it was alright. //For testers. Leave feedback as well *Testing 1-2-...3. Roger that.

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            • Bump so I can answer later when I'm on pc.

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              • 1. Traveler. Good, Bad or Neutral? Intentionally? [b]Neutral[/b] 2. How important is planning in the grand scheme of things? -Very -Not Very [b]Very[/b] 3. You are facing an uncertain future in the Destiny universe, what gets you through? -Faith in Self -Faith in Others -Simple Tenacity [b]Faith in self[/b] 4. What works best? -Unity regardless of skill -Skilled individuals regardless of cooperation [b]Unity regardless of skill[/b] 5. Fight or Flight? -Fight -Flight -Why not both? [b]Fight[/b] 6. What team dynamic do you view yourself holding? -Leader -Right Hand/Boba Fett -Follower -Wild Card (I just cut the brakes!) [b]Right hand[/b] 7. What do you want to do most? -Fight -Explore -Learn -None -All if possible [b]Fight[/b] 8. The Darkness is... -Power -Fascinating -Survival -Going to DIE!!! [b]GOING TO DIE!![/b] 9. You live your life as a slave, with everything taken from you. Left to starve and then set to fight for your superiors' entertainment. Now its time for a change in leadership. How do you overthrow? -Gather your fellow lessers and fight -Solo it, you don't need scrubs holding you back -Steal money over time, buy a yatch, move away and forget your original goals -Find the leaders' leader and then burn it all [b]Gather my fellow leaders and burn it from the ground up[/b] 10. Does Young Metro trust you? [b]I don't know[/b] 11. Save your (future?) husband/wife or 7 strangers [b]Seven strangers, not getting married XD[/b] 12. More important to be Right or to Cooperate? [b]Both, being wrong and cooperating still goes nowhere.[/b] 13. What is the meaning of life? 42, Family, No meaning, Other [b]42[/b] 14. Why do you fight? -I live for the struggle -I have a responsibility, this is my part to play -This is my home, it will survive [b]This is my home, it will survive[/b] 15. What is more important from a project? -What you contribute -What you gain -What the end result is [b]What you gain[/b] 16. What are you more proud of? -My Seven Bookshelves -My Lamborghini [b]My lack of both XD[/b] 17. Who do you fight for? -The City -Myself -No One -Other [b]The city[/b] 18. Self Sacrifice? -Good -Bad -Stupid [b]Dependant on circumstances[/b] 19. Dregs? -Weak -Bullied -Strong [b]good throws[/b] 20. Gjallarhorn pronunciation? -Ghallahorn -Yallarhorn -GuhYallarhorn [b]Jallarhorn[/b] 21. Most OP class? -Warlocks -Titans -Hunters [b]Dependant on situation[/b] 22. Fighting Style? -Fists -Sword -Abilities -Hand Cannon -Shotgun -Sniper -Other [b]Other, pulses/Autos[/b] 23. Describe yourself in three words [b]I need more[/b] 24. Write a single, random word [b]Beanjuice[/b] 25. Pick one: -Green (Balance and Growth) -Dragons (Fantastical) -Smell (Senses) -Bad (Morality) [b]DRAGONS[/b] 26. Without looking back, what question concept was repeated? [b]None[/b] 27. Did you look back? [b]No[/b] 28. Did you get it right? [b]No idea[/b] 29. Did you enjoy this Quiz? [b]I guess.[/b]

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                  • [spoiler][quote]1. Traveler. Good, Bad or Neutral? Intentionally? ✅Good 2. How important is planning in the grand scheme of things? ✅-Very -Not Very 3. You are facing an uncertain future in the Destiny universe, what gets you through? -Faith in Self -Faith in Others ✅-Simple Tenacity 4. What works best? ✅-Unity regardless of skill -Skilled individuals regardless of cooperation 5. Fight or Flight? -Fight -Flight ✅-Why not both? 6. What team dynamic do you view yourself holding? ✅-Leader -Right Hand/Boba Fett -Follower -Wild Card (I just cut the brakes!) 7. What do you want to do most? -Fight -Explore ✅-Learn -None -All if possible 8. The Darkness is... -Power ✅-Fascinating -Survival -Going to DIE!!! 9. You live your life as a slave, with everything taken from you. Left to starve and then set to fight for your superiors' entertainment. Now its time for a change in leadership. How do you overthrow? -Gather your fellow lessers and fight -Solo it, you don't need scrubs holding you back -Steal money over time, buy a yatch, move away and forget your original goals ✅-Find the leaders' leader and then burn it all 10. Does Young Metro trust you? [b] -Probably not. [/b] 11. Save your (future?) husband/wife or 7 strangers [b] Future [/b] 12. More important to be Right or to Cooperate? [b] Right [/b] 13. What is the meaning of life? 42, Family, No meaning, [b]Other[/b]✅ 14. Why do you fight? -I live for the struggle ✅-I have a responsibility, this is my part to play -This is my home, it will survive 15. What is more important from a project? -What you contribute ✅-What you gain -What the end result is 16. What are you more proud of? ✅-My Seven Bookshelves -My Lamborghini 17. Who do you fight for? -The City -Myself ✅-No One -Other 18. Self Sacrifice? ✅-Good -Bad -Stupid 19. Dregs? -Weak ✅-Bullied -Strong 20. Gjallarhorn pronunciation? ✅-Ghallahorn -Yallarhorn -GuhYallarhorn 21. Most OP class? -Warlocks -Titans -Hunters [b]None of the above?[/b] 22. Fighting Style? -Fists ✅-Sword -Abilities -Hand Cannon -Shotgun -Sniper -Other 23. Describe yourself in three words [b]Ghost of Raps[/b] 24. Write a single, random word Shapes 25. Pick one: ✅-Green (Balance and Growth) -Dragons (Fantastical) -Smell (Senses) -Bad (Morality) 26. Without looking back, what question concept was repeated? [b]None.[/b] 27. Did you look back? [b]No.[/b] 28. Did you get it right? [b]Maybe.[/b] 29. Did you enjoy this Quiz? [b]Yes.[/b] [/spoiler][/quote]

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                      • Edited by righty: 8/6/2016 1:27:40 PM
                        1. Bad 2. Very 3. Simple tenacity 4. Unity regardless of skill 5. Fighr 6. Leader 7. All if possible ( but mainly fight and learn) 8. Survival 9. Find the leaders leader then burn it all 10. No 11. Wife/ husband 12. To be right 13. To conquer and become stronger (otherL 14. I love for the struggle 15. What you gain 16. My lambo 17. Myself 18. Good 19. Weak 20. Yallarhorn. 21. Hunters 22. Sword 23. Feeder of worms 24. Dark 25. Dragons 26. None. 27. No 28. Probabaly 29? Yes

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                        • Quiz [spoiler]1. Traveler. Good, Bad or Neutral? Intentionally? -Good, yes 2. How important is planning in the grand scheme of things? -Very✓ -Not Very 3. You are facing an uncertain future in the Destiny universe, what gets you through? -Faith in Self -Faith in Others✓ -Simple Tenacity 4. What works best? -Unity regardless of skill✓ -Skilled individuals regardless of cooperation 5. Fight or Flight? -Fight✓ -Flight -Why not both? 6. What team dynamic do you view yourself holding? -Leader✓ -Right Hand/Boba Fett -Follower -Wild Card (I just cut the brakes!) 7. What do you want to do most? -Fight -Explore -Learn -None -All if possible✓ 8. The Darkness is... -Power -Fascinating -Survival -Going to DIE!!!✓ 9. You live your life as a slave, with everything taken from you. Left to starve and then set to fight for your superiors' entertainment. Now its time for a change in leadership. How do you overthrow? -Gather your fellow lessers and fight✓ -Solo it, you don't need scrubs holding you back -Steal money over time, buy a yatch, move away and forget your original goals -Find the leaders' leader and then burn it all 10. Does Young Metro trust you? -No 11. Save your (future?) husband/wife or 7 strangers -7 Strangers, Hard, but if I can, id save my Wife and 7 People, and ill be the one who dies for it 12. More important to be Right or to Cooperate? - Cooperate 13. What is the meaning of life? 42, Family, No meaning, Other -Family 14. Why do you fight? -I live for the struggle -I have a responsibility, this is my part to play -This is my home, it will survive✓ 15. What is more important from a project? -What you contribute -What you gain -What the end result is✓ 16. What are you more proud of? -My Seven Bookshelves✓ -My Lamborghini 17. Who do you fight for? -The City✓ -Myself -No One -Other 18. Self Sacrifice? -Good✓ -Bad -Stupid 19. Dregs? -Weak -Bullied✓ -Strong 20. Gjallarhorn pronunciation? -Ghallahorn✓ -Yallarhorn -GuhYallarhorn 21. Most OP class? -Warlocks✓ -Titans -Hunters 22. Fighting Style? -Fists -Sword✓ -Abilities -Hand Cannon -Shotgun -Sniper -Other 23. Describe yourself in three words -Loyal, Helpfull and Anoying. 24. Write a single, random word - Destiny 25. Pick one: -Green (Balance and Growth) -Dragons (Fantastical)✓ -Smell (Senses) -Bad (Morality) 26. Without looking back, what question concept was repeated? - dont know 27. Did you look back? - No 28. Did you get it right? - I dont know 29. Did you enjoy this Quiz? -Yeah.

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                          • ]1. Traveler. Good, Bad or Neutral? Intentionally? Bad 2. How important is planning in the grand scheme of things? -Not Very 3. You are facing an uncertain future in the Destiny universe, what gets you through? -Simple Tenacity 4. What works best? -Unity regardless of skill 5. Fight or Flight? -Fight 6. What team dynamic do you view yourself holding? -Right Hand/Boba Fett 7. -All if possible 8. The Darkness is... -Survival 9. You live your life as a slave, with everything taken from you. Left to starve and then set to fight for your superiors' entertainment. Now its time for a change in leadership. How do you overthrow? -Gather your fellow lessers and fight 10. Does Young Metro trust you? Yes 11. Save your (future?) husband/wife or 7 strangers Wife 12. More important to be Right or to Cooperate? Cooperate 13. What is the meaning of life? 42, Family, No meaning, Other 42 14. Why do you fight? -This is my home, it will survive 15. What is more important from a project? -What the end result is 16. What are you more proud of? -My Lamborghini 17. Who do you fight for? -No One 18. Self Sacrifice? -Good 19. Dregs? -Bullied 20. Gjallarhorn pronunciation? -Ghallahorn 21. Most OP class? -Titans 22. Fighting Style? Sword 23. Describe yourself in three words I'm the best 24. Write a single, random word Earth 25. Pick one: -Dragons (Fantastical) 26. Without looking back, what question concept was repeated? Idk 27. Did you look back?no 28. Did you get it right?no 29. Did you enjoy this Quiz? Yes

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                            • 1. Good, yes 2. Very 3. -Simple Tenacity 4. -Unity regardless of skill 5. Fight you coward there is no other option 6. -Wild Card (stay out of my way!) 7. -Fight 8. -Going to DIE!!! 9. -Find the leaders' leader and then burn it all 10. Does Young Metro trust you? 11. Save them all 12. Truth is power 13. To fill your purpose 14. -I have a responsibility, this is my part to play 15. -What the end result is 16. -the skulls of my enimies 17. -The City 18. -Good 19. -Weak 20. -Standard Ordinance 21. -the one left standing 22. -everything 23. HAIL, WOLF KING 24. Fenris 25. No 26. Without looking back, what question concept was repeated? Describe yourself with minimal words 27. Did you look back? No 28. Did you get it right? Yes 29. Did you enjoy this Quiz? No

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                              2 Replies
                              • Edited by Hunter-Max99: 8/6/2016 12:12:07 PM
                                [quote] [spoiler]1. Traveler. Good, Bad or Neutral? Intentionally? -Bad 2. How important is planning in the grand scheme of things? ✅-Very -Not Very 3. You are facing an uncertain future in the Destiny universe, what gets you through? ✅-Faith in Self -Faith in Others -Simple Tenacity 4. What works best? ✅-Unity regardless of skill -Skilled individuals regardless of cooperation 5. Fight or Flight? -Fight -Flight ✅-Why not both? 6. What team dynamic do you view yourself holding? -Leader ✅-Right Hand/Boba Fett -Follower -Wild Card (I just cut the brakes!) 7. What do you want to do most? -Fight -Explore -Learn -None ✅-All if possible 8. The Darkness is... -Power -Fascinating -Survival ✅-Going to DIE!!! 9. You live your life as a slave, with everything taken from you. Left to starve and then set to fight for your superiors' entertainment. Now its time for a change in leadership. How do you overthrow? ✅-Gather your fellow lessers and fight -Solo it, you don't need scrubs holding you back -Steal money over time, buy a yatch, move away and forget your original goals -Find the leaders' leader and then burn it all 10. Does Young Metro trust you? -idk 11. Save your (future?) husband/wife or 7 strangers -Family first 12. More important to be Right or to Cooperate? -Cooperate 13. What is the meaning of life? 42, Family, No meaning, Other -no meaning 14. Why do you fight? -I live for the struggle -I have a responsibility, this is my part to play ✅-This is my home, it will survive 15. What is more important from a project? -What you contribute ✅-What you gain -What the end result is 16. What are you more proud of? -My Seven Bookshelves ✅-My Lamborghini 17. Who do you fight for? ✅-The City -Myself -No One -Other 18. Self Sacrifice? ✅-Good -Bad -Stupid 19. Dregs? -Weak ✅-Bullied -Strong 20. Gjallarhorn pronunciation? ✅-Ghallahorn -Yallarhorn -GuhYallarhorn 21. Most OP class? -Warlocks -Titans -Hunters 22. Fighting Style? -Fists -Sword -Abilities -Hand Cannon -Shotgun ✅-Sniper -Other 23. Describe yourself in three words I am lazy 24. Write a single, random word Schnitzel 25. Pick one: -Green (Balance and Growth) ✅-Dragons (Fantastical) -Smell (Senses) -Bad (Morality) 26. Without looking back, what question concept was repeated? -Idk 27. Did you look back? -No 28. Did you get it right? -No 29. Did you enjoy this Quiz? -Maybe [/spoiler][/quote]

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                                • I like to dip fig rolls into a pot noodle.

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