If you are pissed about this BS upcoming update then let the world know about it!
Go to Twitter f/ucking make a Twitter if you don't have one! Voice your opinion and end it with a good old #StoptheNerf
Make sure to # bungie, activision, destinythegame DeeJ and anyone else you can find.
We should just rename the shotgun to "lead enema". Anything beyond arms reach just tickles a little scrotum for 1-2 damage a pellet. To do any real damage you pretty much have to cram the damn thing up the baddy's ass. A boost to damage with a range nerf (again with the range nerf srsly wtff) isn't really going to go a long way (see what I did there) into making shotguns a more viable option in PvE content. Oh, and the AR nerf is garbage as well. Wonder why the AR is used so much in pvp? Stop giving AR bounties. I like my multitool better anyhow.