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Edited by Onyx076: 2/4/2015 10:22:33 PM

Is this where the "fan-fictioners* meet?

So here's the thing. Fan-fiction was something that I used to be involved in a long time ago. I used to write Final Fantasy, Doom, F.E.A.R. (horror video game for those that don't know it) and countless others. I was also heavily involved in the role-playing scene as well. It was nothing for me to pull an all-nighter if the chat room had a good story going, and everyone contributing. I really enjoyed writing and playing the characters that I created, and coming up with new stories and ideas on a daily basis. I stopped quite a few years ago, mainly because nobody was reading what I wrote (as far as the fan-fiction was concerned) and I felt very insecure about my writing. I've read a lot of stories on here, some very talented writers, with great imaginations and story telling abilities. I want to be a part of that community. So my question here is, if I put in the time and effort to start writing again, and come up with some story/stories for you (the fan-fiction Destiny community) would you guys, and girls, be interested in reading them? I'm not looking for people to praise my writing as the best thing ever, I just want to know that there are people out there reading it, even if they hate it, it's ok to leave me a message and let me know, and if people do like what I write, awesome. I just love to write. I feel that I am a good writer and would love to start story telling again. Let me know what you (as the community), think. Thanks! P.s. I realize that I used the word 'write' a lot, and I apologize for that! My first crack at it ..

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  • I read your story, you can read mine if you wish. It's currently ongoing, up to chapter 7 now. If there is a group for fan fiction writers, or if you guys create one, I would be happy to join. I have never written fan fiction before this, and honestly haven't written much at all before now. Most of my creative writing background has been through years of storytelling for live action RPG's, so I guess it's not so different. I am having fun writing these though, I think I'm now officially hooked. --P.S: As to your story, I found it pretty intriguing. I suppose the idea is that a Hive creature (or direct descendant of Crota is probably more accurate) has been revived as a Guardian? Sounds like an interesting idea, I hope to see where it goes from here.

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    • It's like I said, I'm not looking for people to go "ga ga" over my writing, if a few people enjoy it, that makes me happy. There are quite a few writers out there who have some great stories going. I've seen a lot of them, get quite a few likes and applauses and cheers for more. I'm not looking for that, (well, I am kinda because I want people to like what I write), I just want to know that, what I'm writing, is worth the effort and enjoyed. I would love to see more people pull together as a Fan-Fiction community, and share and critique each others work to help them improve their stories and get better. I would also like to see, people branching and continuing other peoples stories, or even collaborate with the original author and write together, I think that would be fun. Anyway, I took an idea I saw on the forums and ran with it the other day. Some random guy posted as if he were a newscaster reporting from the Tower about a [i]drug[/i] called "Purple Sky" which is code for "heavy ammo synthesis". I thought it was excellent. Very well written, with a great story and extremely believable. So, I took his idea a bit and ran with it for a spell. I posted the link to it, it's the first link in my original comment. The second link that say's "my first crack at it" is actually my first go at a story. I posted it awhile ago, I'm just waiting for someone to tell me whether it's good, bad, or tell me to commit suicide (kidding). Maybe you guys would like to check it out. You don't have to comment, if you don't want to, just hit that "like" button to let me know you at least read it. I just want to get my writing out there, but I don't feel like that's happening. That's another thing the Fan-Fic community could accomplish. Helping new writers' work, get recognized.

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    • I also write fan fiction and wish there was some sort of group for Destiny Fan Fic that all collaborated on certain ideas, mapping out the possible universe of Destiny that, so far, is fairly empty. But to answer your question, there is always someone here who would love to read whatever you write. The RPGers in the community are shy and hidden but we're here and LOVE some make-believe.

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      • I read as many fan-fictions on anything that I am interested that I can. If you create, I shall enjoy, regardless as to the point or anything else. I will read as many that I can, and I'm not saying I'm a fast reader, but I'm trying my hardest to get into the lore of Destiny and it's inhabitants. Should you create a story, I will happily read it. Granted, I'm new to this community as well, so as to whether or not this community will be accepting is something I can not say for certain. If nothing else, I will be.

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