My VT65 has a built in feature that resets the pixels if there is burn in for any reason. Regardless I haven't noticed any burn in at all on my set and I play quite a bit. Sounds like you could use some settings tweaks to help out your picture. I also cycled my TV with still images of solid colors for 72 hours before I even plugged the cable in, so maybe the process I spent 'breaking in' helped me out. Either way, sucks for you.
OpaPANaX-Good to know that there is some success. I can only see it now during hockey games. I'm really hoping my set gets like yours and removes it completely. I kinda think that Blu-Ray animated content is the best for removal as the images are more sharp which means a brighter burn. What are you running for contrast?
Right I was under the belief that new Plasma technology healed itself from burned images. I have had apparent burn in myself on my 2 yr old Plasma but those images have faded.
Are they entirely gone, even on white backgrounds? How long did it take? Did you do anything special to remove them. Have you continued to not play destiny or have you begun again with precautions. Thanks.
Edited by OpaPaNaX: 2/3/2015 8:09:16 PMThe image has completely dissolved. It did take a while (several days) and during that time I had not been playing Destiny. Had played other games as well as watching shows and such. Hmm the whitest background I could source would be the 20th anniversary theme. Where I see no hints of the image. EDIT: Have not taken any additional precautions.