In a society like that which most of us live in today, silence is an arguably an unusual thing. Televisions, computers, phones, various portable music devices. Very rarely are we ever truly isolated and left with nothing but silence, and with the noise pollution that comes with living in an even mildly populated area, even when we have nothing specifically around us making noise, somewhere at a relative distance something is going on that regardless of how faint, you can still hear. Unless you have your own little sound-proof space, live in the middle of nowhere, or have earplugs that actually work (damned if i've ever heard of them), you're not going to be left in a completely noiseless environment for very long.
But we're all had that experience at least once, found a place or had a time where we couldn't hear anything at all because there wasn't anything to be heard. How did you feel? Or if you encounter relative silence on a constant basis, how does it make you feel? Isolated? Frightened? Peaceful?
Personally, I don't ordinarily mind silence, I think it can be very relaxing and make focusing easier, at least in an average, every day sort of setting. There are some environments where it can have just the opposite effect and make things seem ominous or haunting.
Unsettling silence is going into one of those quiet boxes that they do hearing tests in. Its unnaturally silent.