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Edited by Radiantsniper89: 2/4/2015 1:40:15 AM

Get Creative: If you could make a third super...

If you could make a third super for your guardian what would it be?

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  • [b]Titan[/b] [b]Super (Fists of Light): [/b] Kind of like radiance where you surround yourself in flames but it makes your melee do 3× damage and much faster attack speed. Your grenade is replaced temporally with a second melee (allows for fast spam of melee). Unlike radiance there is no grenade or melee cooldown. [b]Grenade (Solar Flare): [/b] Disorients . On players it inverts all controls. [b]Melee (Swift Flame): [/b] When melee is charged the attack speed is much faster.

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  • I can only think of a titan super where you taunt a enemy and you will become a guardian who exist completly out of steel. So you can take a few hits and you can actually tank a enemy.

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  • A Titan Solar Subclass can summon a solar sword that is like the sword from Crotas End and can deal solar damage

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  • Warlock: Arc: Tempest Super: Bring in an arc 'Pet' for short duration of time Grenade: A wall stick like grenade Melee: Increase elemental damage for short period of time Hunter: Void: Trapper Super: Vortex Grenade: Void like solar grenade Melee: Reduce movement speed of target for short period of time Titan: Solar: Crusader Super: Increase party regen and reload speed Grenade: Solar Axion Melee: Increases damage on target for short period of time

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  • Edited by SREDISKRAD: 2/7/2015 11:40:01 PM
    Titan: Warrior: [i]Raised through millennia to defend what we stand for and to destroy all who oppose that which we defend.[/i] (Solar) Nades: Firecrackers: Lots and lots of small explosions over a decent area. (2 meter radius.) Steilhand: Tick Tick boom, shrapnel from the grenade causes extra damage to players (20% grenade damage) Thermodynamic: This grenade comes in a range of flavours, it superheats all opponents and then supercools them, the resultant thermal shock should kill them. Jump: Jet boost: burst into the air above all obstacles or apply to slow descent. Solar spring: Burst into light as you spring higher into the air (basically a fancy blink) JATO: Press and hold X/A to use (Playstation/XBox respectively) maximum burst of 3 seconds but can propel you forwards quickly if you press and hold without jumping. Melee: Hand of God: Deal a blistering strike to the opponent, so hot you burn them for a second. Belief: You trust in the lord to power up even more, doing extra damage and double burn time Sacrafice: You lose health (10%) when you strike the opponent, but in doing so, gain an overshield (60% health equiv) and 1.3% weapon damage for 10 seconds Adrenaline rush: So tense your punch flies out 50% faster and deals more damage. You then slow down by 10% afterwards for 10 seconds. Super: (Now, to try something cleverer, Race specific: Human: Indomitable Spirit. Your health doubles and your primary weapon damage is increased by 150%, however, you move slower. This lasts for 30 seconds. Wolfs Hunger: You crave blood, see enemies through walls (counter by hunters who are invisible) Dragonskin: Your defence doubles as well however, your movement is halved at the weight of your new defence. Spartan: Health is only increased by 150% and movement is reduced to just 75%, however, your primary weapon deals double damage. Exo: War Machine Reloading is almost instantaneous with any weapon for 1 minute and incoming damage is reduced 20% Augmented reality: Targets are marked in your sight, making them easier to spot. Invisible enemies are immune to this. Laser vision: Enemies you see are marked by your centre of vision, this will mark that spot in allies views for 5 seconds. Hydraulic arms: All weapon kickback is made void while using War Machine. Awoken: Big Bang Not powerful enough to create another universe start, but you blow up the area around you with huge energy (radius 7m) Sunsnap: The residual heat is enough to deal damage to enemy players that walk in that area, lasts 10 seconds. Bigger Bang: extend radius out another 2 meters, however, deal 10% damage to your health and keep it at that health for 5 seconds while you recuperate from that energy exertion. Nuke!: aim it in the air and explode on impact, leaving behind a small residual aoe cloud that deals a little damage over time but lasts 20 seconds. Perk 1: Crusader: more armour and speed Bandit: more speed and recovery Knight: More armour and recovery. Perk 2: sticky nades: all grenades now have the ability to stick. Weapon Mastery: Reload times slowly become quicker the more you use a certain weapon without swapping it out of your setup (Max is 30%) Lamb of god: if you die, you start with 50% built up in your melee and grenade. Perk 3: Legionary: Focus on armour above all Athlete: All training on speed Physician: Heal thyself faster with more recovery. Perk 4: Atheist: You explain everything with science, gain an extra 10% weapon proficiency to all stats while you do so (built up over time the more you use a gun.) Militant Extremist: More ammo able to be carried for all weapons with reserve ammo and reduced charge times for melee, grenade and super. (Race special) Human: Not going down: OHK doesn't apply, you fight through your mortal wounds to fight back before you die. weapon stability halved but weapon damage increased 150%. Revivable Exo: Animatron: You are a machine, you were born to kill, the more you use a certain class to weapon, the more you can handle that weapon better. Stability control gets better the more you use a certain weapon class. Awoken: Secret of the Darkness: Darkness enemies will target other players more than you, and if you attack them, they aren't likely to notice. Against the light, your abilities deal more damage, as they aren't purely light. Will probably update this with a Warlock and a Hunter class at some time.

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  • Edited by KSI HAWAIIAN UD: 2/12/2015 4:03:02 AM
    Forums freaked out on me and posted the Warlock Subclass twice. This was previously the unedited version For the full version, look for my other post.

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    • Warlock: Create a blockade that stops mobs from approaching. Usable across hallway size rooms. Hunter: Turns entire team invisible until they attack. Titan: Bubble that refreshes teammates specials at 3x speed while inside.

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    • i would go for a warlock super that fires a face laser of lightning or something. that chains some additional damage to enemies near the ones you hit, or makes them explode or something. hell, call it the dr. octagonapus sublcass.

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    • That avatar doe

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    • Hunter Void Clone!!! Shield buff, clone mimics all attacks of the original (double Gjallarhorn!!)

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    • Eden's Guard (solar Titan): summon sword of fire and hack down enemies like a hot knife through butter Maverick hunter: summon magnetic clump of light that pulls enemy into group for serious carnage. Fulmination Giver: lightning bolts, bolts chain to nearby enemies for melting health away.

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    • Ever since day one have been saying Solar class for night should be a "Swordbearer" class which summons a Solar sword which acts the same as the sword of Crota. Fits the Knight in armour theme perfectly!!

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    • Edited by ARagingNewb: 2/6/2015 1:45:09 PM
      Hunter: throwing knife for days super that if you hit someone with a knife it's 1 shot Warlock: Make the enemies around you freeze Titan : laser

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    • Trapper for my hunter. Give me 3 runes to place wherever that will provide various debuffs.

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    • Edited by Osiris: 2/5/2015 7:16:19 PM
      solar titan should be a templar like class, and blast a killer ray of light from his chest, that is not affected by walls or anything. void Hunter, should have have a shadow step ability, where you place yourself in saftey somewhere, and then control a shadow you for a period of time. the shadow hunter cannot take damage, you can only be hurt by your real body being attacked. arc warlock, should be like a emporior from star wars kinda shit where you have massive aoe electric blast from your hands shocking everything in the relitive area

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      • Edited by KSI HAWAIIAN UD: 2/10/2015 9:18:43 PM
        I would like to throw in my ideas here, if nothing more than for fun. [b]CONSTRUCTIVE[/b] Criticism is welcome! As long as you're not a douche about it, all of these are open to change. [b]Hunter Sub Class[/b] [u]Void Tracker[/u] This class is meant to skirt around the battle and do damage without setting foot in the field of fire. Void Class centered around abilities. [u]Grenades[/u] [i]Smoke Grenade[/i]: The first grenade you unlock. this will explode on contact, sending a noxious cloud of smoke into the air, masking the movements of the user. No effect on the user, but enemies will be blinded by it. In PvP it would have the same effect as a Hive Wizard's Poison Cloud. [i]Decoy Grenade[/i]: This grenade's purpose is to distract the enemy by getting them to look in a pre-determined Direction. The grenade, when thrown, will bounce and explode on a timer. It's AOE is slightly less than that of the standard grenade for a Gunslinger Hunter. Upon detonation, It creates a flash, or a distraction of some sort. PvE enemies will immediately move to the area to investigate. In PvP, it would act as a simple grenade capable of killing on detonation. [i]Trap Grenade[/i]: Similar to its predecessor, the Trip Mine Grenade, this is set to detect motion. When thrown, however, it cannot stick to walls, but it stays put wherever it lands on the ground. When activated, A small black hole will open around the grenade, preventing players from jumping or sprinting, and causing slight damage over time. In addition to this, the player will be marked and visible through walls to the User. When shot while idle, the grenade will collapse harmlessly. Not so useful in PvE, But possibly brutal in PvP. [u]Jump ability[/u] [i]Better control[/i] [i]Higher Jump[/i] [i]Stealth Jump[/i]: A completely Silent jump That allows the user to move undetected across the field of battle. This could be done via Exotic Armor piece, in which case, it would be replaced by the "Launch" ability. In this, the user reaches into the void and uses it to propel himself forward at great speed, but sacrifices control in the process. [u]Melee Ability[/u] [b]Poisoned Blade[/b]: When activated, the user propels themselves forward, and stabs their target, leaving a DoT effect on the enemy. This does not have the range of blink strike, more like a slightly extended standard melee. [i]Volatile Toxin[/i] DoT does more damage [i]Tampered Venom[/i] Immediately blinds target after use. [i]Siphon Blade[/i] Steals health from target and gives it to the user. [u]Supercharge[/u] [b]Spirit of Alpha Lupi[/b] The User raises his left hand into the air and it cloaks in Void Light. The air around him shimmers and something materializes next to him. A massive wolf stands there, rippling in purple energy, waiting for his master to give the orders. The Hunter pulls out his knife and runs off to smite his enemies with a watchful companion following close behind After summoning the Spirit of Alpha Lupi, the wolf will follow the User around until new orders are given. Anything within range of the User gets torn to shreds by the massive creature. To put this in the easiest terms, Lupi is an Obedient Thrall on steroids with a new skin. The User is left with just his knife, and is slightly damage resistant. However, the damage resistance is nothing compared to that of "Thick Skin" On the Sunsinger Warlock during Radiance. In the Duration the super is active, the Hunter must defend himself with his knife, and his knife only. The melee will not be buffed during this period. Pressing RT will order Lupi to an area, and he will attack anything within range. However, he takes damage just like an enemy, and his health bar is the Super Bar. In terms of health, i'm not quite sure, this would have to be tested. He will last about thirty seconds, and this is not changed by upgrades or armor. Thirty seconds is the maximum. Pressing LT would activate an ability, which is dependent on the upgrades, very similar to ArcBlade. Upon death of Lupi, the Super ends. Upon death of the User, the super will also end. In PvP, Lupi would NOT one hit melee any player. Two lunges are required to kill a fellow Guardian [b]SUper Upgrades[/b] [i]Loyalty of the Pack[/i] Upon pressing LT, Lupi will defend a given location with his life, gaining an attack and defense buff while it is active. Anything within the area can fall victim to his wrath. [i]Wrath of the pack[/i] Upon pressing LT, Lupi disperses into a vortex of voidlight, equivalent to the Warlock's Vortex Grenade. It would last around 7 seconds and would damage anyone within it. At least 25% of the super must be left in order to use. [i]Alpha Lupi's Fury[/i] When activated, Lupi glows a dark red and begins to go into a frenzy. He gains a massive attack and speed boost for about 5 seconds, and slaughters anything in sight. It allows him to jump and attack enemies in the air or simply destroy anything on the ground. After the 5 second period, Lupi immediately vanishes with a mournful howl. Must have at least 50% of super left to activate. [u]Additional Upgrades Tier 1[/u] [i]Precision Vision[/i] ADS Is improved for all weapons [i]Wolf's Vitality[/i] Lupi has more damage resistance [i]Lingering Venom[/i] Posoinous Blade effects last significantly longer [u]Tier 2[/u] [i]One by One[/i] If you land a melee hit on an enemy from behind, you are granted brief (3 sec) invisibility. This is toned down quite a bit in comparison to "Escape Artist" on Blink Strike. Pair this with the Decoy Grenade for fun all around. [i]Pack Leader[/i] Abilities (Melee abilities and grenade abilities) Remain active during Super [i]Guardian's Best Friend[/i] Gain a second wolf. (Shared health bar) Alright, i'll post the Warlock and the Titan in an edit later. What are your thoughts so far? EDIT UPDATE (2-6-15) other classes will come out soon, just haven't had a chance to post them EDIT: [b]WARLOCK CLASS HAS BEEN POSTED ON A DIFFERENT THREAD ABOVE. BUMP IF YOU LIKE[/b]

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        • Hunter - So far out of what I read and have thought, I would like the Predator mode. Increased precision shot chance, can see in almost a night vision mode, and stealth jump. Grenades should be centered on diversion and devastation. Titan - I love the idea of a flaming Titan with a mini gun. Warlock - Hovering in the air and throwing bolts of lightning would be super sweet.

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        • Hunter super would be a backup call from your ship that you can control for a little while firing missiles at enemies.

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          • I use the Nova bomb that breaks up into three projectiles. I wish each projectile would have a different elemental damage effect. 1 void, 1 arc, 1 solar

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          • [b]Hunter[/b]: Sharpshooter (void) A void crossbow with a warlocks lance-like precision that gives you three shots. Some perks could give it extended range, splash damage, proximity detonation, etc. [b]Titan[/b]: Brawler (solar) Both arms catch fire and become one hit melee, similar to the warlock Sunsinger, with the difference being that each melee kill causes explosive splash damage and agility is rapidly increased. Some perks could cause targets to melt, increase health while the brawler is active, brawler time extends slightly with each kill, etc. [b]Warlock[/b]: Archaic Mind (couldn't think of a one word name to keep with the theme)(Arc) Telekinesis. Nuff said. Lol, but seriously. Be able to make someone either blink out of existence or fly into the air and explode in a ball of lightning. Or just implode, leaving only a static shock in their wake, similar to Titan slams aftershock, but not as powerful. Could be active as long as the Sunsinger ability. Some perks could include longer glide, farther blink range, taking damage increases agility, etc. [b]Warlock[/b]: Shockwave (idea #2, Arc) Shoot bolts of lightning from your hands, similar to the appearance of Murmur. Some perks could be a variation of angry magic, which would make the lightning bolt have spread like a murmur, decreasing its focused damage, but allowing it to hit a group of enemies. Or something called focus, which would be more like an actual lightning bolt that would instantly kill its target. Another perk could be pierce, to take out an entire line of enemies (perfect for those pesky thrall herds). Could be similar to golden gun in the amount of bolts that can be fired.

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            • For PVP: Invincible for 10 seconds but you die as soon as the 10 seconds are up. For PVE: Double damage for 10 seconds. Boring but i think they could have a place in the game.

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            • You use you super against an enemy and for a certain time you turn into that enemy with its powers unable to be hit by the other enemies

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            • Not really class specific but the ability to control munitions once fired and direct them to a target would be cool. Imagine taking control of a rocket and seeing where it travels as you direct it.

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            • Edited by TalesOfArkYT: 2/6/2015 12:28:54 PM
              Hunter: Pitfall The hunter will focus void energy into his hand, and then pushing the void energy into ground causing a void pitfall to appear beneath the hunter. That would stretch out a certain AoE radius and pulls enemies slowly into the deep void abyss. Enemies that can't be instant kill, will be damage over time and will have slow movement debuff while the pitfall is still active. Titan: Eruption The Titan will let out a mighty roar , stunning nearby enemies for 10sec and causing solar energy to erupt from the ground damaging nearby enemies. Enemies that don't die in 1hit, will be burned and damage over time, for a certain amount of time. Warlock: Shock Therapy The warlock forms arc energy in his/her hand. While this super is active the warlock can shock melee nearby allies to restore their shield or the warlock can sacrifice his entire shield for 5 minute to instant revive a fallen ally .(Revive effect can only be use while warlock still has full shield) Any enemies that the warlock shock will be electrified, and enemies that survive will be paralyzed for 15sec and can't be paralyzed a 2nd time. Sorry for grammar error.

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              • an arc bomb for Titans

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              • A super that makes your dance change to the Thriller dance and does AoE damage.

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