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Edited by Radiantsniper89: 2/4/2015 1:40:15 AM

Get Creative: If you could make a third super...

If you could make a third super for your guardian what would it be?

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  • Edited by COW GUY: 2/3/2015 12:24:42 AM
    Hunter Torrent rider (even though the subclass is called Trapper) Summons a powerful source of void energy, and makes the user disappear in a burst of void energy. The user appears high atop a torrent of void energy. The user then controls where he moves, and the torrent deals extreme damage to those near/around it. Tree upgrades: harder to kill, More DPS, multiple sub vortexes at lower heights Grenades; void well: place a hidden void well on the ground, which when triggered pulls enemies toward it and deals DoT Depth charge: manually triggered charge that deals powerful void damage; can stick to all surfaces (sparrows and other enemies) Some sort of split and track grenade Edit: just realized this was not an entire subclass thread but rather just create a super.

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  • Stalker smash(void) for warlock you turn invisible and let out a smash that flies in all directions

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  • Me and my friend talked about the third subclass for Hunter, as Hunter is our favorite. Overall the feel of the "void hunter subclass" would be a trapper. I could go into some detail, but this topic specifically mentions supers. Our idea was a type of "field" placed on the ground that did a variety of debilitating effects, depending on active perks. By default, the field would slow movement and cause suppression (cannot jump or use abilities). Potential upgrades would be a DoT that also leeches health, complete immobility, or larger area coverage. Thoughts?

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    • Edited by WalordsToyBox: 2/3/2015 12:02:11 AM
      Dragons Gaze Killing enemies instantly in PvP 12 feet away. (Must die to use this super) Reduced 7896 damage on strike bosses Reduced 7912 damage on raid bosses Reduced 5673 damage on ultras and major For hunters :)

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    • Edited by EATANK: 2/2/2015 10:26:21 PM
      I'm mainly a hunter and titan by the way: Titan - Spartan Subclass. Summon a flaming spear/javelin. You have two, and each in the crucible are a one-shot kill. You fire by holding down the fire button and releasing (the longer you hold it the faster it travels, but of course there's a limit to how far you can bring your arm back for the throw). There is no ADS for this. If you press the super buttons after a spear/javelin is thrown, it teleports you to the spear/javelin's point of impact. This can be done for both spears in a single super. The opportunity to teleport is lost when your next super becomes fully-charged. Has the same super-time as golden gun. You also have double resistance to damage, and 1.5x normal speed and 1.5x normal recovery. Upgrades include: - spears/javelins over penetrating their targets and thin to semi-thin objects, and leaving their area of teleportation on the final target or thick surface. Also adds infinite velocity and faster throwing time (as soon as your arm back you can throw, you don't have to worry about bring your arm all the way back. - gain a shield that you if you hold down the aiming button, you bring the shield up to protect yourself better, but you move slightly slower (you can still throw in this state). Melees result in not a one-shot kill, but a more powerful hit than usual (without this upgrade it would simply be a heel-kick with normal damage). - after the first throw (this won't work with the second one), if you teleport you pull out a golden glades which would have a third the time of the golden gun super. Attacking wouldn't reduce this "mini" super's time.

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      • Edited by goldlemur33: 2/2/2015 11:38:06 PM
        Hunter - spirit of night Blink through walls, and turns all kinetic damage to void damage. Upgrades 1. Massive agility boost 2. Kills create vortexes 3. Permanently invisible during super

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      • Edited by LegendaryKnight: 2/3/2015 12:08:11 AM
        Titan TankMissle(solar) one of the perks would make you indestructible while using your super like FoH. After you Activate super, you start running forward faster(2x the normal speed), you can turn faster, it instantly kills players you run into and it also deals damage around them because the players combust upon impact which kills those who are nearby as well. The super lasts 8 seconds.

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      • Hunter:Night stalker(void) Their eyes are harbored in the darkness(description) Super: Stalk: You are able to teleport across the map for a short time, your opponents are unaware of the dangers that lurk around in the darkness (activated for a short time, able to shoot and drop orbs like a sunsinger would) Warlock:Chain watcher (arc) Only the watchers can control the lightning Super:Lightning strike: the user is able to shoot 3 bolts of lightning from their hand, which chains to any other enemies in close proximity Titan:Trail blazer (solar) The path of destruction follows your lead Super: Burn: Flames emanate from your body as you melee your enemies, killing them instantly

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      • The omega It takes 20$ out of your bank account and gives it to MiloOmega. Best super ever if you don't mind me saying.

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        • Edited by ROBIN-EXTREME: 2/2/2015 11:49:02 PM
          Void knives: You have an infinite amount of throwing knives for a short period and they deal twice as much damage. And as an upgrade you can throw them faster or throw 3 at the same time.

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        • I want a hunter melee that throws out like 8 kunai

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        • Arc Ward for warlock. Zaps and staggers/stuns enimes that get to close, heals and buffs allies in its AOE, or buffs caster and transfers enemies' health to the caster per kill. Probably won't ever happen, but one can dream, right?

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        • Bladeslinger. Arc Blade that can turn into a Golden Gun.

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        • Hunters Void Subclass: Nightwalker Based on more of a support/enemy debuff type class. GRENADES (names of all abilities could use some work obviously) Nightshade Grenade -Throws a low damaging grenade that leaves a dark mist, enemies caught inside take damage over time and have movement greatly reduce (similar to wizard mist) Ritual Grenade -Grenade marks a circular area on the ground that explodes shortly after an enemy enters the area (similar to omniguls' vestige) Leech Grenade -Grenade that does small AoE damage, if stuck to an enemy grenade will deal additional damage and transfer some of the enemies health to yourself. MELEE ABILITIES Dragon tail Short range punch that adds various modifiers to enemies and guardian Modifiers: Dragon scale -Gives you an over shield on impact Poisoned claw -similar to suppression grenade, disables abilities of target for a short time and adds a small burn Moonlight wings -killing an enemy with this melee instantly reloads your equipped weapon (must have reserve ammo) SUPER ABILITY 1 (two ideas) Neutron Arrowhead Summons a single shot bow infused with void energies, leaving various effects at the area of impact and causing significant damage if directly hitting an enemy. Modifiers: Blinding dark -Enemies within the arrows blast radius are blinded for 5 seconds and have their shields removed. No Sun -changes Neutron arrowhead into a cluster of ten smaller arrows that deal far less damage, but increase the area of effect and slow enemy move speed, arrows travel slower. True Eclipse -Arrows draw and release time increased, but arrows accuracy is also. A direct hit with this arrow creates a black void, dealing damage over time and causes you to have greatly increased health recovery for ten seconds. SUPER ABILITY 2 Dark Matter Field (support) Activating super starts a charge that builds up over time, you're free to move during this charge time but once you activate your super a second time or the charge expires you release a large void burst from your location, damaging nearby enemies and adding various passives to yourself and allies. The longer the charge, the greater this abilities blast radius (Charge time 5-10 seconds)? Modifiers: Running bomb -move speed is significantly increased during charge period, enemies caught in blast radius cannot use abilities and have a burn applied to them For the motherland -You sacrifice your own shield during charge time but grant all nearby allies an increased health regeneration. On detonation you are granted an overshield, enemies hit by blast radius are blinded. Time space -charge time is decreased to 5 seconds, nearby allies are granted additional move speed during this time. Detonation on allies grants invisibility for 4-7 seconds. That's about it, thoughts?

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        • [u]Hunter[/u]: Night Time Upon activation it automatically turns the time of day into night... [i]secondary perk:[/i] upon activation it insta kills everything on the level/map.

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        • Support hunter. Meleeing a team mate gives them health and your super blinds all enemies for 10 seconds and gives your team mates an over shield

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        • For the Titan, I would simply call it "Brawler". Upon activating your super, you crack your knuckles and your hands ignite. For approx 45 seconds, you will only have your fists and will be able to punch enemies with twice the damage of a normal punch. Perks will allow you to extend time, gain a shield (similar to flame shield), or have enemies combust once killed.

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        • A warlock one I would make would be a shield. It works like the Aegis.

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        • the hunter class needs to have a void super so I think I have an idea. The hunter summons a pack of four wolves made of void energy, the wolves seek out one target each and explode on impact. This would be super op but it would look quite badass to see wolves made of void energy hunting people on the other team.

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          • [u]Titan Solar: Lightbender[/u] [b]Super[/b]: Shoots a beam of light out the front disintegrating enemies nearby. [u] - Upgrades to Super -[/u] [b]Detonation[/b]: Upon the forward blast you'll release a small shockwave at your feet. [b]BackScratcher[/b]: Upon forward blast, you'll release a secondary blast behind you. [b]Angelic Destruction[/b]: Channeling all your light, you'll be sent upwards and release a catastrophic blast in all directions, side effects may leave a slight, temporary blinding to one's self. [u]Grenades:[/u] [b]Mirv[/b]: A solar grenade that splits into little clusters upon detonation. [b]Operator[/b]: A small ball that explodes upon player request. Tap the grenade button again after thrown to detonate. [b]Solar Fury[/b]: A sticky grenade that constantly spits hot flames and if stuck to an opponent; disables their abilities for a short time. [u]Jumps:[/u] Same as the other Titan jumps, but last jump be Blink rather than catapult. [u]Melee upgrades:[/u] [b]Hot Hands[/b]: A kill with your fists will gain a slight damage boost to all weapons. [b]Wrath of the Light[/b]: You can punch twice in rapid succession. I kind of ran out of ideas here. :)

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            • Tacos.

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            • Titan solar called Crusade (cuz crusader-love it) Essentially gives you weapons of light (defender titan perk). Activate it and current equipped weapon deals 40% more damage. Very short timer but kills do not shorten timer like bladedance does. Perks: kills have a chance to drop heavy ammo for you and teammates (more orbs in crucible instead of heavy ammo) Grants huge bonus to armor, recovery, and agility Grants additional 10% bonus to damage, totaling of 50% Swapping weapons extends timer briefly

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              • [b]Solar Titan[/b] - Incinerator [b]Super[/b] - Flamethrower - Summons a great torrent of flame from the users hands which is projected wherever the user looks. Does burn damage over time. Modifiers for Flamethrower are - Extended range, extended duration and greater damage over time [b]Grenades[/b] - Mini fusion burst - Small initial damage but projects 7 smaller fusion bursts which do greater damage and apply burning - Torch - Attaches to a surface and emits a great torrent of Solar energy to incinerate enemies - Solar Flare - Attaches to an enemy, causes blinding/disorientation also blinds enemies in are around target [b]Melee[/b] - Flare strike - Kills with this attack creates a flame shield and trigger health regeneration

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              • Hunter: Void: Throw down a black hole, ~the size of a nova bomb, that continuously deals damage and sucks in enemies towards the center. In addition, the tree would also feature a lesser black hole grenade, and abilities to amplify them (so kinda like a void walker...just not boring...) Warlock: Arc: Chain Lightning: ...if you don't know what chain lightning is I feel so sorry for you... Titan: Solar: ...I got nothin...

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                • electricity blast that you can hold for a certain amount of time, sort of like the emperor from Star Wars

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                • [u]Hunter[/u] [b]Void ability support class[/b] [b]Grenades[/b] Heal grenade: This grenade heals your allies and steals health from your enemies. Caltrops: This grenade throws behind you and covers a large area with caltrops that hurt enemies when walked over and decrease their vision for a short time. Storm Grenade: This grenade makes a void cloud that slows enemies and decreases their damage out-put. [b]Meelee[/b] Void axe: This meelee deals massive damage but has limited range. Used for close quarters. -Void axe leaves caltrops where it hits -Void axe blinds enemies -Void axe has increased range [b]Super[/b] Void Summoner: This super summons a void zombie that is very fast and has a powerful meelee. Shooting a target directs your zombie to the target and it attacks. -Sit back and relax: Zombie targeting stacks -Swift Shot: Zombie kills increase fire rate and weapon stability. -Double Teamed: Stacking 3 rapid precision hits teleports you and your ghost to the enemy. [b]Movement[/b] Slide. Run for a short time and slide. Your slide will go quite far and fast across the ground. -Kick: Sliding and hitting an enemy will knock it back -Farther Slide. Slide travels farther and faster. -Slide Attack. Sliding leaves a small void wake that damages enemies in it.

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