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Edited by Slen: 1/22/2015 8:29:32 PM

Suddenly We're hated.

Suddenly all 31's trying to get in on the hard raid are just getting bullied by 32s. Psh, Highschool all over again. Edit: As "Amazing" and "Inspiring" Your Guys post are. I think you're missing the point, I don't care about the hard raid or doing it anytime soon! Im saying that alot of the 32s are being bullies to levels below. (As stated im my post above^) Yes i understand that we 31s do significantly less damage than a 32 but i didn't know that gave you the right to Call people "Scrubs, Scumbags, Wetbacks,etc" As much as you guys think "Oh its the interner get over it scrub. Go cry somewhere else" instead of actually understanding what im trying to imply here, It won't change anything. Just like this post is probably meaningless and others will laugh. Ive seen what bullying can do to people, I've lost family and friends to it. Im just stating what i see. Nothing more. -S

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  • No kidding

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  • it's not that we think less of you, it's that mathematically you are inferior to 32's, and everybody playing with randoms wants the highest success rate possible for hard mode.

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    3 Replies
    • Lol I'm 4 shards away. Your level is not your skill. So keep talking scrub

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      • I think 32's are being generalized. The first raid team to beat it was made of 2 31's and our Raid team had tons of 31's, we didn't beat it tho.....

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      • I accepted 31's just its extremely hard for them, they die fast and sword knights oneshot you. They also don't even do much damage, 32's barely do enough, 7 rounds of Black Hammer to kill a knight.

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      • Tbh I'm 31 but the gear to get 32 is really handed to you. On normal mode the helmet might be pretty irritating to get, but as long as you have an exotic helm then is pretty easy to hit it. Lol I've been slacking on my Eris bounties

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        • Did you not learn from Vault of Glass? I prefer it this way. It would have been like this weeks ago but the raid was too broken. It promotes some semblance of PVE competition outside the Day 1 Race.

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        • I don't even want to do the hard raid at 31. Wouldn't be worth the trouble to me or my teammates. I'll just stick with normal raid till tonight when I get to 32 with my main, thanks!

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        • Pve player's are just dickheads

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          3 Replies
          • In all honesty all the 31s on here crying that 32s won't help them need to chill out. I've been running the raid about 15 times a week helping out under leveled people. It's not our fault that you didn't grind Eris to rank 4 to switch shards. I have 2 32s and a 31 I just made the 31 last Friday and all I need on it is gloves to make it a 32. Put the work in and then do the raid we shouldn't have to "babysit" because you don't have time to play or just didn't feel like it. You guys had plenty of time to get there just like us.

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            4 Replies
            • i don't mean to sound like an ass but i would not do the hard with 31's im in a group of 32's and we can't even kill crota. we've been at it for several hours. the hm is bull

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              4 Replies
              • I'm sure there are elitists out there, but "bullied" really? Lol. You realize ALL enemies from start to end are 33? Which means 32's are already penalized on damage just because bungie said "-blam!- you, you cant be as high as the enemies." If it was EXACTLY like the normal but all 33s i would have no problem taking a 31 or 2(depending on gear) with me through the raid. But its not, well the important part isnt. Crota is a dick. The simple fact of more majors(specifically the boomers) is much harder and no more one or two shot kills for 32. A 31? Tons less damage. If you need help on normal raid add me anyone. I'm on xbox one and i love helping ppl. Gt is CHILL v1

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                4 Replies
                • My raid team doesn't care too much about level differences. I'm going to attempt it with them this weekend probably.

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                • Seriously bro, I'm 31. The only way I'm going into a hard mode raid is if my clan mates has already beaten the hard mode and they bring me along to see the sights. Other than that, I'm not trying to step into hardmode as a 31. Who am I kidding? WItches, Ogres, and boomers for the end boss battle?? Nah, I will just raid regular mode until I'm ready.

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                  • If you'd like some reasons as to why 31s shouldn't run hard crota's end, here are a couple pertaining to the crota fight. 1. If you thought they'd at least be useful for boomers you're wrong, boomers now have yellow health bars and take level 32s 4+ headshots with snipers to kill. 2. There is no chalice, which means not only will they take more damage, they will have a harder time regaining health.

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                    9 Replies
                    • I don't know what the big deal is. Two 31's were part of the first team to crush the hard raid today. All these posts about needing max weapons and only 32's is a joke. Of course these two things help, but in reality, You need skill, the weapons are just tools. The user of said tools makes up the biggest difference. People need to get over themselves.

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                      3 Replies
                      • So we take down hard mode just for a sparrow, primary weapons, and the crux for Necrochasm..... I'll stick with fatebringer, I already have a good sparrow, SUROS Regime already takes the exotic slot, and I don't give a damn about Necrochasm. Hell Word of Crota has less impact than Fatebringer. Only piece of armor I am missing are the boots but hey, normal mode is there for a reason.

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                        • I wouldn't say that. Its just 32's are more desired then a 31. With a 31 unless they play a lot the other players on the team have to make up for that. The raid isn't easy by any means. Just put in time like the rest of us did and get to 32. You dont have to beat the hard raid on day one

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                          6 Replies
                          • I know right like half those lvl 32 got luck and got the raid gear in one go

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                            4 Replies
                            • Why do you think you should be carried on the first day of hard mode? I personally won't go in unless I am 32, but I don't care what others do. I saw a post earlier from a 31 who finished the hard raid. After looking at his records, he only had 2 kills, and 14 deaths. This why people don't want to carry you on the first day. It will change a bit over time, but while people are learning the new difficulty, can you blame them?

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                              2 Replies
                              • My group did it with a 31

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                              • If you were bullied in highschool, then youre a pussy.

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                                53 Replies
                                • Well, the first raid completion had 2 level 31s

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                                • Dude I'm a 31 and I got to play hard mode managed to make it all the way toward crota and got the pulse rifle and auto rifle with elemental damage. If yu can't beat crota at least get the two weapons

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                                  • The raid just came out mate. I would only want to run it with 32's first to figure out the ins and outs. Once you l ow how to beat everything, insert said level and hope skill is enough. That being said, it takes a team of 32's all sniping with maxed IB and BH to take down the boomers. So yeah, good luck at 31

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                                    3 Replies
                                    • Personally im waiting till i get a few more shards and ill do hard mode next week. I could probably do it as 31, maxed gjallarhorn, good sniper, timurs lash, but im in no hurry.

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