Really? Wow, I guess I need to reevaluate my life. I'm no good at games because I don't need aim assist? Your logic is flawed, and obviously you are just a trolling asshole who is going to continue to whine. Enjoy your sorry life!
PS: Almost 30 years of gaming is the performance I stand on.
30 years of practice and you still suck? Lol wow bro. The learning curve is real. And you're bad because your stats are bad. You've got shit for raid clears, and a 6.88 is your best overall raid K/D. Looks like you played 6 games of crucible, averaged a .43 and decided you sucked too much to play against other people. Looks like all you do is get carried in this game lol.
Ha. I hope you are enjoying yourself, because frankly, you're a nobody on a forum. Have fun with your inflated sense of self worth!
I am actually. This thread is a lot of fun. And I've done quite a lot on this game that 99.9% of the playerbase cannot do. May not pertain to real life, but I like doing well in everything I put time into. (:
You sir fail at being a troll. i don't pvp, not because i suck but because i have other games to pvp on (titanfall/BF3(4)/ CoD and for those older gamers BFV where aim assist does not exist. The fact that you go out of your way to attempt to insult myself and others shows that you suck at gaming. I would challenge you to a game of wits but....i would feel bad for beating an unarmed person.
I lol'd at the last part because you lack a 9th grade or above writing level.