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1/14/2015 11:45:10 AM
Lol. There's dialogue in there. I just think cutscenes in the middle of the mission would help tremendously, but give the option to skip. To me, the "we've woken the hive" mission was the best mission in terms of story. Mid mission cutscenes would be very, very useful. They show us what to focus on and what to think of it. That short little scene did actually show a decent amount of story content that had to be inferred. It's possible for guardians to die if the ghost is taken from them, the light is something like a life force with them... I mean, just little bits like that really help. Imagine little snippets like that throughout. In fifteen second cutscenes you could have actually known by the end of the game why you were actually killing the things they tell you to kill amongst many other glorious things. I understand they went for a dark souls-esque way of telling the story, but it just isn't working. I mean dark souls 2 had to add a patch that is essentially story time so that players know what is going on. Kind of ridiculous and it shows that method of story telling doesn't work. Just wish Bungie would've stuck with how they know to tell stories, beautiful cinematics with dialogue throughout the mission that lets us know what we're doing at that exact moment and why we're doing it. This game has so much potential, but this method of story telling needs to go.

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