originally posted in:PS4 Elite Raiders
Add me bo1337bo, im level 32 warlock. Wanna play with a gruop who does the raids Every week. :)
U can add me psn:badz555, lvl 32 hunter,31 titan and 31 warlock...just shards stopping my other 2 characters from getting to 32
Add me JBRIDGES373 I have 3 x lvl 31 toons with maxed out gjlahorn would like to run a full raid every week. My warlock should be lvl 32 this evening.
Add me Kappa-V2 lvl 26 Hunter :)
Ya I need to do it I got a 31 hunter add BrAnDoNKiLLs21
Add me JAY15DOG im only 24warlock but need to level up
im only a level 25 but im sure ill get to a higher level if i get raid gear. add ev1lmonk3y1223