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Clan Recruitment

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Edited by YiN: 1/13/2015 9:15:40 AM

Recruiting For Kings of Gaming New Order

Whats good Guardians I'm KoG ShreddA General of KoG New Order part of the Xiled Gaming Community, the reason i'm posting on here is to build a squad for Destiny, tired of playing with Randoms or getting randoms who have no clue what they are doing in Raids or Crucible well thats where KoG New Order comes in. We recruit 13+ gamers (preferably 16+) we are already established on Advanced Warfare and me being a "Destiny Whore" as my clan members like to call me i'm looking to expand on here. If you feel you have great leadership skills and want to run with other skilled players hit me up we are always looking. We have a rank structure and honor code we go by here in XG and are always looking for like minded gamers who are looking to be more than just a gamer. But here is the story of Xiled Gaming posted by one our Council Members XGC x007x XI: The "story" of XG. A few of us "founding members" were in a clan in Unreal 2, well before Halo 2. I at the time joined KSI. We were only 8 members then. Eventually a few more of my personal friends joined too. When Halo 2 was released we started a clan on there known as KSI SECTION 8. As that clan grew so did I in KSI. Eventually a few others and I wanted to go and make our own clan in KSI. After much battling and a few people being removed from KSI at the time, we were able to make the 1 clan that brings us to where we are now. XILED KINGS! As that clan grew and split more and more clans were made out of it and to pay respect to what started it all they put XK at the end of their clan name. ex KSI UNREAL XK. At the time we were in KSI and XK was known for its rules and age requirement so I made another section in KSI called NEW DYNASTY. NEW DYNASTY had no age requirement. (I hope you are getting my hints.) Once we were ready to move on and leave KSI, the name for our new community was very simple. XGC and keeping with our XK roots KoG was an easy name to choose as well. So... We made up our minds to leave and created XGC. Originally XGC stood for Xiled Gaming Company. That was the combining of Xiled Kings division in KSI and Easy Company. The first clan made was obviously XGC XILED KINGS. Followed by XGC EASY COMPANY. The XK division along with the ND division totaled around 5 thousand members. We also left with another 1 thousand members between Easy Company and Xero Degrees, which was a division as well. So at this point we were dealing with several thousand people to organize and get back into their clans. We soon within the first 2 months realized that our original rule of 18 and up gamers in XK was now gone. We (the Council) all met to discuss the creation of a new clan for gamers of any age and thus came up with an idea now known as KoG. It was a very easy name to choose due to the KINGS not being used from the original XILED KINGS. This is when XILED GAMING was born. For those of you in the beginning who remember our domain was This was really just the beginning of what would be our community. XG was born. Going from only a clan called XGC to now being a community made up of 2 clans! So……… With the birth of KoG the 1 clan mentality was gone. The members of the new KoG were made up of all age gamers who followed the same rules as XGC. We now had 2 clan’s but still felt we needed to be apart of something bigger. When I was in KSI I always wanted to create something bigger than just KSI the clan. I wanted to make it apart of something bigger that had an area for everyone and kept the gamer in mind at all times. A place where small clans could join and feel like they were apart of something a little bigger than just a clan. With XGC and KoG the idea of being the first online “gaming community” was something I felt would really benefit all gamers in online clans. They now had a place they could enjoy playing and have a new good name to hopefully shape the future of the Internet gaming community. The vision of a huge online community that made us leave KSI was slowly developing into the first ever real online “community”. Being apart of a community of gamers is something bigger than just being in a clan. All online gamers are apart of Internet gaming, but putting like-minded gamers together in a single community with different clans just made since. A clan is a small part of the overall Internet community. A gaming community made up of thousands of gamers who all follow the same basic rules of Sportsmanship, Respect and Fair Play could help the internet gaming community. Some online gamers view clans as a negative thing. Don’t get me wrong there are a lot of gamers and clans out there that get online for a different reason than I do. These clans play against good gamers and treat them badly, which ultimately makes them stereotype all clans as bad. That is just not the case with all clans. I choose to play with people that I would most likely be a friend with in my every day life. We wanted to focus on bringing good people into our community and through gamers helping gamers, help build their skill. One of our catch sayings always has been “I would rather play with a good gamer who is not that good at the game verses playing with someone who is great at the game but is an ******* to play with and be around”. At this point we had several thousand members in 2 clan’s made up of all ages from around the world. These 2 clan’s were now apart of something bigger, the first and original online clan gaming community. Now you can all start guessing what were the original KoG clans made when they moved over from XGC. I’ll give you a few hints; first if they moved over from XGC maybe they kept the same name? Maybe? Now having 2 clans in our community we could recruit any age gamer and we all felt that we now had a place for all gamers on the Internet, boy were we wrong. There was 1 gamer that was in our community that we kept having problems with because we didn’t have a place for their game style. We were kicking them out for breaking an honor code that they just weren’t built to follow. They weren’t totally bad gamers they just liked to talk a little trash. Nothing abusive but enough that they could not stay in the XGC or KoG divisions. The thought of making a third clan in our community was kicked around but never really acted upon until… When the XBOX 360 first came out Coleslaw and I played a lot of QUAKE 4. While we played that game recruiting and building the community on other games and not just H2, we came across a clan known as DS. DS stood for Dark Syndicate. These guys were good gamers they were just like some of the ones we had to remove from XGC and KoG. It seemed to me that as long as they weren’t abusive to other gamers or completely disrespectful that we could bring them in and make a third clan for this type of gamer. A few of the Council members were against it at first. If was discussed and the pros and cons were weighed. We decided that we would bring these guys in and see if it helped our community. Our community was made so that no matter what you wanted to get from it we would do what we could to help. The full idea of having a community for all gamers was starting to take shape. Thus The SYNdicate was born. The idea for SYN was an incorporation of the DS clan and another clan that some of us played against in Unreal. They were known as the 7’s. Knight and I incorporated the two clans and made one. Now we did not have to kick out members who were trash talkers and played like underground gamers. We could just transfer them to an area where the felt more comfortable. They now had a home and a community or “family” to identify with. XILED GAMING was that community. SYN has an honor code and eventually switched to the same rank structure as XGC and KoG. There are really only a few things that will get you removed for SYN, any form of racism, cheating of any type, trash talking fellow community members and initiating aggression toward fellow online gamers. To sum it up, they don’t go looking for it but they do know how to finish it. At this point our community was growing everyday and we were building each division. Several changes were made including the switch from XGC meaning XILED GAMING COMPANY to XILED GAMING CLAN. We were now a community with 3-clan divisions. XGC, KoG and SYN were made up of all types of gamers from all over the world. We had Men and Women running clans and the community. In XILED GAMING all members are treated equally regardless of what sex or nationality they are. Some people think that the Lady gamer is something to exploit to draw attention to them or gain publicity from it. With us that is not the case. We treat the Ladies just like the Gents. After all we are all just gamers. Thats basically how XG was started and how we've managed to stay around this long for almost a DECADE, also to not be confused we are NOT affiliated with XGN AT ALL. If you're at least remotely interested message me on here or on Xbox Live GT is [b][i]KoG ShreddA[/i][/b]

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