Guardians can place automatic (smart) or dumb turrets which can be equpped with any weapon in their inventory. Turrets come in 3 weight classes for light (primary weapons), medium (for secondary weapons), and heavy (for heavy weapons).
Strategy multipliers:
1. Turrets can be destroyed by enemies and hacked by enemy guardians (Crucible missions etc)
2. Turrets are upgradable. Armor, target acquisition, self destruct mode, laser guidance (guardian must designate with laser scope)
3. Turrets can be set to explode if hacked (surprise surprise )
4. Turrets ammo carrying capacity is upgradeable
5. Turret armor is upgradeable via plasteel plating.
6. Turrets require time to boot up ("come online") and power down when placed, this is upgradeable withe a faster processor.
7. Guardians can be upgraded to a max of 2 (maybe 3) hard points to carry turrets. Mean a max of 2 to 3 turrets
8. Guardians can also set a fire delay of 0,3,5,10 seconds with an added 1-3 second variability. The fire delay starts AFTER the targetis acquired. This feature helps with setting up a crossfire. Imagine a sniper rifle equipped turret with a 5 second delay!
Why Turrets?
Turrets would add an element of DEEP strategy and replayability to ALL versions and expansion packs of Destiny. It also makes playing RAIDS actually possible w/o a full 6 man team, a problem all of us face from time to time.
No, get kills while sitting infront of your turrents? There are many in CoD and they failed.