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1/7/2015 7:40:50 PM
MAN you went into attack mode fast. Just trying to present why I think the way they did it works, even if Deathsinger not having drops is a headscratcher. Point is, whether Deathsinger drops loot or not, by the time hard rolls around, those that have spent hours in the raid will be ready and those that haven't won't. Do I think Deathsinger makes sense? No, but the overall amount of loot makes perfect sense. The logic makes sense it just doesn't fit your priorities. You're not why Bungie made the game, the millions playing are. You, despite your resume of maxed toons, congrats by the way, are a minority. Many are just now getting to raid, and it makes more sense to keep hard mode elite and keep casuals struggling to get loot than to make the, idk, 5% of destiny players who have finished Crota, happy.

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