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originally posted in: Destiny NEEDS a Healer Subclass
1/2/2015 3:39:14 PM
[quote]([i]Don't worry, this thread isn't about bashing the Sunsinger, read the title; and please, keep the insults about my mother light :) [/i]) Lately people have been bashing the usefulness of the Sunsinger warlock subclass... And I can't help but go along with it. When I knew I was getting Destiny, I did my research on the Warlock subclasses, as I knew I wanted to be a warlock ever since that first e3 vidoc. Now when I first saw the name "Sunsinger" I immediately thought "Oh, so it's like a healer?". [i]If you ask me that's what the Sunsinger sub should've been all along, a [u]Healer[/u][/i], not some boring old grenade spammer. And the more I think about it the more I see this subclass fitting into the world of Destiny. [[i]Other MMOers and RPGers can understand what I'm going through here, honestly, why is it Destiny try's to act like an RPG but doesn't actually do anything RPG-wise; but I suppose that's a conversation for a later day.[/i]] [b][u]Here are my ideas on the subject:[/u][/b] The warlock's melee would, when hitting a teammate, take off a portion of their super energy in addition to melee, but heal the player from a distance. The Warlock's super would create a ring around the caster that, when a teammate would step in, would increase health regeneration by 20-30%. This Ring, unlike the Ward, would follow the caster but he himself would not heal any faster as to keep things on an even playing field. Perhaps this might seem overpowered to you other classes, but just stay with me here for a moment. Isn't the Suros op? Would you argue the Titan Ward is op? With the right amount of fine tuning I believe bungie could do this for a fix on the Sunsinger (In my opinion, and other mmo/RPG players what it properly should be); or gift this to another class, for future DLC maybe? Or better yet! As a free piece of content for Bungie's loyal fanbase! ([i]Yeah... That'll happen[/i]) [i]For those of you who actually want to help your team in addition to also getting kills (I know there has to be [b]Some[/b] of you out there!) this could be a worthy addition to a coming DLC that I would love to take part in![/i] [b][i]TL:DR[/i][/b] [spoiler]New Healer Subclass Addition • Melee directly heals Teammates (Still damages enemies) • Super creates a "Ring of Healing" that increases Health Regeneration much faster by 20-30% and follows the caster (Does not affect caster, no faster health rejuvenation) -New Subclass could be proper way to substitute Sunsinger Conundrum or Add a new future subclass for DLC. [/spoiler] Edit 1: Okay, I can understand why people wouldn't want this. You came from call of duty, never played an MMO, have no sense of team, only play deatmatch, and have never played a good Blood Gulch CTF game in your entire life. If your one of [i]those[/i] people then I get it. But I don't understand it. Destiny isn't exactly encouraging solo-play, so idk. You have fun lone-wolfing it. Although that term is probably lost with Reach. Edit 2: The "Ring" is a concept I borrowed from Skyrim ([i]A fantastic game for ALL Rpg players[/i]) where you can cast a magic protective ring around yourself that heals you and keeps enemies out (Don't remember what it's called, I'll look it up later). Obviously I left the "keeping people out part" for balance but the basic principles are all still there. ([i]I know this didn't originate in skyrim, but that's what I'm thinking of when I think of of a visual representation for the subclass[/i]) Edit 3: Wow! some great feedback here guys! Keep it up![/quote] They'll probably be adding a healer sub-class for the warlock when they release the 3rd sub-class to all classes, since it's an arc light attribute it coud be favored as a healer.

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