Thank god, Daddy I found you! I tried to find you in the crowd but there were just strange men shouting "Xùr is here!!" Every five minutes! I didn't knew what to think of it!
And then the flood came and destroyed my village, and killed my mother, but I knew I would find you, because she told me I would, she told me I was just like you! And I believed, oh yes I did!
She told me to pray to RNG-esus and you never came! But then last night I prayed to Actidevil and you came!
[i]1 year later[/i]
Daddy, why do you keep coming? There's two many sequels!
[i]5 years later[/i]
Daddy, you are the shell of te man I once knew you as, there have been so many spin-offs and reboots and alternate ww3 storylines of you I don't know who you are anymore.
[i]This reply just got more and more creative as I went with and I just kept going with it.[/i]