I think they can focus on 2 armor slots for making your character look cool. Helm and arms. Chest pieces are difficult to make astheticly unique i think. Not much you can do geometricly due to being framed in by the helm and shoulders. But drawing from other games the shoulder and helm slots always seem to have the most standout appearances.
That being said, i agree 100% with you. Regional armor types would be an awesome idea! Patroling on mars has the chance to drop armor that looks patched together from cabal armor scraps, venus looks vexish, ect. That or environmentally inspired. Mars has desert style armor. Venus jungle armor. Moon deep space bleached from lack of atmosphere. Earth can look less alien, more standard issue.
would fullfill the promise bungie made that each armor should tell a story about where it came from. A way to express what your favorite gaming zone is :)
But this would all require some new armor designs. If they just repurposed the skins that already exist in the game it would inject a good variety of visual diversity into the game. I had a blue hunter helm drop the ither day that looks like a tsme version of that new aracnid exotic hunter helm. Make that a legendary item and id wear that all day long. It looked awesome!
Yes exactly. This can be worked into the game maybe after the house of wolves and wouldn't really require to much