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Edited by MechaBeowulf DW: 12/24/2014 3:14:36 AM

Problems or Symptoms?

Just going by my personal experiences with Destiny, quite a few people have quite a few problems with this game. Whether it's that a certain class of weapon is too strong, or that gear that was once the apex is now obsolete, there's been quite a few people expressing unhappiness with at least one part of this game. I'm going to try and do a little analysis of some of the most common complaints I've seen around here, because while people prefer to ignore the problems of others as "whining," I'm of the opinion that where there's smoke, there's fire. That is to say, if enough people are complaining, there's something wrong, even the problem may not be quite what everyone thinks it is. I won't be including a TL;DR, because everything I say is a pearl of wisdom to be treasured forever in the recesses of your minds. Problem 1: Gear Obsolescence Analysis: With the DLC out, more powerful gear was released which, going by the numbers, outclasses the old gear. Many here have noted that this is quite common in MMOs; older gear becomes obsolete as new gear is introduced. However, there is a vital difference between Destiny and WoW: in Destiny, your level is determined by your gear, where as in WoW and most other RPGs, your level is completely independent of it. This means that while in other MMOs there is a constant progression up the slope of power, in Destiny we stutter back and forth depending on the loot we manage to buy or find. Solution: If our levels after level 20 weren't determined by our equipment, there likely wouldn't have been such an outcry when Dark Below was released. I'd propose divorcing our light level from our equipment entirely, and making it something to be accessed by spending progressively more Motes of Light on. In truth, this would be very much like continuing to level up from level 20, except that it might take several "level ups" to actually get your light level higher. Using Motes of Light in this way would also allow us to focus all of our Motes on to a main character, or boost up a secondary or tertiary character if we so choose. It would also give us a use for one of the least used currencies in the game. Perhaps we would have to visit the Speaker in order to accomplish this, which would be nice because I hardly ever see the poor guy with any company. Problem 2: The apparent prominence of Auto Rifles and Shotguns in the Crucible Analysis: Even after a few nerfs, auto rifles and shotguns (and fusion rifles as well) continue to be heavily used in the Crucible (though I am seeing a great deal more hand cannons and scout rifles of late). Personally, I don't think the problem is with the weapons themselves so much as the maps. Most of the maps encourage close to mid range engagements, which auto rifles and shotguns are designed to excel at. So the guns are pretty much working as intended, it's just that the map designs tend to encourage scenarios in which these weapons excel. Solution: Bigger, more varied maps. That's pretty much it, really. We need maps that encourage wide varieties of combat styles at different ranges. Hopefully this can be fixed as more DLC is released. Well, that's my two cents on some of the problems I see brought up here on a regular basis. Feel free to agree, troll, or insult now. Or some combination of all three (kudos to anyone that can manage that in one sentence).

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