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Edited by GouldBerg988: 1/9/2015 9:22:02 AM

Do Crota-Kneelists deserve to get banned?

Yes, they clearly violated the Terms-of-Service


No, because Reasons


I don`t care, but feel the need to participate


So [url=]this [/url]Thread clearly explains why the Networkglitch is in a whole other class than all the glitches/cheesing that did go on in the vault: FYI: [b]At least three persons already got banned[/b] Edit:Bungie updates stats on Crotacompletes Inb4 Banhammer EDIT: [b]For all the Naysayers that say Bungie/sony couldn`t possibly distinguish between a random and a deliberate DC.[/b] 1.Lets just assume that there is a time-window of 5 seconds around the point where Crota kneels down to dc on purpose and use the glitch. 2.Let`s further assume that on average the ServiceProviers are reachable for 90% of the time (It`s actually more like 98%, but we will be very generous) 3.Since Crota has been “beaten” more than 160.000 times and a Raidteam consists of 6 people we will say: There are at least 1 Million chances to draw a disconnect during 2 hours (an average Raid takes this time). If we take the 10% from above we can say: 100,000 disconnects happened during all successful Crotaraids up to this point. So what is the probability that A DC happens randomly at the exact same time Crota goes down? Calculation: 2*3600/5 = 1440:= potential 5 second-time units of one single player during a successful raid 1,440,000,000= for all players Ergo The probability that a DC happens randomly at the moment where crota goes down for any Player is 100,000/1,440,000,000 = 6,94e -5 And for the special case that this DC concerns the Host: 1,16e -5 For comparison: The Probability of getting a Royal Flush in Poker: 2,57 e-5 Another Hopebubble busted by Math, sorry for that EDIT 2: I will also link to a prominent youtuber (Datto) that has the same opinion as the vocal group of "[b]It`s a cheat not a chesse[/b]" on this forum. Since he works closely with bungie you can be sure that in one way or the other Glitchers will soon befall a special "Destiny": [b][/b] EDIT 3: This is how a big banwave looked in Halo:Reach (2010) courtesy of Bungie [quote]Good evening, We are in the process of applying credit resets to approximately 15,000 users who we have identified as the most egregious Challenge Reset abusers. A one day credit earning ban has also been applied, mostly to ensure that recipients receive an in-game notification of the action taken. As with any such measure, we have taken the time to carefully select our criteria to eliminate false positives. A more comprehensive pass will be occurring in the coming week as our automated Banhammer mechanisms grow accurate enough to satisfy our high bar for burden of proof. If you are thinking about getting an easy 50k credits by using this exploit, I would strongly advise you to reconsider. Thank you, and please direct any discussion of these resets to this thread. Edit 1: a point of clarification. No bans were handed out tonight for a) Playing too much Gruntpocalypse (no such thing!) b) Using the target locator too much (no such thing!) Specifically, we targeted an exploit that allowed players to complete a Challenge 20+ times via intentional network manipulation (i.e., disconnects.) Spot checks have revealed the telltale signature of this behavior on every denier so far, so don't be fooled by the protests of innocence. We aren't. Edit 2: 1) If you have lost your Legendary Helmet or any other downloadable offers, you can re-download them via your Download History. We're not sure this is affecting anyone (we haven't reproduced it internally), but just in case it is, give this a try. 2) We won't be resetting Commendations, as we do not feel that the exploit used affected them. It would not be fair to people who did use the exploit but who wish to retain the record of their playstyle, and we cannot differentiate between the two systematically. Sorry. --- Cheaters, be wary of the Credit Reset! [/quote] [url=]Source[/url] [b]EDIT 4: Cheaters have officially gotten a Carte Blanche from a Studio that is a shadow of its former self Bungie does not kick ass any more. I was a fool and the cheaters have taken over. I will now make a thread to suggest to ban anyone in the future that tries to make a thread about banning someone. Bungie clearly voted for the quick buck. I hope they will live happily ever after with you and your kind. Signing out ;-)[/b]

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  • I've had to many network disconnects just before getting the reward for whatever I was doing. So I call this as bungee paying me back for all the missed rewards.

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  • Attention all morons: the responsibility falls on Bungie to latch the game when they leave holes open, rather than the gamers to not utilize the game (that they paid for) how they want. Be mad at bungie of how others play their game is hurting your feelings.

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  • So many people talk about cheesers not being able to do it legit but I've cheesed and done it legit it all depends on my fireteam and how much free time i have

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  • There is nothing they can do ban wise. Its not messing with your internet/ network connection, which is the ToS thing that people keep talking about. I can't really speak for ps4 users as I don't play destiny on it, but on Xbox one all you have to do it quit the game. The Xbox live party stays active meaning there is nothing happening to the connection.

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    • Just like the atheon pushers that didn't get banned lol

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    • We paid for this game, sure a lot of people hate cheesing however the fact is Cheesing wouldnt exist IF there was no way to cheese. Bungie created ways to Cheese, I would of been happy to wait longer for the game if it meant exploits and bugs removed however they released it with these possible cheeses so I dont believe those who exploit the game should be banned, those who create the exploit, even by mistake, should be blammed. Thats like hiding cookies from a 5 year old by placing it next to them and not expecting the 5 year old to eat the cookie, its the fault of the person who chose that hiding spot. So leave cheesers alone, and yes I've Cheesed before (templar) I dont have time to be wiping for 5hrs for 3 Energies. Now stfu and quit being salty, let everyone play the game as they wish THEY PAID FOR THEIR [b]OWN[/b] COPY

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      12 Replies
      • The only reason why I have voted no for Ban is because even though only completing it once, you can't find anyone to legit do it :/. Every CE group I find tries to cheese him. Can't find a legit group. Stuck only to party up with these "cheaters"...If you do it legit let's make a party then.

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        • The only thing they shouldn't be able to do is talk shit about besting crota, but even that wont matter because majority of the ppl that are beating him now do to massive amounts of cheese won't be able to beat him or the raid in general on hard mode, then they'll be crying in the forums like they did with atheon....that's when it'll be all worth it to me and I'll just sit back and have a beer and laugh!

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        • I believe they shouldn't be banned, since it's clearly something that Bungie should be able to fix. Let people cheese, pin point the problem, and fix it. Just because their game can't properly handle someone quitting, doesn't mean they should drop the banhammer. (Because someone could lose power/internet at the wrong time and be wrongfully banned or they could be legit done for the day and quit then get banned.)

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          • I say something needs to be done but banning is going overboard. It's like the Atheon cheese so I don't see a need for the ban hammer.

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          • Anyone still asking this question should be banned.

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            • Holy shit, shut the hell up with these post your just searching for attention! Who cares if someone does the glitch does this affect you?.. No! So put your helmet back on and play the -blam!-ing game, bitch.

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            • Edited by eNDeR2851: 12/24/2014 12:30:12 AM
              No, let people play how they want to. Done it 4 times legit and one cheese when I got pineappled out and team got to take advantage of glitch. (Side-note, I didn't get a drop as server hate me and usually don't let me back into a game after an error code for 5-10 mins...)

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            • It's not hurting me. It's not hurting you. Why care.

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            • Bungie could just make it so you can't join someone when they are in the raids or doing the nightfall

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              2 Replies
              • Why do you even care? People pay to play how they want

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              • I cheesed him. After I got the rewards :P

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              • Last night and earlier today, my team and I were going legit. We were slowly getting our timing down. Having fun shooting people in the face and getting close to beating Crota. Then after maybe 30 min everything starts going haywire! Crota would jump around, sword bearer would drop sword and it would disappear as you pick it up, ogres spawning before swordbearer. I'm sure they have experienced these frustrations and are just ready to beat him. Is it on the fence...yes. But maybe they should've tested out possibilities before releasing it. Banning wouldn't exactly be right if they can't get it right.

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                • Edited by MysticJon: 12/24/2014 10:09:37 PM
                  The infinite Crota kneel "cheese" is cheating, plain and simple. You're breaking the network, it's cheating. There's no clever use of game mechanics here, you're just cheating, so don't kid yourself. Something about the Raids that people don't understand is that they're not supposed to be like fountains of loot or something. Getting stuff from the Raid is the closest Destiny has to actually earning your items. If you can't beat the Raid, whether that's a skill issue or a time issue or a lack of friends to play with issue, that's a YOU problem, that's not Bungie's problem and its nowhere near an excuse to cheat. You do not get a "let's break the game to get our items" option. If you can't beat the Raid, for whatever reason, then that's it, you can't beat the Raid. You know what happened when I tried the VoG on hard for the first time and got stomped? It motivated me and eventually my friends and I got through it and it was an awesome experience that I'll never forget. Cheating to beat difficult content negates the reason to be playing the difficult content in the first place. My advice. You'd better learn how to beat the fights legitimately because they're going to be fixed and then what will you do? Complain that it's too hard like the Templar and Atheon after their cheese exploits were fixed.

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                  6 Replies
                  • If bungie banned anyone that cheesed they would be left with like 7 players. If bungie had a problem with the cheesers they would have been banned long ago. They use the cheesers like moles to locate the problems with the game because they were too incompetent to do it right the first time.

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                    • this is no longer cheesing! cheesing: manipulating the game with its own abilities cheating: manipulating the game with external tools or modifying the console Now, pulling the cable on internet. Is that part of he game already??? no it is not, it is external. You cheaters deserve to be banned

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                      • Can't get banned for poor connection issues that just happen at the wrong and right time.

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                        • There will be no bans. get the -blam!- over yourself.

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                        • Ha if they did then they would lose 90% of their players.

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                        • Just because you say there have been bans doesn't mean there has. There will be no bans, just like every other exploit scenario since launch.

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                        • I don't know do you deserve to get banned? I don't think so. I don't think anyone does as long as they're not affecting anyone else's experience. I don't really care how people do it. Also (this is how these things are found and fixed)

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