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Edited by Denarii: 12/29/2014 9:22:24 PM

You're going to get banned...

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  • So they will ban people for crotas raid ? But why not for the vog raid? I doubt it buddy.

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    9 Replies
    • Just like all the people the that cheesed Atheon? They all got banned right?(end sarcasm) Nothing will happen but a patch.

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      5 Replies
      • No one will be banned for going to the dashboard. If this was a village you would be the idiot

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        • Lol who would cheese crota, he is free loot.But even if, what you are talking is bull.No way to ban people cause they quit game,log off or whatever.use brain moron.

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        • I shouldn't be punished for game makers not making something correctly. It's their fault that we can cheese it. If they cared so much they would of patched it the day it started happening.

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          4 Replies
          • Edited by Proud lnfidel: 12/22/2014 10:46:56 AM
            Those ToS are from Sony and Microsoft not Bungie. Which means Bungie would have to report you. Before that they would have to catch you with proof. Then even if somehow Bungie reports you it is still up to Sony/Microsoft to punish you. In a nutshell nothing will happen.

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            3 Replies
            • Edit: There's no way to tell if someone unplugs their router or if a network connection suddenly drops, unless they keep voice recording/message logs that show people doing it. Edit: Also they will have to ban alot of people since destinyLFG is full of it. Edit: It would be much easier if they just patched it instead of ruining people's fun. Edit: This isn't theft, it's taking advantage of a bug/abusing a bug. It's not a good thing to do.

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              3 Replies
              • shut up meg.....

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              • ITT: People make excuses for cheating in what is supposedly an "easy and simple game with no challenge".

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                • You are completly right except one thing tiny thing not really important, but it is an exploit not a glitch basically a fault in the games mechanics that is being used intentionally to play a game not the way it was intended. Which same rules apply can and will result in being banned from said account.

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                  2 Replies
                  • If they ban everyone who cheeses then they will lose way to many people. Resulting in no one to buy the next lot of DLCs.

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                  • Lol

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                  • Edited by Saxifraga: 12/21/2014 12:59:53 PM
                    Why will you get banned? It's easy! Anything that makes people LEAVE the game will be cause for a ban. People who expoit things that ATTRACT people or have them stay will go through without any consequences.

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                    • If they ban thousands of players they can cancel destiny 2 right away. The bad publicity would kill the company. It is all about the money.

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                    • 1
                      You're, like, a [i]huge[/i] downer.

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                      7 Replies
                      • Edited by OuroborosWrath: 12/22/2014 8:55:24 AM
                        If people get banned then Playstation and/or Bungie are completely stupid. I say that cause you specifically mentioned Playstation. But looking back I remember the article about a glitch that lets you practically steal anything from Xbox One on release and some 10yr old boy mentioned it to Xbox and they gave him a bunch of free games as a thanks. Borderlands 1 people modes guns and game saves and I never heard of anyone being banned. Borderlands 2 they made it to where modded guns got deleted when you quit your game. As for the "quitting game glitch" in Borderlands 1, 2 and pre sequel you can still drop a gun and quit the game and duplicate the gun. Still I have yet to see a ban because of it. I feel this is more along the lines of "I did it legit or have yet to complete the raid and I'm made other people got loot an easier way than myself" unless you have the reports of the bans you shouldn't blatantly make things up to further your nonexistent ideals of gaming. EDIT: I realize you also said Microsoft but my opinion remains the same. You can quit and duplicate any Borderlands weapon/item from any of the 3 games and I never hear about people being banned for it.

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                        16 Replies
                        • All that has to do with is lag switching and intentionally screwing with your network to gain an unfair advantage against other players. No studio, in the history of video games, gave a shit about the pve part of a game. You only hurt yourself by making the game too easy. Glitching, wall clipping, etc doesn't effect anyone else's experience and as such is no where near as important to curb as cheating in the pvp aspects of the game. Ammo glitch, God mode, auto aiming programs all are meant to gain unfair advantage against other players, no one cares if they are used in single player campaigns in any game.

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                          • Id like to see this implemented. also, anyone that is hating in here is admitting they cheese. So think before you type.

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                            10 Replies
                            • This is such bs...there have been no bans...and there will not be any...they can't prove your internet just didn't take a crap versus you disconnecting from the internet...these kind of posts are full of crap

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                              • I have never done this and I never will (just wanted to state this first). The only issue I see with this is [u]how do you prove you did this on purpose?[/u] I have been disconnected several times while playing destiny, some times my internet has completely cut off. How can you prove that the disconnect was caused to benefit from this exploit and not from someone's internet crashing. There is absolutely no way Sony could prove this unfortunately. I am afraid that innocent people will be banned because bungie needs to prove a point. What they should do is fix this exploit and leave it at that, no bans.

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                                18 Replies
                                • I cried ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)

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                                • Yeah, I've never been a fan of glitches, etc. Was in a raid group yesterday and they tried this disconnect glitch. Glad it didn't work because I was worried it would get my account banned. Uggggggggggg. Wish people would just play the game.

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                                  • Hm, glad to see someome post this. My thing is what will happen to the people who just happened to be in the lobby unaware of what would happen?

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                                    19 Replies
                                    • I was playing PVP the other night and my internet crashed, the wind must have knocked the signal out. Does that mean I'm gonna get banned too. Get the f_uck out man, there's no way to tell if you pulled the plug of your net crashed!!!!!

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                                    • I I've done the raid legit until we reach Crota and then all the raid team had something to do so I was searching for new raid team for 8 hours and everyone I joined wanted to cheese I told them it's my first time and I wanted to do it legit. Needless to say I was kicked over 10 times until I gave up and join the cheese parade that was the next day. Those who will do it legit are extremely few. The 3rd day I got an invite from another team when I join I told them I've already done it but if ya gonna do it legit I'm in they kicked me out.

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                                      2 Replies
                                      • post is crap you poptart

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