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12/19/2014 6:58:01 AM

Nerfitty nerf nerf

Bungie, please nerf all the things that mess up my KDR. My small self esteem can't stop taking this game too seriously and all the people with higher-developed reflexes keep beating me in pvp. And please make a way that I can get marks without doing anything for them. All this striking and questing is crushing my spirit. My life is ruined because I can't own gjallarhorn this weekend. Everyone did the weekly besides me and so I think I deserve all the strange coin even though all I did all week long is scour all the new guns for quick scope exploits and strike farm while I ate subway. Whine whine whine make me the champion I'm so depressed, I can't be successful in life without Gjallarhorn, I hate exotic shards, I hate bungie, I want a cookie, my butt hurts. Kiss my ass. I'm special and no one cares. Pull this string and walk away. LaLaLa.

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