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12/15/2014 10:29:19 PM
As far as the armor and weapons go, the mistake is that we don't really increase in level, or at least, not that much. Take a typical MMO-RPG (I know, I know "Destiny isn't an MMO!" It is close enough): with an expansion there would be a level cap increase that would involve swapping out all gear. But the current gear would be enough to get you close to the new end game, and then we would have to going out proper raid gear. And you would (at some point) be able to buy/find gear that is better then the pre - expansion gear you already have. The problem is that with Destiny, that increase is only 2 levels, and that new gear is available right away, and in some cases (raid) necessary right away. Because, truly, if one thought we would never have to replace our armor/weapons, they weren't paying attention. But is has happened a bit faster than I think we expected. As far as the exotic mess is concerned, at least they are giving an upgrade option. How much more would it suck to have to FIND all the exotics first and then re level them? It would be nice if there was some sort of "return on investment" for upgrading exotics, but it could have been worse. (And yes, that is a scary thought, and not a very good argument). All in all, it seems that things are boiling down to a disturbing standard for Destiny: it isn't what was done that is annoying players, but how it was done (or why). Still, I'm having a blast with TDB. The hive always seems to creep me out....

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