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Edited by FTG Red Hood: 12/25/2014 12:07:50 PM

More Improvements and Solutions for Destiny

[b]Breaking down Legendary Class Items, ships, sparrows, emblems, shaders, etc[/b]- Many of you have notice that when you break down some items, they don't yield much or anything at all. If you break down a Legendary Class Item, you do not get any Ascend materials like with other Legendary items. If you break down a ship you get nothing. If you break down an emblem you get nothing. If you break down a armor shader you get nothing. If you break down a sparrow you get nothing. If you break down in tears you at least get sympathy, but most of these items named give you nothing. This is a problem as when I get a Legendary, I am psyched! That is until I find it was only a Class Item. I like some of the Class Items, but if I have an extra or don't like the one I received, I'd like to get more out of it than I do when breaking it down. Many would say, "If you could get Ascend materials from it, people would just buy them from vendors and keep breaking them down." My answer to that is, "Duh, we already do that with weapons and armor. Why wouldn't we do the same with a class item?" The solution is very simple. Price the class items at what you would a low costing piece of Legendary armor. This way when we break it down, you can give us the same rewards as you would give us with any other Legendary piece Bungie. If not, make it at a lower price than the other Legendary items, but give us less of a reward for it. By less, I sure don't mean Plasteel plating, Sapphire Wires, or Hadronic Essence. I mean give us at the very least 1 or 2 Ascend materials or possible other materials such as 10 Spirit Bloom, 10 Helium Filaments, 10 Relic Iron, 10 Spinmetal, or one of the newer materials needed to upgrade our weapons and armor. [b]Material Exchange[/b]- I sometimes run into the problem of having more of a material I don't need and not enough of a material I do need. I know that this is common among many of my friends and their friends as well. You've all had that moment when you need to upgrade that new gun or your brand new helmet, but you're completely out of Helium Filaments or Spinmetal etc. Yet you have all this Spirit Bloom and nothing to use it on. Then there are other times when you need more Ascendant Energy, but have way more Ascendant Shards than you have armor to use them on. I have an idea that I think would totally solve this issue. Allow us to exchange materials at a vendor for other materials. If I have too many shards, but not enough energy, let me swap the one I don't need for the one I do need. Same would apply to all other materials. The other idea for this was if I have too many Ascendant Shards, but not enough Radiant Shards, let me turn those Ascendant Shards in for some of these Radiant Shards. The same would apply for Energy. [b]Abundant Materials[/b]- As I am currently looking in my inventory, I have 1,798 Hadronic Essence. It is way more than I will ever need for any upgrading. The solution for this would be an idea Bungie had previously, before being able to purchase upgrade materials, when you could turn in Spinmetal or Spirit Bloom or Relic Iron or Helium Filaments for ammo synthesis. Let us turn in our extra Sappire Wire, Hadronic Essence, and Plasteel Plating for our choice between Ammo Synthesis, Glimmer, Strange Coins, and Motes of Light.

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