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12/7/2014 8:57:21 PM
that's the thing though, Bungie has said repeatedly that this ISN'T actually an, MMO means Massively Multiplayer Online(game)....and this is the point of contention. it is a multiplayer online game....but the map instances have a significantly smaller population cap than your average WoW, or Everquest, or Star Trek Online, for instance.....and then on the extreme end of the spectrum, you have something like EVE Online, where there are no instances....they have millions of subscribers, and at any given time, there are thousands upon thousands online playing, and there's only ONE instance.....THE a massive, persistent while destiny is a multiplayer online game, i don't know about the "massively" addition to that, when people think MMO, they're thinking MMORPG, which this isn''s kind of a hybrid deal...i'm not sure there's anything out there quite like's different, but people keep trying to lump it in with other similar things...i think that's where the disagreement comes from... in any event, i don't think PvP anywhere is the answer either, because that's gonna turn a lot of people off too.....maybe PvP zones? or concentual PvP out in the wild?.....PvP could be incorporated, but it would hafta be in a smart way that doesn't force it on people who don't want it....and besides..we're all part of this big brotherhood of guardians...doesn't make any sense that out in the wild, we'd be fragging one another....i mean, if it's gonna be faction against faction, with guardians at each other's throats, that's no different than now...this may as well just call this "call of duty: traveler warfare", and turn the goddamn tower into a PvP combat would be stupid.

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