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12/5/2014 12:16:55 PM

I don't get it

You bought a game, you played a game, you enjoyed a game. Game changes. Now you refuse to enjoy it out of principle. "Now I am regretting buying the DLC." You cry. Why? You got it because you reached more content, and it is less than a week away. Now you get cold feet, without having even tried it? I just got back into Destiny this week after a month hiatus, and I am pleased with the changes I have seen. More bounty space, materials for purchase, better drop rates on relevant items. "I have over ten fully leveled exotics, this patch is unfair to people who have a LIFE get a LIFE Bungie." Wat. I have one fully upgraded exotic, and I put a healthy amount of time into this game. Being told I have to work for the upgrade does not phase me. I would be more pissed if they just gave you the upgraded version for no effort. You guys will always find something to piss and moan about, but this is just reaching. There ARE justifiable complaints about this game, these are not them. If I see one more person attempting to hold Bungie hostage with "considering a refund, change now Bungie OR ELSE" I may very well die of laughter. Just think about your shit before you go spreading your dumb everywhere. If you are still here, it's because you enjoy the game.

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