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Edited by Tjrails: 12/4/2014 12:09:57 AM

HM VoG isnt fun anymore

All because of the templar fix. Unless you have an experienced raid team and good weapons the hard mode raid is an excruciatingly painful experience. Templar is easily the hardest part of the raid. Without the cheese my raid team and I get stuck at templar for hours sometimes. We never cheesed atheon or NM Templar. We only cheesed HM templar to get to the rest of the raid without wanting to throw our ps4s out the window. The hard raid is no longer worth it imo. Hopefully bungie get things right with crotas end. Edit: What I'm trying to say is that HM templar is harder than it should be and sometimes causes so much frustration that I would rather not do the raid at all. I have beat HM templar many times legit. Just sharing my opinion about the fight. Edit: Didn't think this would cause such a stir. Reading through the responses has made me realize how toxic this community is. Apperently opinions aren't welcome here. Though I did see some light in the darkness. IE. people respecting my opinion even if they disagreed Edit: I want to make it clear that I don't like to cheese or ever relied on the cheese. My raid Team and I are very experienced in the VoG and have beat HM templar many times. I just feel templar needs a little tweeking. If you think I'm just a scrub and I should "get gud" then that's your opinion and I will respect it.

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  • Honestly for you to complain about them fixing stuff doesn't seem right. It makes the game more fun now that it's harder so people have to work harder to get better stuff . The game is already pretty ruined due to people getting handed stuff from having to do nothing

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    • It's really not that hard if you run with experienced players. Just got to get used to it again if you were pushing him off for a month or 2. We beat him the first try and then on the 3rd try the time after. It might be a little difficult but not impossible by a long shot.

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    • Lol you -blam!-ing suck Templar is not even hard. Sucks for you idiots who completed raids by cheesing.

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      5 Replies
      • I agree with you in the sense that the Templar is now the most difficult part of the raid, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I got stuck there for ~ 2 hours when they first fixed it but it's the way it's meant to be so I don't mind.

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      • The hard raid is hard to beat? You don't say.

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      • I agree totally, its not that its too hard but its too hard/long for what it should be. Whats the reward for beating him? A boss that takes twice as long as Atheon (Atheon takes 2 teleports possibly 3), A low chance of an exotic but most possibly, high probability of a shard or energy. People are comment stroking their own pen is about my team this my team that. Its very reliant on either all 30s or people with Ice breaker or Gjall, why not any other exotic sniper or rocket Launcher? My experience from getting groups from LFG went from about 40-1 hr 30 doing the hard raid, having laugh but enjoying it to getting upto the templar and getting so frustrated that people leave and the whole raid takes far longer. Im glad the cheese is fixed but i think the templar is over powered. Do not reply to this with "get a better team" or "play better", i go on random groups and im talking about the average.

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      • Your team sucks, nuff said. The Templar is still the easiest part of the raid. Also, the community isn't toxic, [u][b]you're[/b] [/u]toxic. You're trying to tell us that a glitch/exploit to insta-kill the Templar was the best way of defeating him, and you're mad it's been patched.

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        • Edited by Mr Pillow: 12/4/2014 1:08:35 AM
          No once we figured a way it took 5-10 minutes and we were done

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        • I know they patched straight back but did they patch push off on the left side

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          • Edited by GK Switch: 12/3/2014 11:20:52 PM
            Lmao this is hilarious. People want everything handed to them smh You make fwc look bad

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          • So it comes down to the raid sucks and you don't want to do it because you're so used to exploiting that you can't do it legit.

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          • Just have to have a better team. My team dominates it every time no problem. Maybe you should rethink your strategy.

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          • What weapons were you guys using? My brother and our team never have a problem, but last night was almost to couloirs with the Templar. Yes we normally cheese but have also beat him straight up. Since the patch it seems my maxed weapons are barely taking away any life on the Templar. Think icebreaker was only about 3400 critical hit. Any suggestions or should I not be using gallahorn and icebreaker?

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            • Edited by Cervios: 12/3/2014 7:02:49 PM
              If youre gonna sit there and say it was "fun" sitting in a corner knocking him off with grenades... youre the worst kind of nooby trash scrub there is. Gtfo and go play hello kitty im a pussy for wii

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              • It seems like it's a good learning experience for you. If you're really having a hard time, learn the legit fight in normal mode. The two fits are identical except the Templar does more damage and has me health. Try out different positioning. Decide if you want people spread out to deal with oracles, or if you want to camp it out in one area and get cleansed everytime you get marked. The fight is much simpler than atheon and besides the detain thingies, there's a lot less randomness too.

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              • Good grief, before you even navigate to this forum you can feel the anger and hatred! Basically every thread ends up with copious amounts of venom. Communities are supposed to support and share but unfortunately some of these posts indicate why society is facing an approaching sh1t storm. All of the "git gud" and "shut up Meg" brigade need to git gud at being civilised!

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              • Seems like this community is full of immature, uncultured, and self righteous members who think they are better than everyone else just because they lucked out and got some good gear from the raid. I don't understand why some of you can't respect other people opinions. This forum is here for people to share their thoughts and feelings in regards to the gameplay of destiny. You have the right to disagree, you just don't have to be rude about it. I wonder if someone if you act like this in real life. Makes me sad....

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              • Edited by BeatinGuts: 12/3/2014 8:19:13 PM
                Your best bet would be switching to games designed for toddlers. Same concept as pre-fix Templar, push 1 button a couple times and collect reward. On a serious note they could probably tone Templar down a tad. It'll be old content soon and I'd like the newer players to have a slightly easier chance at beating it when gearing up for TDB.

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              • Edited by Uncle Daddy: 12/3/2014 3:19:47 PM
                The minute I read your post I said to myself "oh man he's gonna catch crap for this" that's the sad things I'm not sure where this 'elite' or 'get gud' attitude come from but I have a feeling its a generational and social phenomenon. I run around and smeer people in PvP, I'm always the one carrying someone through the vog, and I'm ok with that. You can be humble while you do it, cause the fact is once you step away from the controller none of how bad as a you were i n the game follows you in to real life. What the community doesn't get is that all players, of all skills are what make the game interesting and fun to play, the fact that there is so much hate is embarrassing to both the community and the players, the sadder part is we promote people like this. Like you I agree the Templar is a pain in the ass on hard, he's by far the hardest part of the raid everything else is easy in comparison. You can still technically 'cheese' him if you know what your doing but if your doing with all six players on the lower plat forms it can be very hard.

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                2 Replies
                • Have one at top with ice breaker and rest on bottom and just lay into him when his shield goes down.

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                • "Unless you have an experienced raid team and good weapons the hard mode raid is an excruciatingly painful experience." The hard raid is only there for high level weapons and experienced players... Your first sentence was the last I needed to read.

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                • Get good scrub +3 Tears Collected 3/200 Tear Drinker Rank 1 Shut up Meg

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                • I wouldn't say hardest but I the Templar sections easily the longest

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                • I'm actually finding it more fun since the Templar fix tbh. I've always liked fighting the Templar... Now that I get to because the groups can't cheese the raids more fun. It is meant to be painfully hard ... It's a hard raid. I'm happy to share strategies for beating the Templar without cheesing him or running a raid with anyone if they like. In the end just learn to enjoy the challenge.

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                • Edited by ismokefoils: 12/3/2014 7:57:02 PM
                  Maybe if you were beating the Templar legit from the start, instead of cheesing him, you wouldn't be on here whining and complaining about how "hard" he is to beat... should I mention it only took my group and I ten minutes to beat templar. Did hard mode three times in under 3 hours......... Templar is not hard.... I just saw a guy SOLO Templar on hardmode live on twitch...just becuase your group isn't experienced in beating him Legit doesn't give you the right to bitch about how "hard" it is now.

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                • As a level 27 I respect you can even do the hard raid

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